They invariably don't know what they are talking about, and it means that the movie itself is aimed at 4th graders ... who are pretty smart these days ... maybe third graders.
These movies are a total waste of the medium of video communication. How much does American waste to watch this garbage.
Wow! I couldn't disagree more. This is a Sci-Fi Masterpiece imho, the best film I've seen in years! It's rated 8.2 on IMDB,
but I give it a 9.8. The only film I've ever rated higher is 2001, the only film I've ever given a 10.
I guess that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.
Not if you like to party with fourth graders, no, guilty. You must have a boring life and not get invited to many parties trolling the internet for random comments trying to insult people you don't know who are smarter than you.
Woah, we got a real badass here! Trolling? I don't think you know what that word means. "...insult people you don't know who are smarter than you". So you must be much older, like a 5th or 6th grader? Holy shit! Ok genius, instead of acting like an angry kid on a school playground, why don't you explain what, in particular, was wrong about how this science-fiction movie handled the laws of nature.
The point is that almost all movies and tv these days have no reality in them at all. Super heroes, magic, science fiction that is really horror or science fantasy, with the common streak of constant violence and cruelty. When it is so pervasive and the only thing children see it is what fills their heads and colors their realities.
@brux, Point taken. Since this is a R rated movie, I hope no young child or teenager watched it and got their head messed up. As for the adult viewers with 3~4th grade mentality, indeed there are some horrific and disturbing scenes, because everyone who go into the Shimmer are either dead or turned. Yet, Lena, the biologist, thinks that is normal in some sense and defends the alien with "I'm not sure it even knew I was there." That implies her view of the Shimmer is as a gigantic organic cell, and human intruders are just like bacteria and virus - of course will get attack and killed by it's self-protecting mechanism, without the mind even notice. As our immune system is fighting the intruders inside our body all the time, do you feel constant violence and cruelty of that?
Well, the movie is like 'The Usual Suspects' in the aspect that the primary character is an unreliable source of information. They're basically questioning Natalie Portman's shimmer dupe in the movie. When she meets with her "husband" again at the end, it's two shimmer dupes connecting with each other again, rather than a married human couple finally seeing each other again. Natalie Portman's dupe is the one that ultimately left the lighthouse.
Oscar Isaac's character wasn't able to escape the lighthouse just like Natalie Portman's character wasn't able to. Portman's dupe was just a gen (or process) more knowledgeable to fake it better than Isaac's dupe could. It's two shimmer dupes meeting at the end, which potentially extends whatever purpose the shimmer kind seeks. Burning down (or destroying) the Shimmer was planned in an effort to advance their process more secretly.
Of course, it's a theory, but it makes perfect sense to me. The protagonist is simply lying with a better proficiency than a first gen "survivor" could. I don't believe it's an accident that her husband got well at the same time that the shimmer was destroyed, and I think it's pretty obvious at the end when both of their eyes are unnaturally glowing.
In other words, I don't think the laws of nature have anything to do with this movie. It's a protagonist mostly lying about what happened in a situation that no one understood in the first place. The people questioning Portman were never in a disposition to know whether she was telling the truth or not - All they really knew was that you couldn't communicate with anyone in the shimmer, and that no one has ever come back alive (until now). They simply wouldn't know unless they went into the shimmer themselves. The interrogators are either left to believe what she's saying or not. They don't even have the option to verify what she said by going into the shimmer themselves, because it doesn't exist anymore.
Pretty clever movie/story if you ask me. There's no science to debunk. It's an alien phenomenon that no one understands, paired with a story that can't be verified to be true.
In the end, everything in the lighthouse is burnt to ashes, and the Shimmer disappeared. But I believe that everything else in the shimmer still exist, including the dead bodies of her teammates, the body of the mutant bear and those human-shaped plants. And for sure, those scientists will check the samples that Lena brought and take a new blood test of her to verify her mutating. So, most part of the story can be verified.
"The protagonist is simply lying with a better proficiency"
Well, it is your choice to think that the whole movie is according to a dup lying about what happened. I would rather believe that there is no reason for her to lie. Whatever she said definitely won't make the authority dealing the couple with less caution.
"both of their eyes are unnaturally glowing"
The alien is even capable of turning humans to plants. It makes sense to me that it has turned Lena to a mutant that very similar to (or compatible with) her duplicated husband. Why the altered Lena stand a better chance than the clone Lena? Maybe our alien friend agrees with 2018 Nobel Prize awarded scientists about the "harnessing the power of evolutionâ approach. LOL.