If it ain't broke...

...don't fix it. Or should I say don't ruin it! After watching last night's show, it was such a turnoff to me that I didn't even watch the entire episode. The live band included with the show was really a stupid idea. What a waste, I don't see this running a full third season at all!


If network TV isn't broken, then I don't know what is. I applaud them for trying something. Live TV is nothing new but it is out of the ordinary. It's also something different from Netflix and the binge watching model. They're trying to carve out a different space or else this show was going to die anyways.


There's no such word as "anyways"... it's "anyway".




Putting it on Friday night is basically digging the grave for the show!


Likes Is saids, thes shows wass dyings anyway. Ats leasts, they'res tryings somethings differents.


You get many excellents for that.


...don't fix it. Or should I say don't ruin it! After watching last night's show, it was such a turnoff to me that I didn't even watch the entire episode. The live band included with the show was really a stupid idea. What a waste, I don't see this running a full third season at all!

I understand why they're giving this a try; the live ep from last season did really well for them. It might have been fun once as a novelty, but doing every episode live is too much (for me).

I don't enjoy watching them stumble over lines here and there, miss their cues, and constantly break the fourth wall by showing the band/venturing into the audience. It takes me out of the show too much, and I'm just not enjoying it.

The unplanned kiss was so awkward. Foley clearly wasn't expecting it, and then the entire cast burst out laughing and could barely continue with the scene.

I did enjoy the show before, though, so yeah, I wish they'd go back to taping the show beforehand rather than airing it live.



πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» Boo!


It was broke to begin with. If you suffered through the first season, a lot of people said undateable was "unwatchable". At least there's some spark to the show and they break the fourth wall a lot.


Of course for all the criticism I bet most everyone complaining keeps on watching and keeps coming back to complain... or at least keeps coming back to complain.

I thought Season 1 was ok. Season 2 fixed pretty much everything I thought was wrong with the first season and ended on a high note with the live episode. This season I was worried the formula change might be too much but it worked out fine. I loved the episode and am looking forward to the next. I can see why some folks wouldn't like it. But I like SNL with the band playing between scenes and the sets getting shown, actors improving to throw others off and so on. So it hits a lot of good notes including being on Friday like the old great sitcoms of the late 80's & 90's.

As for this running a full third season, keep in mind the full season for this show is like 10 episodes so it's already 20% there since they billed this as a double episode premier.


The worst part about this live format, is it gives the actors the opportunity to ham it up, intentionally screwing up lines to get attention. That is a huge turn-off to me. The first season was good, they should have just left it alone. One other thing, what makes them think everyone likes their choice of music/bands!?


Of course for all the criticism I bet most everyone complaining keeps on watching and keeps coming back to complain... or at least keeps coming back to complain.

I'm willing to watch another episode or two to see if the cast settles down and if the format can smooth out a bit. But no, if it continues as is, I will not keep watching. It's now more like watching "Whose Line Is It Anyway" or "Saturday Night Live", and I'd rather be watching a sitcom, which is what I tuned in for to begin with.

The worst part about this live format, is it gives the actors the opportunity to ham it up, intentionally screwing up lines to get attention. That is a huge turn-off to me.

I could not agree more. Maybe they will settle down soon. We can hope!


πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» Boo!


After the first act of the most recent episode, I deleted it and canceled the OnePass on the TiVo. The live episodes are way too gimmicky and, as others have said, take the audience out of the plot constantly with either fake line screw-ups, or self-referencial BS. Sorry, I liked this show a lot until this season. If I wanted to see a play every week, I'd go to a theatre.


Fully agreed!
