MovieChat Forums > The Interview (2014) Discussion > amazing that crap like This Is The End i...

amazing that crap like This Is The End is rated as highly as this is

This is not a great film. It relies heavily on potty humor & poor sex jokes, but in between those, there are a lot more good, intelligent jokes than I expected. The Interview is a lot better than I expected. 6.8 or 6.9 or whatever it is probably right for it. The surprising thing is that crap like This Is The End consistently gets highly over-rated on imdb.

This Is The End had roughly zero good, intelligent jokes. It probably deserves a rating of "4". I'm no Rogen encyclopedia, but otomh, I'd say The Interview is the funniest Rogen since Superbad.


This is the end is on the same level. They are all equally good. Superbad is still the best. Its the same kind of comedy you numbnut. What is your deal? Dont be stupid.


I like these types of movies, not all. I hated Pineapple Express and Step Brother.


You hated Step Brothers? Go see a doctor, now!


I like The Interview better than This Is The End. Even still, The Interview isn't a great comedy, or even a very good one. Most of the humor is repetitive, and it's also twenty minutes too long.




I didn't think there were many intelligent jokes in this, either...

"This is the End" is worse, but just barely... A minor improvement is hardly something to brag about.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I thought This is the End was really good and had plenty of funny moments...

-- Jay giving a deadpan "Thank you, James Franco" after Franco ends a pretentious monologue about how everything is art.
-- Michael Cera getting impaled mid-rant.
-- A slow-motion montage of Danny McBride cluelessly making a massive breakfast with the group's precious rations.
-- Everyone being quick to randomly assume that Jay was talking about Craig when he mentioned the "elephant in the room".
-- One of Franco's Spider-Man 3 cardboard standees being used for a jump scare.
-- Danny McBride appearing at a tense group meeting wearing one of Franco's tuxedos.
-- Jonah's response to "The power of Christ compels you" -- "Guess what? It's not that compelling."

I think This is the End just relied on improvisational humour more than you would have liked.


This is The End is the best and worst of all Rogen's comedies. I just can't decide. There are a lot of humorous scenes but the fact that they used their real names and also Jonah Hill and Jay Baruchel being an annoying prick makes it hard for me to enjoy that movie.
This movie doesn't suffer from any setbacks it just isn't that funny as some of the other Rogen comedies.


You really missed the point of the movie, didn't you?



I can't believe someone could have this opinion, i have never thought more opposite in my life and i think you're an idiot for not thinking it's the other way around.
