The Reality: Many Whites Don't Understand Life For African Americans
After watching this show again. I realized that most white people do not understand what life is like for African Americans In the USA. Marcia Clark kept repeating that Mark Furhman admitting to planting evidence and calling people Ni66ers means nothing. ANd it would not suggest that he planted evidence.
I do not quite understand why so many whites Republicans and Democrats believe that police do not abuse their power onto many in the African American community. But the reality is that many African Americans experience this abuse 1st hand.
Watching this show made me celebrate all over again. WHY because it is clear that the "justice" system was exposed as the fraud that is.
Evidence collection is subject to Human Spectrums. So this means that if one is relying hard fact of DNA to substantiate one's claim. The claim has to be collected by a human. Who is subject to all forms and matters of emotions, manipulations, reactions and actions.
Many African Americans deal with things like this on a daily basis. So this is why many were well versed in song written by Johnny Cochran that told a story of a rich black dude who was a sell out framed by the LAPD! This may seem far fetched in the minds of many white people. Because it is not tune that one many whites may have to live by. But it is a tune that really carries a Melody in our community.
I really was just wondering why is is so hard for so many white people to understand the African American's perspective?
Is is inflexibility or blindness or comprehension. I think it is is a combination of all 3.