Mormon men

Why was Travis not devoted to his Mormon faith? He was having sex outside of marriage and using her for sex. That is a big no no in the Mormon faith. Are Mormon men that horny? My niece is married to a Mormon man. She converted. Yet her husband was sending my daughter sexually explicit inbox messages to her Facebook while he was deployed in afghanistan. My daughter got really upset and showed me the messages. We both blocked him on
Facebook. We have not said a word to anyone about it because it is an awkward situation. They are still stationed overseas. They have young children. It makes me wonder who else he may be doing the same to.

A friend of mine had an affair with a Mormon ministering which he instigated. Yes she could have said no but still. Why?


Mormon men are still men. They still get horny and want sex and all that. People of all faiths slip. It happens. Don't generalize. What a silly post.

The journey was terrible...the trip was alright


what a silly answer. the OP can post anything she wants and seeing as she is referring to a pattern of the few Mormon people she knows, she brought it up. She didn't say ALL Mormon men are like that. She was bringing up the connection of sex and Mormons, which is hardly controversial, considering that some Mormon men marry multiple wives.

Personally, I believe Mormons to be hateful. They are against gays, they refuse to give women any leadership positions in the church, believing them to be housewives, and they refused to let blacks into their church until the late 70's when racism charges started coming up against them.

The Mormon church was also behind Proposition 8 and banning gay children from Boy Scouts. Both of those are in the process of being reversed and they are trying to distance themselves because they know the media has their eye on them. In 2013, it is very hard to be anything but completely PC. Just look at Paula Deen, who was fired because 20 years ago she said the n word.

"I don't do scared." -Yvonne Atkins


Obviously, you don't have kids. Especially a daughter. Not ALL men are scum! I do think if you are devoted to a religion and you took vows at your wedding, you should HONOR them! My niece's husband is dishonoring his vows to his wife, the Mormon church, and his career in the armed forces. He was being SELFISH and only thinking of HIMSELF! If it has NOT happened to you, then you have NO RIGHT to call my post silly!!


I have a daughter. Thanks for playing...

Your problem is you're acting like all Mormon men behave this way because of the actions of one person. You're also acting like Mormon men, or anyone of any religion can turn off their human nature once they convert. It doesn't work like that. Grow up.

The journey was terrible...the trip was alright


No. You didn't read all my message. You didn't catch the one about the Mormon minister? I don't have anything against the Mormon faith or anyone's faith for that matter. We all fall short. We are human, yes. But my point is, if someone is married, took vows to be faithful then why should someone inbox another woman when they have a wife and children? If my niece ever found out about it, she would be crushed! She was in a foreign country taking care of young children alone while he was deployed and inboxing messages to my daughter! I am so upset and disappointed in him it just makes me sick to my stomach!


No, I read it all...

And, well...duh. Everyone who takes vows should honor them and everyone should be faithful to their spouses. But that's true for anyone, right? So what does this have to do with Mormon men in particular? What are you driving at?

The journey was terrible...the trip was alright


Maybe I'm just angry he's pretending to be something he's not. Please try to understand that. He has everyone fooled. He even had me fooled until my daughter told me what he was doing.


No I understand that.

But what does your situation have to do with Mormon men or with Travis Alexander? Get off IMDb and deal with this matter in real life.

The journey was terrible...the trip was alright


your advice is not wanted or needed. you should probably get off imdb yourself instead of preaching to others to get off because they dare to question mormon men and their sex drive. I think Mormons are disgusting :) Problem with that? Good. Go scratch.

"I don't do scared." -Yvonne Atkins


.....but that doesn't mean I'm going to snap and murder him like that crackpot Jodi did to that poor guy. He may have led her on but he did NOT deserve what she did to him.


Well, we're in agreement there!

It's a heartbreaking case.

The journey was terrible...the trip was alright


I know a christian pastor that cheated on his wife, and left her. It's not a religion thing, it's a personal thing. Some people are like that, no matter what faith they claim.

I honestly don't think he led her on. From the start she wanted sex from the guy. Why would someone expect to be taken seriously if they only ever show they are about sex?


Ok none of my business but you should let your family member know not just block the messages. Just my opinion.


I would but I can't. It's not that easy. I will however when and if he ever comes to town to visit, I'm pulling him aside and asking him what he was thinking. My daughter deleted the messages because she got scared. There's no evidence. I don't want to make any waves that would cause that family to split up breaking my niece's heart and hurting his children. My thing is to sit back and wait. He will do it again to someone else and eventually get caught.


I really think it comes down to the fact that human nature trumps religion every time. William Golding, who wrote Lord of the Flies, said that people are a mixture of good and evil- in the face of fear, however, they tend to act the worst. With society, and restraints, many people exist marvelously well. In a war situation, maybe not so much. Perhaps your son in law is in a fearful situation that is bringing out his worst right now. Don't know what to say else, but I do hope things work out for you and your family!
