Canada got it right

Nikki and Tim are good additions.

I was initially against the idea but it could be interesting.

Hopefully we get to see Nikki meltdown often and loudly.

Jace is a super duper tool and Veronica was too vanilla so I think Canada made the right choice.

Too bad for the 19 year old who got spanked out.

Oh behold the warrior who does not respect his enemy - Sun Tzu


The only reason I'm not totally against the international players is that they at least got 15 Canadians still. It's not like they took a newbies spot. They're more like bonus.

The only thing I don't like about it is that I feel like it makes BBCAN look amateur. Its bad enough we had Dan Gheesling spend 24 hours in season 1 house, be in the jury for season 2, invite Ian Terry for season 3 jury and not to mention a few US payers to the
Side Show. We've never seen BBUS acknowledge Canada or any other franchise. They don't exist to them. We act like the little brother trying to impress them.


BBCan has made BBUS up its game. Production values and casting were so much better first two seasons of Canada. Believe me, BBUS is aware of BBCan. Why do you think so many US fans watch BBCan? It has a little more spark. Both franchises need to back off utilizing so many twists, though.


It's one of those things where production obviously knows eachother exists yet they're not acknowledging them. Yeah production has gotten better and casting has changed a bit. Focussing more on characters and bigger personalities but you'll never see a Canadian former houseguest enter the house off be on stage with Julie discussing the game.

The US players watch it and do podcasts on it but I'm talking strictly about production.

Canada on the other hand acts like the little kid trying to impress the older kids at recess. Even the producer mentioned in an interview that they're the youngest in the franchise which is why she came up with the Wildcard twist to get more eyes on them.

I only like twists if it's something introduced day 1 that it's a game changer like dynamic duos BB13 (which was a crappy boring season) summer of secrets BB6, etc.


The US should have Neda come and lead the jury at the end of BBUS.


Would it surprise you to know that they use the same casting director? But she can only bring them options, producers have the final say.


No I know it's the same casting director. I've had a chat with her once. She's a really lovely person. I'm not a fan of some people on her casting team. I mean she may be the face of it all but she really has a casting team and a few are senior casting directors with the same influences.

She doesn't look at every single person who auditions. Like I know Neda, Godfrey and a few others didn't meet her in their first audition. At the open call met one of the people on her team and they go to the next round. Once it's like the top 50 or so it's just Robyn and the production and networks finalizing the final 15.

I do think that US producers take notes of Canada but off the record. Then have the casting producers look for certain types.


Jase and Veronica never had a shot to begin with.

I almost feel like they purposely included them on the ballot to ensure Nikki and Tim get a spot on the show.

Don't Judge a Book by Its Movie



Looked like Jace was gonna cry at the premiere

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Nobody else was annoyed by Nikki's emotional outbursts in her video package? I'm a little amazed people want to listen to her whimpering for potentially an entire season.


Jace who?
