MovieChat Forums > Big Brother Canada (2013) Discussion > Kelsey spinning lie after lie after lie....

Kelsey spinning lie after lie after lie....

Since she has been back in the house Kelsey has become quite the little liar.

She has really used her sequester to her advantage as she spins every lie she can think of as the other HG's have no idea what is true or not as to what she saw or didn't see.

Seems like every convo she has in the house right now she is throwing another HG under the bus with the same "I saw this with Loveita" scenario.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Good I really want a villain to win for once. Lie, manipulate use people. I don't condone that in real life but for once I'd like to have our own Dr. Will, Dan Gheesling or Derrick. We can't have that with Kelsey cause she was eliminated and I doubt we'll get it with Mitch but I'd like to see it.

I'm sick of production wanting Canada to be nice. I can't stand patriotism like I felt we got with Season 2 with them singing the national anthem. Even Adel disrespecting the Canadian flag by having them signing it.
