BBCan stupidity

Really producers?

Keeping the feeds down for almost 4 days to make everyone watch on Sunday?


BTW, it's been said already but WOW the manipulation is rather obvious. Kelsey is coming back. They tested a "Canada Vote" for a few hours on twitter and Loveita was winning 88-12 before they chopped it.

This way producers get what they want. Kelsey.
No way Jared or Cass back down. They'll argue for Kelsey until they wear down everyone else and basically get their way through attrition.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Yep. But I expect little else from the show that brought somebody back in the final 4 with precious jury knowledge and relationships. Glad Topaz is an idiot and it backfired.


BBUS is the same way, if something big like someone coming back in or a long HOH, they shut down the feeds as well, and those poor suckers are actually paying for it, at least we get the feeds free here for BBCAN.

And how are the producers rigging it exactly, I agree it will be Kelsey going in, but not just because of Jared and Cass, but also because of Maddy. Raul. Ramsay and a few others that want her back, the only person who I can see not wanting her back in the house is Joel


It's rigged because they were obviously exploring a Canada Vote situation but when it didn't work out the way producers wanted it was immediately changed.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


They're rigging it because they knew the only way Kelsey was going to get back in was a house vote.

Canada's vote-Loveita wins
Competition-Loveita wins


I must be in the minority of not wanting Loveita back. I'm surprised northwellguy would, of he is.

The only drama I see is her and Maddy. But that's gonna die down fast. Maddy doesn't want either back.

What's interesting you hate viewers influencing well we're getting our wish. Either have then do a competition or let the house decide.


I wouldn't have had a problem with the house deciding if it was stated from the start. Instead they danced around the details and kept their options open to get their desired result.

Why have a poll on Twitter to see who we wanted back in the house and then scrap it immediately? Because Loveita was leading the poll by a massive amount.

Then they had the poker chip challenge, where Loveita was victorious. What gets me is that they were told that it's a challenge they didn't want to lose. Why? Because if Kelsey won she would've got the re-entry right there. Since Loveita won, what did it accomplish? Nothing because they didn't get the result they wanted. (Yes, I know she got a bottle of wine as a result. Big whoop. That was damage control to make sure she got something so it looked less obvious.)

I don't have a problem with any of these methods of figuring out who should re-enter. It's the fact that each time Loveita wins out, they create a new method to get Kelsey as the winner. I mean it's beyond ridiculous how obvious it has become. It's laughable and makes the integrity of the whole show a joke.


Yeah, that poker chip thing was weird because they did tell them they needed to win... Now it all makes sense.

I don't even know why they would want Kelsey. The fans clearly want Loveita, so why not make them happy?

"You also believe that boyhood was well written so im not sure i can put much stock in your beliefs"


I think people are reading too much into it.

The twitter poll thing is something BBCAN always does to get that user interactivity. They like that whole social media synergy. The poker chip thing if it is like you said they would have edited it out. I think because if your team wins and get luxury it'll make them happy and want to vote you back in.

I do agree, I think it was lame to not reveal that the house was voting but that was a producers decision. BBCAN producers aren't necessarily the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I'm actually curious to how they vote. Do each vote anonymously in the DR or do they discuss it and agree to vote?

And who says they all want Kelsey? Joel, the brothers, maybe even Tim and Nikki would rather have Loveits. Why would anyone want to reunite the 3rd wheel + Cassandra?


Because it has to be unanimous, ones like Jared are unlikely to back down, and most won't care enough to stand up to them. They have to decide on somebody. The unanimous requirement is what really seals the deal of production manipulation.


Ok but I know they did the HOH challenge first. Meaning Loveita and Kelsey will probably get immunity going in.

My theory is if they don't decide an instant eviction will happen hence why the feeds are down and there was no Instant Eviction on Easter weekend.

It makes sense in a way. They have x amount of time to decide. If they can't decide an instant eviction and they both go back in.


Why would the brothers want loveita and not Kelsey?

"You also believe that boyhood was well written so im not sure i can put much stock in your beliefs"


Same reason Mitch and the brothers voted out Kelsey over Raul. By getting rid of Kelsey they can work with Jared and Mitch can work witty Raul. That was their intentions.


this entire show is scripted i'm sure lavieta know the result include when she be evict how many episodes she's appear they are all actors playing themselves


I'm mad too OP and I too am annoyed that they didn't do a Canada vote because there's no way Loveita is going back in with the house voting. The whole twist is sh!t


The main reason I'm not buying into this rigged thing and the twitter poll was what they were going to do originally until Loveita was winning, is the fact they never announced on TV that it would be a Canada vote or telling people to go to twitter to vote, so that means a lot of people (like myself) would never have known to go vote


Honestly this who thread shows that nobody is ever happy. People complain when the public vote and influence the game. Now they're letting the voting happen in the house (which I do think is lame but interesting to see how they do it) and people say its rigged by production.

I think production rather have Loveita in over Kelsey. She's nicer which seems to be what stupid production wants. It adds more drama to have Loveita who was blindsided by the house then Kelsey who will just realign with majority.


Honesty I wasn't complaining about this twist.
I actually think this is the way it's supposed to be - either let the HG's decide or have a comp like last year when Sindy won.

I just want to point out that I absolutely hate all the production interference, corruption, and manipulation. Last year was disgusting as it was obvious from the halfway point that producers were pushing Sarah and gave her all the unfair advantages in order to get her to the final 2.

I love BB. I just want as true and fair game as possible (sure I know it's reality TV so grain of salt to be sure). Let the HG's play, let them outwit, let me make alliances, let them lie, let them meltdown... LET THEM PLAY THE GAME!

As far as producers wanting Loveita over Kelsey. NO WAY! Kelsey will get back in the house and the whole ultra-caucasian showmance with Jared can start up again and they can show it all in nauseating detail for all the 16-19 year old girls who watch the show (their top demographic to be sure).

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


I agree I hate the rigging too. I actually attend a lot of tapings even last year when I wasn't a fan of the season.

I think production likes Loveita more because she seems nice and sweet and they like that. Sarah and Neda were the favorites last year despite breaking rules and getting away with it. Production also likes Joel too which is why when he broke the rules with Cassandra only they were punished. In the past anyone breaks the rules the whole house gets punished with slop and cold water. And I believe it happened this year because of Raul.

I rather have Kelsey come back. Loveita spent half of her speech saying how amazing Kelsey is. It made me sick to my stomach.

Put the losing side out of its mysery. They lost fair and square. No twists just o,d fashion BB. When they had power (Maddy) she turned on their own. Tough luck.

I wrote this above but I think they're gonna make them decide at a certain point or there will be an instant eviction. They did the HOH comp first (so Kelsey or Loveita will have immunity). If they don't decide they'll do an instant eviction by the HOH. Maybe someone gets evicted and they both go back.


I used to be skeptical of rigging accusations, but it seems to be more and more obvious that it is happening (particularly after BB17 winner Steve pointed it out). It wouldn't be surprising if Big Brother Canada did it too.

In this case, production was very aware that Loveita would win competition and Canada's vote, so they made it a house vote. They want Kelsey in because she's less likely to be a flop. The whole house would immediately vote Loveita out, making the twist pointless.

People are also mad at production because they did a shoddy job of editing what went down this week. They cut out so much of the good stuff and put in filler instead. They probably had time constraints, but still, it was ridiculous.


What time constraints it was a 90 minute episode.


A lot of the good stuff that happened on the feeds the night before and the day of the vote, so editors didn't have time to put that in. Instead, they put in a dumb filler montage on all of the drama that has happened in the house.


But what I'm saying is they had an extra 30 minutes and I didn't enjoy the episode.


Have you ever watched BB?

That is what producers always do.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


The main reason I'm not buying into this rigged thing and the twitter poll was what they were going to do originally until Loveita was winning, is the fact they never announced on TV that it would be a Canada vote or telling people to go to twitter to vote, so that means a lot of people (like myself) would never have known to go vote

They never announced how they were doing it on the show because they're not that stupid. They left it intentionally vague so they could later choose between options, and pick the one that is most likely to give them the results they want.


But that's the thing. Production is stupid. They've messed up things before. Remember the 2 veto options that Bruno won? Originally it was said that the 2 veto's would be used and it turned out if he uses 1 veto has to use 2 and made no sense.


Producers aren't stupid but they do manipulate the show to their benefit and that benefit would be, for example advertisers and political correctness.

Watch a block of commercials sometime during a show and you will see they are all targeted toward their demographic - 15-21 year old girls. So producers edit the show to make that demographic happy. Hence, Kelsey comes back to start her caucasian love-affair-showmance with Jared. That's what teen girls care about and respond to... The Bachelor anyone?

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


But what you're saying contradicts what happened with season 2 where production seemed to like Adel and Neda in support of the visible minorities.

I personally think production likes Loveita more. You said it yourself. Fans want Loveita over Kelsey so how can production appeal to the demographic when fans clearly like Loveita?

I don't even think race has anything to do with it. Fans did love Sarah last year. She is a really nice sweet person. Very personable. I think she's a horrible player especially since she really shows she makes horrible predictions on the Side Show. Production loved her too. At the same time fans did love Gary season 1 and Neda season 2. Same with production.

I think it's in the best interest of production for Loveita to get voted in because it'll add more drama. Kelsey going in is boring but the reason I want her in is because the other side of the house lost. Only Maddy and Ramsey are left. Joel always voted against Loveitas way then suddenly decided to join her. Let's put them out of their misery. Get rid of Maddy and Ramsey and have the middle and Team Jared fight it out.


All your points are very personal. Those of us that live the show and vote, etc are NOT what producers care about.

They know who pays for their show and that's who they cater too.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


How are all my points personal? Do you not agree production and fans liked Adel, Neda, Gary and Sarah?

Mind you I haven't watched the Sunday show cause it's WrestleMania but I've read the spoilers.


By personal I mean that it is YOUR opinion. And I agree with you. Producers, however, think about the masses and do cost-benefit analysis' of what they should and shouldn't do.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


But everything that's said here is personal opinion.

Do I think production helped Neda and the Sloppy seconds? Yes. But I also think the Canada being HOH was always planned pre season.

Do I think production favored Sarah? Yes. But only because they let her get away with things. Never got punished for breaking rules and on top of that the house was never punished for her breaking rules yet Jordan disobeyed production once and they lost hot water. But all the stupid twists were planned in advance.

This season I think production is favoring Joel because again he ate while being a Have-Not and he got punished. If it was someone else the whole house would have like Rachelle season 2.


There isn't a teen girl demographic demanding more Kelsey/Jared, it's made up in your head. Most of social media's response to Jared has been negative (so has his edit on the show).


Wrong. Period.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Great job defending your position. When you're done being wrong, type in bbcan4 Jared or Kelsey on twitter and you'll see that there's no support for Jared/Kelsey to reunite. There is way more love for Loveita. If the producers were actually trying to appeal to fans, they'd try to get Loveita in.


Did you watch last night's show?

Producers couldn't contain their glee in the intro.... "What will happen tonight?... Will Kelsey go back in the house to re-kindle her love affair with the cowboy or will snake-in-the-grass Loveita worm her way back into BBGrand"

That is a direct quote from the announcer!

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


You can stop questioning people on whether they watch the show, obviously they watch it if they're commenting on an IMDB board about it.

And you still haven't explained where all these Jared/Kelsey fans are. Where are they expressing themselves? The producers brought Kelsey back for other reasons, not to appeal to a showmance-loving teen demographic that you are imagining.


It's weord in that I actually was against you last few seasons and finally understood your way of thinking and started to agree. Yet it seems like you just want to complain about production regardless of what they do.

You hate fan interference and it seems to be something they're eliminating because of the strong backlash last year.


Well not really.

I actually liked the secret room twist but then they had to go ruin it.

I was against the international players as a concept but I like it now.

This season's cast has actually been quite interesting but, again, it's being ruined.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


But I'm referring to voting someone back. I would think you would hate that. If they had fans vote and Loveita won you would hate it and complain on the board.

I really hope fans stop complaining on social media because they'll be like we gave you guys what you wanted after the Trainwreck of season 3 and you're still complaining.


While I would personally dislike if Loveita was voted back - I think a Canada Vote was the way to go - at least the majority of fans would have their say whether you like it or not.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Ok but u can't have it both ways. Of course fans are gonna vote for the good guys. It's human nature. That's why Sarah and the Sloppy Seconds got help from Canada. It was because they were well liked by canada and were underdogs.

Even Neda admitted that she loved the twists early on but after the first5 got destroyed she was constantly worried when a twist would come up because she was no longer the underdog.

I always assumed based on the way you commented in the past is that you rather see a pure game where the public has no say. If a good guy underdog wins or a villain wins they did it on their own.

Screw Loveita. I just watched the episode and she sold out Joel and Mitch. This is the problem when you don't sequester potential returning houseguests coming back from eachother. Their gsme is potentially over do they sell out their alliance that never really betrayed them. Even Graig sold out the ChopShop last year for no reason.


When you get on Twitter etc and read opinions, you're reading opinions of superfans who watch the live feeds. But TPTB do not care about us. They care about how they can edit the show so that the casual masses approve. And the casual masses LOVE showmances. Production isn't stupid. They knew how to get Kelsey back.


What's TPTB?

While I understand you gotta appeal to the masses the fans who watch online or vent on social media are also a lot especially when they expect the viewers (at least from season 3) to go online and vote.

When I said production is stupid it's not about this scenario. I meant in general they've made stupid decisions that backfired on them.

So many meaningless twists ruined potential good players.

Aneal comes to mind. A lot of people thought he'd go far and he got out week 3 because all production cared about was pissing off Tom for entertainment.

Canada being HOH may have been entertaining and it let the First5 sweat which was entertaining. But again it was a short term entertainment. I felt by getting all the big villains really made the 2nd half of season 2 boring.

Season 3 was a Trainwreck. It's hard to even say who was potentially a good player cause of the way it was structured.

That's what I meant by production is stupid sometimes. By trying to be entertaining for this one week with a lame twist it throws a wrench in the who,e game.


I don't think that casuals automatically love showmances. We saw how popular Liz/Austin were last year. It's true that superfans are louder on social media, however where else are the producers going to gauge fan opinions? I do suspect it was rigged for Kelsey, but not because there are a lot of Kelsey/Jared fans.


If they really wanted the house to vote and their goal wasn't getting Kelsey back in then it would be an on-the-spot secret vote. Making it unanimous guaranteed Kelsey coming back by attrition alone. Jared and Raul wouldn't back down so it was accept that or... what? Piss people off and maybe suffer some consequence? The House COULD resist them... but everyone knows that wouldn't happen, especially not for somebody they didn't like.
