BIG punishment upcoming...

But it probably won't even be mentioned on TV

Wed 2:00am: Sketchy details but apparently Tim & Cass put nail polish remover in either a water bottle or alcohol container for Nikki's consumption and it was discovered. There will be a punishment. Both were apparently under the influence and if consumed Nikki would have been very sick/medically compromised.

Well giving them alcohol is a bad idea?

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Wow, Tim and Cass should be booted from the house immediately if this is true. They evicted a houseguest on BBUS season 2 for holding a knife to another contestants throat when he was also drunk.


I think BBUS4 kicked a guy out because he was throwing stuff around when his ex came into the house. Then after apologize to the other houseguests for his behavior the house had to decide if they accept his apology and stay or for him to be expelled. They chose to get him expelled.


HG's have all day downplayed the incident on feeds.

However, all HG's were locked out of the house for over 6 hrs today while Tim was in the DR for hours. This after Raul was punished yesterday by being locked out of the house for 24 hours.

And now Maddy and Kelsey have apparently gone through some sort of punishment due to an incident with avocados? Yes I'm serious - an avocado incident. An argument that got physical? Details are sketchy as feeds were cut and HG's ordered not to discuss it?

Who knows what is happening - nothing will be broadcast but things seem to be spiralling out of control somewhat in the house. From Raul's diva nonsense to Nikki's mental instability there seems to be a lot of dead/off air on feeds and HG's have been locked out of areas more so far this season then any other season I can remember.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


As I predicted ABSOLUTELY nothing on the TV show about anything that happened between Monday noon and Thursday morning.

All the best drama happens on the feeds and all they seem to want to put on the show is showmances and stupid things like that whole meme thing.

This season is going in the toilet.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Reminds me of the time Arryn drank her nail polish!

Nikki put dish soap in the mouth wash earlier in the season.


Maybe if they put more interesting things on the show they wouldn't need so many stupid twists.
