I can't stand Jared...

Before Kelsey was evicted, I thought he was the only likable one of the trio. But really, he's such an entitled, self-righteous guy. i can't stand him. I'd much rather Kelsey.

"You also believe that boyhood was well written so im not sure i can put much stock in your beliefs"


The problem with Kelsey is that everything about her is fake.

Just watch her body language and facial expression when things don't go her way.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


I can't stand him either. He's an entitled prick.


what i cant stand more is the fact mo one is trying to take jared out of the game and letting him basically win.

do these people not realize both mitch and raul will vote for jared or kelsey,mthats like 2 guarenteed votes in jury!!!!

how *beep* stupid is this house not to get kelsey and jared gone asap. are they not thinking about jury at all

 I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes. I'm on my phone 90% of the time.


It amazes me how much these houseguests bend over after a five minute conversation with him.

And Phil is the most pathetic one of the bunch, because he sucks Jared's dick hardcore.

I'm not honestly at the point where I'm not even mad at Jared, but more mad at the houseguests for being such fcking dumbasses.

Don't Judge a Book by Its Movie



He is a prime example of how a pretty face can only get you so far. I do not like his arrogance when he's competing with others, it grates on my nerves.
