So the bros re-nominated (Ramsey won veto and used it) and picked Tim
So now it's Tim and Maddy on the block
Veto is today I think BUT I could be wrong as things are in flux right now as BB recovers from Ramsey leaving. If no veto happens today or tomorrow then I think BB may keep the noms and simply have Ramsey out this week with no vote? Start fresh on Friday?
"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu
I think they are just letting the hamsters continue as normal but we find out on Thursday that neither are getting evicted... Yet.
I think they'll scrap the normal eviction then have them all (except the brothers) compete for HOH. Then treat do nominations, veto comp, veto ceremony and eviction. It's almost as if this week was a double eviction.
I'm assuming we get a triple eviction next week. We have to since we literally have 8 people as I type this and we only have 3 weeks left.
If they do that they might as well call it another "fake eviction." I don't think they'd do that twice in one season. I think they can have just another double and then the season is back on track. Last season there was only one less person going into week 9 than there is now. A DE will take care of that.
I just think its the fair thing to do. Granted bith Maddie and Tim competed for veto. It's not like the brothers nominated Jared, Cassandra or Joel. Not sure if Kelsey in the veto or not.
But while I doubt it Ramsey could have used the veto on Maddy and then quit. So the fair thing use this as a DE (which technically they are) but just have them compete for HOH.
No Veto comp has been played as of yet. At this point, I don't think there is any veto comp. Probably a straight vote on Thursday and then a double or triple next week.
"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu
How was there no veto comp when Ramsey won the veto comp on Saturday, left on Sunday and clearly Tim was the replacement nominee
Hie was there no veto comp yet?
I think either who's over on the block post veto will be eliminated OR production let this play out until Thursday so that both nominees can see if they were targets and where the house stands. Then say they won't have an eviction YET. Have them all play HOH minus the brothers and then do nominations, veto comp, veto meeting and eviction. Treat this week like a double eviction with Ramsey being first gone this week and someone else goes.
They're bound to have a triple and double eviction. They literally have 8 people left and the finale is on May 12.
It was stupid on their part to have Ramsey participate in the veto comp. they could have easily postponed it until Sunday night and have time to edit it for Wednesday and Thursday.
But they had a schedule and did it on Saturday and he left on Sunday. Also winning it added another wrench into the whole thing. It shows the gsme isn't fixed since they would have had Maddie win or the HOH win or something.
I don't think it's fair that the current nominees are on the block that's why I think they'll treat this as a double eviction but have everyone compete on Thursday and the current nominees under the Brothers HOH aren't in danger. It actually will make it less fair for the others since imagine someone like Tim is aware he's the target going into Thursday. They announce that they won't have the eviction yet and do the new HOH and elimination. This will motivate Tim/Maddy and Joel to fight hard for the HOH knowing their side is in danger.
Of course that's when you and others will say production is rigging it.