Why is it always Joel?

So to no longer be HN they had a wedding in the chapel and it was Nikki and .... Joel. Why? And who cares?

First, it's obvious production loves Joel. I know producer mentioned she has a soft spot for him.

Wouldn't it have been more exciting and dramatic if it was Kelsey has to marry Nick or Phil? It would irritate Jared and spice things up. But nope. We had Nikki and Joel. Might as sell have Jared and Kelsey get married or Tim and Cassandra.

Heck it would have been funny if the brothers were forced to do it.

But nope. We got Nikki and Joel.


I think it's because Joel is an actor and that's why they keep picking him for tasks.


I think these tasks they pick someone to do is either because they like them or they want to see them get screwed. I remember season 2 it hurt Arlie in the long run because he put on a great performance where he felt down and insulted a few people. He was so good they bought it that they realized he could be shady down the road.

I think they also lgove a task to someone who could use some help fitting into the group. They do a silly task and win them a pizza party.

I just think they could have used a ridiculous task like this and sparked a little drama put of it. Having Nikki and Joel do it was kinda boring. I didn't even pay attention to it I was on my phone listening.
