Kelsey vs Cass

Looks like today is all about a flame war between Kelsey and Cass - arguing, yelling, lies, accusations, etc.

Hopefully, the gloves are off and we can salvage some excitement in the zzzzzzzz season.

Of course and unfortunately, unless it involves Joel saying "aw shucks" or Jared talking about his hair it doesn't get on TV.

Also, Kelsey seems to have dropped Jared like a bad habit - she believes he going tonight and is now cozying up to Phil big time (hot tub anyone?).

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


But let's be fair about something. It's a zzzz season because that's what producers want. They want a love feat where everyone sings kumbaya. Not sure why.

At the same time they try to have more players on the show near the end and crank a double or triple eviction as the season is almost ending.

I think the cast is fine. I usually prefer fans of the show p,aging but I get the superfans don't make the best players. I think the beginning of the season was fun.


I agree but some of these players are ... I don't know.... too vanilla?

While I didn't like some of them, perhaps if they promoted players like Sharry, Mitch, Loveita instead of Kelsey, Jared, Nikki, and Joel the season would have been more interesting.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Well they can't do much about people evicted early. And the twists with fans interfering didn't happen until the secret suite. Then we had Canada picking HOH a stupid family playing HOH.

Problem woth BB with Canada or USA and other reality shows is people get good edits and people get bad edits. Producers like to influence the viewers. If they want a certain houseguest to play a villain they have clips of them picking their nose so when someone mentions their name they go to that shot.

If a houseguest is playing a good guy it's a clip of them smiling and looking all innocent.

I think some of it isn't all Insight Productions fault but maybe Global itself. When the show was on Slice it had more leeway.


This season has been a major step up from the snoozefest of BBCan3.


While the production team won't openly admit it, I think everybody wants to pretend BBCAN 3 never happened. Even players from that season felt the whole thing was unfair and they did their best with what they had to work with.
