MovieChat Forums > Big Brother Canada (2013) Discussion > Jared is hot water? *spoilers*

Jared is hot water? *spoilers*

5:01 PM Everytime Joel says "Jared said"...the feeds cut.
4:58 PM Cass begins to recount how Jared came in her room this morning before Joel got up and ...feeds cut
4:57 PM Joel says something about Jared's sister during HOH comp and... feeds cut

Apparently BB is very displeased with Jared. Spent over 5 hours in DR yesterday.

Of course, we won't find out anything on the show. As usual, whatever happened will be hidden from the casual viewer.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Jared (and Kelsey) just sound absolutely terrible.


I don't think he's done anything bad. If I knew someone in the house I'd bring that up. I'd even use whatever I can to force them to keep me. Heck I'd buy cheap souvenirs and claim its a sentimental thing a relative gave me as collateral I won't backstab anyone and they do the same.


Supposedly he keeps threatening her that he'll get all of their mutual friends to disown her for voting him out, kind of like how Frankie kept threatening Nicole with his Youtube followers attacking her online.


I know but I'd like to believe he doesn't really think that. It's just strategy to force her to not backstab him. It's not working but I like seeing someone fight to be there no matter how stupid they are. Better then throwing in the towel unless you're confident you're safe.


> Jared (and Kelsey) just sound absolutely terrible.

I've pointed out several times that Jared is just a mean bully. Remember how he continually berated Raul when Raul was HoH and unsure what he wanted to do? I'm not at all surprised that Jared spent the whole week busting Cassandra's chops.

And Kelsey is a mean girl too.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


So according to that link feeds cut anytime it's mentioned that Jared and Cassandra know eachother. Are they embarrassed that casting/producers didn't catch it doing the audition process? They didn't make a big deal about it during season 2 when it turned out Kenny knew Allison and apparently Kenny and Jon played in the same hockey league.

I think because the drama about Kenny hiding that he was gay and being afraid Allison might out him that they didn't hide it.

What's interesting is that at the last taping I attended the question was asked to the producer and the producer said that she's heard about the rumor but doesn't 100% know. She then said that Canada is a small country and everyone knows eachother.


As a joke right? Canada is the second biggest country


Obviously. But it's still small compared to the US plus maybe Jared and Cassandra might be 2 towns over.

Someone from season 1 lives in my area and while I don't know him they're related to one of my family members friend.

I'm also friends with someone who is close friends with someone that played in season 1.

I've also read that Willow and Dallas also know eachother.

Apparently Jared and Cassandra went to the same high school and that's how they know eachother. But they're in different grades and he's been to her house for some house party. That's the extent of their relationship.

Oh and Cassandra is apparently a cousin to Johnny from season 3's friend.

Weird connections like these happen. I once used to drive everyday by a house that had something noticeable everytime I drove by it. 3 years later i met a girl in a place that's 2 hours away from that house and turned out it was her family when I went to pick her up.



Also, Kelsey supposedly went to the same HS as Sarah Hanlon. Sarah must have moved to Toronto after HS because Kelsey is from Alberta.


I've never heard of that. But apparently Bobby and Sarah had so many mutual FB friends while they were in the house.

I forgot to mention that my brother who isn't a BB fan is friends with someone from another season and that houseguest isn't in the same province. They're FB friends from before they were on BB and know eachother by name despite never meeting face to face. Imagine if I was in the house that season if rumors of us knowing eachother would spread.

I also heard that Jared gets jealous because his gf cheated on him with a guy that Kelsey once dated. Again, makes no sense since Kelsey is in Alberta and Jared is in Manitoba.


Did you know Phil & Nick know each other? BBCan is so sloppy. :p
