Nicks comment

Rubbed me the wrong way. AND I'm a proud Canadian but I agree with Nikki that they were invited and have just as much of a right to win if they play a good game! It's all about gameplay, nationality shouldnt matter!

Then phils 'weak players' comment to Tim. Those brothers are shooting themselves in the feet!


They are getting under Tim's skin on purpose and I love it.


They aren't nearly bright enough to do anything like that on purpose. They are just really, really stupid.


I think Nick was saying something a lot of hardcore Canadian fans were thinking. Only problem is its the houses fault for not getting rid of them. The brothers were HOH and nominated Ramsey/Maddy with the intentions to target Maddy. Replacement nominees weren't even a thought. Only had to cause of the circumstances.

As for Phil's comment. I think he wanted to get Nikki, Joel and Cassandra to turn on Tim and it didn't go the way he planned it.

I hope the brothers win HOH since they can't play in the veto.


I think you guys are giving them too much credit! I don't think there was any strategy behind either statement, they just don't distinguish between what to think and what to verbalize lol


You're completely right, there was no strategy at all in that comment. They weren't trying to get under Tim's skin since they've been saying this whole season they want to see a Canadian win.

I think that whole logic is beyond stupid. Big Brother is not like the World Cup and it doesnt matter where they are from but I've noticed Canadians care ALOT where a player is from. Its always East coast vs West coast BS, and now its Canadians vs Internationals. If Tim gets to the end and losses only because hes not Canadian its gonna be a complete robbery. I'm glad the USA fans and players dont really care where people are from.


Yes to all of that!!


They weren't trying to get under Tim's skin since they've been saying this whole season they want to see a Canadian win.
That's not true. Before they became HOH Phil worshiped the ground Tim walked on. He was all set to put Jared/Kelsey on the block until Tim convinced him to put up Ramsey/Maddy. Then when the brothers tried to get Tim to back up what he said, he refused, and they realized how wishy-washy he was. It wasn't until then that he got on this kick about wanting Canadians to win. He agitates Tim on purpose. It might not be strategy, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that he just doesn't like Tim anymore.


Plus Phil seemed to have been in love with Nikki early on.


 Phil was friends with Tim but if you haven't noticed he's been up Jareds ass the entire season. Tim wasn't pushing for a certain set of nominees, he just wanted Phil to make up his damn mind during his HOH. Even went with Maddy & Ramsey after Jared talked to him.

And yes he's been saying way before the bros won HOH that he wants a Canadian to win. That is a fact.


That is a fact.
I don't think so.


Only season 1 was a Province Pride and later East Coast vs West Coast.

This season is the opposite.

Loveita targeted Kelsey and both are Alberta.

Cassandra is targeting Jared and both are Manitoba (and know eachother)

Ontario people target eachother all the time.


I never said the strategy worked. I said I think (because I don't read minds to 100% know) he was probably trying to get him to admit he's aligned with weak players so they turn on him but didn't own up to it.
