So 3/4...

So far 3/4 seasons the winner of the Final HOH ended up being 2nd place.

Gary next to Jillian
Godfrey next to Sarah
Now Kelsey next to the Brothers.

Interesting note, Adel and Arlie said had Jon won final HOH and took Neda they would have voted for Neda to win and vice versa and would have kept that streak alive.

And I don't want some moron replying that Gary should have won if it wasn't fkr Topaz. I don't care about that cause what's done is done. I was rooting for Gary but someone made a mistake and it is what it is.


That's why Season 2 remains the best, easily. The dynamics of the Final 3 were so interesting, and those two having kept loyal to each other (if they had) would have shown the jury the other person brought into the finals had "tricked" them, so it makes absolute sense to me that had Jon taken Neda she would have won and had Neda taken Jon he would have won.

"You also believe that boyhood was well written so im not sure i can put much stock in your beliefs"


Funny that out of those 3, had they taken the other option they still would have lost, probably. It's not like Cody where he picked the wrong person. MAYBE Godfrey had a shot against Ashleigh but I'm not so sure he did.


Actually, had Gary taken Emmett I think he would have won. Andrew and Talla were bitter with Emmett at the time. Even Talla said before he joined the jury when Arissa asked them who they wanted to see Talla said "I want to see The Milkman"

The Fourjury alliance (AJ, Alec, Peter, Topaz) plan was if it was Gary and Emmett in final 2 they would have still voted for Gary to "hurt" Jillian.

Last year on the morning show Sarah said had she won final HOH she was gonna get Ashleigh to final 2 because she deserved it for winning all those veto's. But they polled the jury and had Godfrey taken Ashleigh Godfrey would have won.
