Such a tragedy...

That Cass was voted out to an empty studio. Sure she got a lot of love at the finale from the crowd but the poor girl felt so hated on her entire game pratically, I would've loved for her to get that immediate affirmation that she was well liked among viewers.


I never seen anything more poetic in my life. Without an audience #airtime was a major flop.


I don't understand why she was liked at all. She came across as a smug, self-centered, desperate b*tch and it never made any sense why anyone fell for her terribly acted please - like her lip quiver. And her popping out from under the blankets "oh then you'll evict yourself for me?"

She was obnoxious. And she was trying awfully hard to be the rachel reilly/janelle of this season. How about you be yourself, and not try to be an already famous houseguest.

She was my least favorite on the entire season and I was glad she lost and was evicted to silence.

I'm STILL always right.
