MovieChat Forums > Big Brother Canada (2013) Discussion > cass should win and its hilarious that k...

cass should win and its hilarious that kelsey thinks she has no shot

cassandra is the best female player BB has seen in a very long time. by far the best out of the canadian version and on par with janelle and danielle from the US version. i love her. she's been my pick to win since about the 2nd or 3rd week. she might go home this week but even if she does, she's the best player this season and she is also the only player in the final 4 who has not benefited from a TWIST...which makes her most deserving.

the brothers had each other to work with all season, kelsey got a second shot and tim is benefiting from being international so likely the other houseguests think he cant win in the end and will take him. cass is the last of the truly traditional players and i hope she somehow manages to pull it off.

lastly i think it was so absurd and annoying when kelsey said she was only in the house because of her. kelsey obviously forgets that it was cassandra who orchestrated raul's exist when it was very likely going to be kelsey that week.




And in true BB tradition the person who "deserves" to win NEVER does

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


While I agree she is a great player and I wouldn't be upset if she won I wouldn't say she's on par with Janelle. There are 3 Danielle's in BBUS so I'm not sure which one you're referring to. BB4/Allstars, BBUS8 or BBUS14?

Cassandra and Janelle are 2 completely opposite players. Janelle was a comp beast and made it to final 3 back to back. I think she held a record for most days spent in the BB house. Not sure if Dan Gheesling beat that record. She was in season 14 and got out before jury.

Again, the Brothers having eachother isn't true. I'm sure production predicted they'd both be scheming and play both sides of the house but clearly that wasn't the case. Phil was kinda bullying Nick and controlling his every move. Nick just won the comps and Phil made all the decisions and put them at odds. It's not even like the Twins from BB17 where you want to align with them because I'd majority in the votes.


when i said danielle i meant black danielle from season 3 and all-stars. i actually forgot about danielle dick's daughter. and as for the third danielle u mentioned i dont even know who she is so that is all i need to say about her game. lol

i agree janelle and cass are totally different players i didnt say they were similar just that they were equally good. when i think of good female players i dont necessarily think "similar" there's different ways to be good.


Yeah I made a mistake and said season 4 but she was season 3. Danielle Reyes.

Season 14 Danielle she's the one who made it to final 3 and Dan Gheesling was her coach.


ah yes i remember her now. brown haired country girl. she sucked. road dan's coattails


ah yes i remember her now. brown haired country girl. she sucked. road dan's coattails

Yet she won sh$t to advance Dan's agenda like Janelle did in All Stars with Will's agenda


when i said danielle i meant black danielle from season 3 and all-stars.

Her last name is Reyes so next time you don't have to refer to her as the black one


cassandra is the best female player BB has seen in a very long time. by far the best out of the canadian version and on par with <b>janelle[/b] and danielle from the US version

Yeah you lost me there. The brothers (well Nick) is more on par with Janelle. All they could do is win comps (which is important) But Janelle/brothers were strategic idiots. Cassandra was more on par with Danielle, Jun and most of all Maggie. Though Maggie was smart enough to align with those who could win comps. That was Cassandra's biggest mistake. Though I do think Cassandra was a damn fine player


I think Ashleigh from last season even Britnee from last season and Jillian from season 1 are like Janelle. Not the best strategies but comps beasts. Janelle was played like a fiddle in allstars by chill town. She only smartened up at final 4 and evicted Will. But again cause she needed to win the veto or they would have evicted her.


Cassandra's good but I still think Neda from season 2 is the best player BB Can has had thus far.


i dont think anyone from any season who was out before jury could be considered a good player. i never understood why she was so popular. she even got a second chance and didnt get back in the house. she sucked


I don't think Neda is the best player but she wasn't out before jury. She was final 3.


oh youre right sorry i was thinking of naeha, im at the point where after 16 yrs of this being on tv and about 16 people each year. i cannot keep track of names. lol i remember naeha from last season being very popular with the public despite her early exit. i never understood the appeal. neda on the other hand was quite good.


Neda, and a slew of others were better than Cass.

I&#x27;m STILL always right.
