MovieChat Forums > Big Brother Canada (2013) Discussion > Rank the seasons and winners

Rank the seasons and winners

2 (Easily. The only season that I can look to as having great gameplay, great characters, great fun, and a great winner, and not many flaws that stick out)
3 (oh sure, too many twists. Sure. but really entertaining, and the two best players of the season did make it to the end.
4 (I think this would have been 2nd if Cass or Tim had won. Not "great" gameplay by a lot of them, but hard gamers for sure, and a lot of shifts in power.

1 (Ugh. The most frustrating season ever. Bringing back a juror after weeks of rest at Final 4 with so much knowledge is the worst thing the show has ever, and will ever, probably do. Thank god for topaz. It deserved that screw up)



"You also believe that boyhood was well written so im not sure i can put much stock in your beliefs"


In terms of game play...

In terms of likeability...

For 3 seasons I was happy with the winner but ugh there was no feeling good about either Kelsey or the brothers. So disappointing since Cass, Joel, and Tim were all in the final 5.





I agree with you Kristen on the winners but with one exception...

Season 1 was much better than this last season... 2, 1, 4, 3

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Wait wait wait. You like season 2 better then? I thought you hated the Canada HOH and the whole Jon/Neda alliance?


Just because I hated it doesn't mean is wasn't a great season.

Sometimes the best reality shows are the ones where the players having you live to hate.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


But the issue I have with season 2 excluding Canada being HOH because to be honest I think we would hsve had a similar result anyways. I think Jon and Neda would have reached the final 3 regardless. I feel Canada being HOH only tainted the victory.

But my real issue with that season and BB16 was the same person was on the block every single week and they were pawns. Every week players saved either Sabrina and Victoria and then regretted sitting next to them. The season was so predictable and boring the 2nd half of the game.

Season 3 while I consider it the worst only because of the twists at least had some blindsides and the cast was great. Plus Britnee and Pilar who were considered pawns won a comp and Britnee won more. Plus Pilar got evicted at like final 5 that it was anybody's game.

That's why in overall game I'll say season 4, 1, 2, 3.

PS I listen to season 3 Jordan's podcast and he even admits with his co-hosts that season 3 is the worst season of BBCAN. They rank it as from best to worst 2, 1, 4, 3 I believe.


I've noticed a trend on these big brother discussion boards that almost entirely without fail the "Worst season" on these rankings is the one that just finished - and then the following year it actually gets ranked where it probably belongs, with the newly finished season taking its place as worst ever.

I'm STILL always right.


I think this is the only season where I felt the winners deserved it and can't complain about their gameplay.

Season 1 and 2 the winners also deserve it but I was a casual fan season 1 and just didn't like Jillian at the time. I feel like season 2 got boring half way because u knew who was going home every week. Can't blame the winners but other players should have seen it coming.

I really don't understand the whole Gary got to rest thing.

instant Evidtion (AJ) a few days later was Gary, the following week was a double eviction (Alec and Topaz) then on the day Peter was evicted Gary went back in.

So roughly 2 weeks. People make it sound like he spent half of the game in jury. Sindy from season probably has a record for spending 2 weeks in the house and 8 weeks in jury.


1) Season 4: Bad game play by almost entire house in 1st half . However 2nd half of the season become very exciting after superb game play by brothers . They just bulldzored the 2nd half competition .

Also couple of interesting moves by Cassandra (when she blindsided the brothers in POV) made it extra interesting

2)Season 3: Great game play intially . Had potential of all time favorites season However after big twisto twist (which helped Britney & Sarah a lot ) dampens the season for me

3) season 2: Again great start. However after Canada HOH, the season ruined by it . Power completely shifted and it had not much to do with players season .

John and Neda played some good game but at the end of the day whole second half become "whoever would sit next to Sabby would be evicted"

Season 1: Too many big production interference specially at crucial point just to coddle their favorite players ruined it for me . Most of the cast member were extremely unlikable so that didn't helped either


1.Jon Pardy
2. Nick
3. Jillian
4. Philip
5 .Sarah

Sorry for bad English


What? Bruno didn't make it to the end.
Most rigged season in history.
