OT-ish live action Mulan has got a release date
shareI don't know...Mulan is honestly my favorite Disney animated film. How will they pull off the battles and keep it under budget? The film's somewhat of a grand scale with that and the Emperor's palace. I wonder if they'll seek out Chinese boxoffice with it - maybe funding and a few of their stars.
Gotta say I'm staying realistic, but the thought of live action Mulan is pretty exciting.
I heard they're intending to spend a huge budget on it, considering how successful their live actions are.
shareWho would you cast?
shareThat's tough, as I'm not that well versed in Asian cinema to really name a bunch of actors I'd like to see in the roles.
I definitely think with the character of Mulan though that they should find a Chinese actress or....someone with Chinese in their heritage, rather then just any Asian actress.
For the sake of the filmmakers it would be wise when casting the 'Saviour of China' as actually Chinese, because if say....they got like a Japanese actress to play Mulan for example....even if she was good their could still be some criticism.
The other characters, not so much, but Mulan's casting is vital and not just because she's the protagonist, its what she stands for.
I'm really excited for Mulan, as this is Disney's chance to really pull out the action stops and broaden their world a bit as Mulan is more historical based (its ancient china) rather then fairy tale based...even though it does have magical things like Mushu.
I'm curious to see how they handle the violence...it IS a war story so they have to show that this is serious business and the characters can be hurt or killed, but at the same time be careful not to get too violent and scare away the kids as its still got to be a 'Disney film'....it will be a delicate balancing act as in many ways you can get away with more in animation then in live action.
I hope they keep the avalanche, that was always one of my favorite scenes in the film
Could be a PG-13, as I read the target audience is NOT kids and actually young adukts who watched the cartoon as children.
shareI'm hoping to check out that movie. I like Mulan :D :)
Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan
I'm kinda worried about this one because Hollywood has a bad history of casting Asian characters with a white actor or creating a white character and giving them an important role.
Hopefully Disney is smart enough to not do either of those, but after the botched casting of Doctor Strange I'm not so sure.
Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!share
I doubt they'd white-wash it. They'd be too afraid of the social media sh!t-storm.
I’m sure Disney wouldn’t try to whitewash a movie like this, especially when it comes to the popular main heroine. It probably wouldn’t be wise on their part if they did consider the media backlash. Mushu could be voiced by another famous black celebrity at the moment, or whoever talent they felt is capable for that role. I think it would be cooler if Eddie Murphy could reprise the role.
🚗💨 We can't stop here...This is bat country!🦇
It sounds interesting