New clip of "Belle" song


I can't shake off of how it is Hermione going out to Hogsmeade!


I would laugh if someone did a parody of this titled Hermoine.

Emma Watson has a really beautiful voice.


Love it! If that clip is any indication, it seems that Emma is going to give a naturalistic, down-to-Earth performance as Belle, which is a perfect way to draw in a modern audience (particularly young girls). Also, I like that Emma's singing is pretty but not perfect; it's a bit pitchey at times, but that only serves to reinforce the relatability of the character. I can't wait to hear more! And the attention to detail in the costume and set design is staggering (although that's pretty much true of all of Disney's live-action fairy tales)!

By the way, you wouldn't happen to be edward_davies from IMDb, would you? I, myself, am an IMDb refugee (lol) and over there I was known as fatshieronymous.


Yep that's me.
