
I regretted not snatching this up when I saw it at Walmart a while back but it turns out my Spidey sense was just trying to save me some money.

If you're interested the movie, I'd say rent before you buy.

It's in Korean with English subtitles and while you can expect some language difficulties, the dialogue seemed off and there was even a scene when an apparent American was talking English and I was like, no one speaks like that.

The biggest problem for me was the lead actor was supposed to be a Navy Seal (that's how they described him) but he comes off like a member of some boy band that jumps when a fly farts.

I'm no space scientist but I know that you don't open a door in space when you're not wearing a space suit but that's what this chucklehead does at one point - for realz.

Otherwise it looked nice, it's always fun to see the moon but it's just an Apollo 13 type effort and you're better off watching that or Apollo 18 if you want a little extra juice.
