I am SO torn

Ive just finished watching T2, and i honestly cant work out if it was absolutely brilliant, or complete garbage, my heads all over the place


Maybe you're bipolar?


It is a good film, overall it's much more funny than the first one. However it does fall flat in someways and seems to have untapped potential. It kind of fails to present that ambiguous message that the first movie had, and I really felt like the movie could have been developed a lot more. They tied it in nicely with the best moments from the first film though, didn't seem like it was riding on the nostalgia too much but also still felt like a true sequal.


Jordan Hollister. Bang on with your review. Feel completely the same


I think time will settle your thoughts differently. Theres going to be more extrapolated from the film in terms of themes and meanings, and although it feels a bit like a collection of deleted scenes of something after first view, it will settle into a more cohesive whole.



OP, I know exactly how you feel. Need to take some time to digest this one, another viewing is likely in order!


It felt like a total head *beep* maybe because the pace of the movie got faster and faster, and usually in the final act of the movie you're trying to assess the meaning, whereas here I'm thinking what just happened?

The fact that I want a repeat viewing soon tells me its a good movie though!


I'll likely go back next weekend at some point, definitely a good sign that it warrants a second viswing.


I kind of enjoyed it, but as a sequel to a truly seminal film it fell way short. Although I did enjoy seeing those characters again.


I agree with OP. It looks amazing, and at times hilarious but oddly baggy (maybe a middle age metaphor?) and some subplots don't really go anywhere. I felt it should have been 90 minutes like the original, rather than nearly 2 hours.

I felt it was trying to be a bit too meta at times and because of some questionable editing with the pace/structure became a bit of a 'so what was the ultimate point of all that?' by the end.

For example Spud starts writing his thoughts and stories, despite not being confident or implied as a great story teller at any point in the series, then about 10+ minutes later Veronica says 'Your stories are really interesting, you should write them down' and Spud has a lightbulb moment... but he'd already had that realisation earlier.

A quality production, but another retro movie that was somewhat forgettable...

"What are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"
