Farewell guys :'(

I hate to admit this, but people who love to troll, insult, bash, swear are the ones that let this happen! I'm very sad to hear that it's shutting down, message board is my favorite section on IMDB.. :(

I feel that I'm losing a member of my family, without the message board, IMDB is nothing

Feeling very disappointed, even though I truly confess that the haters annoyed me the whole way through but all of the users, I mean everyone, indirectly taught me how to do better in sarcasm, jokes, antics, banter and I swear to God, you guys made my days cause I laughed so hard that once in a while, my stomach ache (a good thing).

I used to be weak at sarcasm when involving a chat with friends but since I have used this application for 2 years, it keeps getting better and better.

Hate to say this but goodbye users. Hope we can talk again after this.

Farewell, message board of IMDB. :')


Oh crap: I thought you were trolling at first, but you're not, they close down on Feb 20th.



Whaaaaaaaaa? I can't believe it, I've been posting on here for years.


I don't do troll. Haha, my time is precious for what it seems to me.


Yea this a bad move on IMDBs part, hopefully there is an out cry and they have a change of heart.


Very very bad...


You troll like a champ 




It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


Really does suck, doesn't it? My first post was in 2005.


High 5 to you my fellow IMDB amigo....I love the message boards and hate Facebook so I won't be using message boards on there.

And probably for the last time I would like to leave you with something my father would say to me 'what you doing in the bathroom day and night?. Why don't you get out of there and give someone else a chance!'.....(Igor, Young Frankenstein)

Where to now Kessler?, Ducks Breath!.
