Infidelity *spoiler alert*
So my take is that Nihal was romantically involved with (or at least pursuing) Levent. This would explain her suspicious behaviour. Twenty minutes into the film, upon hearing that Levent is drinking in the hotel lobby, Aydin decided to spy on the hotel from outside, presumably seeing Levent and Nihal inside together. Whether Suavi was in their company is kept deliberately ambiguous, but he is walking around the hotel premises, in and out of the lobby. Soon after, both Suavi and Nihal dropped by (independently) in Aydin's study. Nihal said she hadn't seen Suavi in a while, which was possibly a lie that Aydin was aware of. Later on in the film there is the persistent yet evasive manner in which Nihal tried to prevent Aydin becoming involved with her charity work, specifically telling him with spurious excuses not to remain at the meeting in which Levent was present.
Following this premise, I'm wondering about the following scenarios:
1. We have the letter to Aydin by the needlecraft teacher from Garip asking for a donation. The tone of the letter is suspiciously flattering and the content mirrors all too conveniently Nihal's charity involvement with her paramour teacher Levent. As Aydin waited until Nihal's presence to read the letter out to Suavi, it's possible that Aydin wrote the letter himself with the intent of letting Nihal (and possibly Suavi) know that he was onto her game and that he was capable of playing the same game himself.
2. Aydin feigned his trip to Istanbul after reading the letter out to Nihal to make her believe that he would be visiting the non-existent needlework teacher in Garip to pursue an affair of his own, in an act of revenge.
3. Alternatively, the letter was real and Aydin feigned his trip to Istanbul in order to visit the needlecraft teacher and see if he could pursue an affair of his own, in act of revenge. Either this was meant to be kept secret from Nihal or made obvious for her. Aydin stopping by the village of Garip and hesitating could mean he was deciding on whether to actually visit the needlework teacher or not.
4. Perhaps Aydin knew that Levent visited Suavi every weekend to hunt (from Suavi mentioning it to him), and the purpose of feigning his trip to Istanbul was in order to have an opportunity to size up his rival Levent there without the meddling presence of Nihal. Are we really to believe that Aydin visited Suavi on a whim, without knowing that Levent would be there?
5. Slightly "out there" scenario is that Nihal was having an affair with Suavi, not Levent. Suavi didn't act surprised when Nihal pretended she had not seen him in a while, but of course that could just be him covering for Nihal and Levent.
I don't hold any of these particular scenarios to necessarily be the case but I'm curious about other people's opinions on them, or alternative scenarios.
Noteworthy in this context is that the hotel was called "Othello" after Shakespeare's play about infidelity, be it real, imagined or merely hinted at for the sake of revenge.