MovieChat Forums > Speak No Evil (2024) Discussion > The director has revealed he'll be chang...

The director has revealed he'll be changing things, including one significant scene [SPOILERS]

“There’ll be people that see the original movie and go, ‘Why hasn’t he remade that movie? Why hasn’t he made this incredibly punchy, unrelenting ending?'”

“But I would argue, with my characters and their journey, I’m following through their journey in terms of agency and how they would react,” he added. “What I’ve taken from Christian’s film is the satire, the exploration of the social rules, and how we react.”

The director also changed one of original film’s most poignant scenes. “I’ve made an incredibly bleak movie before, so I didn’t feel I needed to make another one,” he explained.

“You can give people an incredibly tense roller coaster ride that has thematic nourishment and things to take away and talk about in the pub, but it can be fun.

“People need fun… Fun in inverted commas,” added Watkins. “I’ve sat with audiences and people come out of this absolutely rinsed, like you would on a great roller coaster ride. I wanted to make a film that is tense and has people screaming at the screen.”


I'm glad to hear he is changing things. The original had some serious flaws, in my opinion, and he may be able to improve on it with the changes he is making.


Me too. I thought the original was alright but the idea of a scene-for-scene remake didn't interest me, I want them to mix it up a little so it's something somewhat original. I'm more interested in this movie now after hearing this.


right on! i want to see the arc of nice people pushed to the brink, snap, and go full beast mode!


The changes made it better.


Disagree. The changes were lame and made it a more generic and less memorable film.


I thought the original was too far fetched and the characters and story were not believable. It really lessened the effectiveness of the original for me. This fixed those issues.


And this wasn't far fetched?


Not as much. There were a couple things that seemed like a stretch, but for the most part this worked for me.


Fair. I still found it to be just as ridiculous. There is no way they could kill that many people and not one person who knew them wouldn't have gotten suspicious or gone looking for them.
