MovieChat Forums > Queen Cleopatra (2023) Discussion > Toxic Afrocentrism and the White Imperia...

Toxic Afrocentrism and the White Imperialist History of Cleopatra

This article raises a few interesting *historical* issues (although I am generally apathetic to its contention regarding the feelings of modern-day Egyptians towards this new show, and US cultural imperialism in general).

Firstly, with respect to Afrocentrism:

'For those unfamiliar with the concept of “Afrocentrism,” it is a belief popularized by some African-American leaders, such as the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan, that “African Americans suffer from a stolen legacy of cultural riches, of which white European racists have conspired over the centuries to keep them unaware.” Chief among them, so the theory runs, is the Blackness of Egypt’s pharaohs.

In their view, the lack of historical evidence to support their claims is due to a white conspiracy and thus should be ignored, with Afrocentrist proponents calling until the 1990s for an African-based view of world history. In short, this narrative is a clear reaction to centuries of dehumanizing racist practices and slavery: a rejection of the “uncivilized savages” historical identity projected on Black people by white slavers and an attempt to form a proud historical identity as the descendants of Black African kings “who built the pyramids” and “kick-started civilization.” This included the belief by some that Queen Cleopatra was Black and not of Greek origin.

Such Afrocentrist historical narratives have been debunked by many historians, so seeing a resurgence of those beliefs 30 years later and their adoption by Hollywood as a form of Black empowerment have angered Egyptian nationalists, if social media timelines are to be believed.'

Firstly, Louis Farrakhan is well-established as a virulently anti-Semitic nut, thus, pretty much anything the man proposes should be dismissed entirely. But more specifically, why would any self-respecting descendant of the Black slaves who were stolen from Africa and subjugated for 400 years in America, wish to identify with a civilisation that enslaved people, and treated its Jewish population like second-class citizens (then again, perhaps that makes sense for a man like Farrakhan...)?

'This historical reality is what makes Egypt’s nationalist anger over the Black Cleopatra TV series so intriguing. Cleopatra governed Egypt, yet she was not Egyptian; rather, she was the last descendant of Greek colonizers. So, historical accuracy and accusations of racism/colorism aside, Egyptian nationalists’ protectiveness over the representation of a Greek conquering tyrant is somewhat ironic.

At the risk of sounding reductive, Cleopatra was a foreign occupier who cared only about maintaining her hold on power. She (allegedly) had sex with a brother whom she later killed, brought in Roman forces to secure her throne, murdered her sister for opposing the invasion and had her dead body paraded all over Rome. Furthermore, her claim to historical infamy was partially based on seducing two Roman generals, causing one to be murdered and the other to kill himself. What is there to be proud of here?'

Good question...What is there to be proud of here? Why would the makers of "Queen Cleopatra" see the titular monarch and foreign imperialist monarch/conqueror as some sort of 'woke' symbol of Black feminist pride (disregarding the fact that Cleopatra was a Greek, and thus white, imperialist who lorded over a darker-skinned North African populance)? Like so many historical (and indeed present) monarchs, Cleopatra was a tyrrant; not a champion of the oppressed. Why would any 'woke' filmmaker who claims to represent POC, which to claim *that*?

Just more absurdity from ahistorical people who put agendas and narrative ahead of truth, fact, and, more importantly common-sense and any sense of perspective as to how their appropriation of certain aspects of history *hinders* rather than helps their underlying cause.

Personally, I have NO problem with a woke perspective on history. History is practically defined by centuries of (mostly white, mostly male) imperialists ruthlessly oppressing other nations, races and civilisations, and that is a reality that arguably *and authentically* serves a 'woke' narrative. But I DO have a problem with twisting history, particularly toxic history, to erroneously fit a particular agenda. In other words, however one tries to frame it, the *real* Cleopatra was *not* woke, and a more compelling and nuanced drama depicting the real woman, including her less savoury side, would be preferable to this 'woke-washing'.


Is why the lot of them loot so much? Because of this WE WUZ KANGZ and deserve everything without having to work for it due to untold stolen riches they were entitled to have? I mean they only have themselves to blame for not advancing faster than the Europeans on tech and innovation that allowed them to conquer pretty much the world.


the reason you get tv show like this is because of all the racetards like keelai ie the fugly scourge of moviechat

you see, there are millions and millions of race obsess retards like keelai who can not watch a film without thinking about race. they do not see character or story or atmosphere, they only woketard politics like feminism and race. so all these keelai's put pressure on film and tv to make films that reflect there woketard view of world.

until you get rid of racetards like keelai the hutt then you will contine to get shit tv shows like this. so sit back and enjoy
