MovieChat Forums > Sinister 2 (2015) Discussion > some spoiler questions

some spoiler questions

1. What was the ending about? The radio and bughuul went after deputy so and so. But why? When the deputy listened to the radio recordingearlier in the film, did it open up a gateway for bughuul to go after him? Then again, the deputy was able to see him before the radio recordings. What I don't get is why bughuul can show himself to the deputy, but he can't kill him or anything.

2. The tag line "once you see him, nothing can save you" makes no sense. If this were true, how did the one twin at the end survive all of this?

3. The brat twin who was trying to kill his family failed. I remember the main ghost kid saying "now we can't come back." Does that mean he completely broke their whole chain? And did bughuul eat all of he kid ghosts after it was broken? Kind of like how he ate the brat twin?


He didn't eat the twin he disintegrated him


1 & 3). In the original ending, after we see the So & So, the mother and Dylan leave, it doesn't end at the motel with the ham radio. It cuts back to Stomberg, Professor Jonas's assistant, smashing the ham radio to bits. He goes back inside, has a drink, when all of a sudden, the radio pops back up again behind him, and then he collapses because his drink was drugged. Behind him is his daughter (you see a picture of him and her on his laptop earlier in the film), holding the sledgehammer (like the girl in the first film), walks over to the ham radio, and gives the coordinates to the house; cut to black.

Going by that ending's logic, and what we learned from the film, Professor Jonas, from the previous film, received that ham radio from Norway, and then he got killed off-screen by an offspring somewhere, it ends in Stomberg's possession, and then he gets killed off-screen by his daughter. Why the radio regenerates, no idea, and considering its the alternate ending, we'll never get an answer for that. As for the theatrical/DVD ending, Professor Jonas is killed, but Stomberg isn't. My best guess is that if anyone like So & So, who is outside the chain, tries to break it, they get scared for trying to break it, but they can't be killed, because they're not part of the chain.

As for the "Super 8" chain, it has been broken, for the camera was destroyed and the house burned down. So by my guess, when a chain is broken, Bughuul reverts back to the method before the chain updated. If the ham radio chain is broken, Bughuul would revert back to images, all the way back to primitive ways of expressing literature less advanced than movies. If a Sinister 3 were to get made, it would explore how Bughuul updates the way he spreads his "corruption of innocence" scheme and it will involve the ham radio and Bughuul's progression to get back to using a camera of sorts.

2). All a matter of interpretation. "Once you see him, nothing can save you". Nothing can save you from what comes next, physically or emotionally. Definitely emotionally, considering the main characters lost someone that "used" to be a decent person.
