MovieChat Forums > Sinister 2 (2015) Discussion > Ow wow.. Movielogic minus 9000

Ow wow.. Movielogic minus 9000

I'm usually not the one looking for plotholes and questioning the logic in movies.. But this is just beyond the boundaries of acceptable movielogic.

- Spoilers -

How the hell did that little kid get his whole family up on those crusifixes? Sure if he had some help from the grown-up ghost but he wasn't able to touch any physical human being.

Later on, the deputy literally runs over the kid with his truck and the *beep* is still able to stand? Did he have some supernatural powers or what? Theres no explanation to that.

And now we're reaching the ridiculous part where I actually considered turning the movie off.
We have 2 full grown adults and a kid, running for their lifes because a little *beep* no more than 10-12 yo (?) is chasing them with a scythe?
Sure he cut the deputys fingers off but really....???

This movie started out good but I lost all interest I had for the Sinister-series.

But then again, I might be an idiot who missed some details explaining some of the things i've just complained about. So please, enlighten me.


To boot, Junior doesn't even have both arms dedicated to that scythe as he's wielding that all-important 8mm camera in the other hand
hand, rendering the whole scenario that much more absurd. Imagining an overhead view of that sequence really hammers home how aggressively stupid it is. This having been said, my overall impression is more positive than the critical concensus. I actually found this quite effective in places.


It was a 16mm camera. The movie had a few 'jump-moments' but wasn't as 'intense' as the original. Not bad for a sequel, but imho it was rushed.


Yeah, I realized my mistake with the camera after posting but didn't get a chance to correct it. I agree that the whole thing does have a palpably rushed feel to it. Particularly odd when you consider they took their time and this wasn't a fast tracked, in-theaters-by-the-same-time-next-year sequel ala Saw or Blumhouse's own Paranormal Activity.


The kid used the fathers pick-up truck to raise them on the crucifixes. It's a, well no, it is not a quick moment as it shows the boy stepping out after driving the vehicle forward a bit and then cutting a taut rope that leads right to his brother on the cross. So yeah, he used the truck to erect the crucifixes.

In all of the killings though the perpetrators were small to adolescent children and some of the set-ups (like in the first one with the family hanging from a big tree limb and the girl responsible for putting them there was maybe 6), unconscious or not, were not plausible for a child to have done alone (dead weight as in a dead person or unconscious person is harder to move). I always figured Bughul aided in some way, either by endowing the kid with extra strength or actually helping. Has it been 100% determined he cannot become corporeal?

The rest I agree with you on. A kid holding a heavy 16mm camera in one hand and a sickle (not a scythe as they are larger) in the other would not present much of a threat to two adults.


I always figured Bughul aided in some way

Not sure if it's my imagination but I seem to remember this being alluded to in the first film.


I'd have to watch ti again but I don't think so. He was always seen in the shadows in photographs. Nonetheless some sort of supernatural power had to help the kids as they all were much to small to carry out the elaborate murders alone.


Yeah must be the Bughuul. You can see him helping during the "Sunday mass" film.


I loved the movie but I have to admit that the end (like most horror movies) lost me. I must agree with everything the OP stated.

Otherwise, I don't mind the kid not being able to accomplish the murder all by himself as it was already something pretty mysterious to me in the first movie. I guess it's part of the inexplicable things in every supernatural / horror movies as I said before.

The kid that got run over by the truck and who's still perfectly fine right after is hard to explain... Adrenaline maybe ? Maybe the deputy didn't hit him hard with the truck ?

The part I hated the most was when they all decided to run through the crops when they could simply escape using the truck... But well... when someone is scared, they can do pretty stupid things ! Still, I don't get how two grown-ups can be afraid of a kid.

Did they think that the ghost kids were gonna go all aggro on the three of them, meaning they could be outnumbered ? The mother didn't even know about the murder story anyway. Only the cop had a clue...

I hope there's a Sinister part 3 focused on that "otherworld" the dead kids go to. We need to know more about the Bagul monster's motives. I didn't get what was in it for the kids... If they accomplish the murder, they get taken and so do they if they fail, apparently.

Were those kids all beaten up or abused by some of their family members (like the kid in Sinister 2) ?

Does anyone remember if the girl chosen for the murder in the first movie also got a motive or was it just random ?


The absolute worst part of the movie is the father fighting the deputy. The father comes out with a rifle, doesn't drop it, and starts manhandling the deputy with both hands and no rifle in view. At the end of the fight the father says "don't contact my wife again" and raises the missing rifle that seems to come and go at will. LOL

I don't usually notice these things or take these movies too seriously either but this was blatant.


Didnt notice it but since i torrented this garbage for good reason i watched it back and you were absolutely right, thanks for this made me smirk.


It was very obvious and stupid that the first person to burn is the father, maybe the kid saved mother and brother for last, probably they hate them and not so much the father, but very convenient leaving the two main characters and killing the evil father...


It was very obvious and stupid that the first person to burn is the father....

The father was more evil than Bughuul. He deserved it.


Of course Buguul is doing the job.
We see him doing the job with the rats for example.


its a s h i t e film,thats the bottom line after all the analysis


This was actually shown! The same way as in other modern-preset movies: With a tow connected to a pickup.

Yes, supernatural. That is what bothers you so far?
Cearly, you have the brain of a rat.

The dialogue and thus the movie was total trash. Mr. Deputy could have just taken everyone into his pickup and driven to safety.

You got the idiot part right!
