MovieChat Forums > Sinister 2 (2015) Discussion > Question about the Christmas/family murd...

Question about the Christmas/family murders. confused.

so the family that was put in shallow graves (while alive) just froze to death? am i correct on this? if so, it's one of the most tame snuff films in either of the 2 films.


can anyone clarify this part of the movie for me?


yes they froze to death


thanx for clarifying for me Crooner. doesn't the family's deaths seem very very tame and even merciful since (if i understand when someone freezes to death) the person would fall asleep before they actually die? i may be way off on this.


Oh no, I believe your correct. I believe when somebody about to freeze to death, The body would be in total shock before it shuts down where they pass out before you die. Like in Titanic, in reality in cold cold water you'd die within minutes. In this movie you see him shovel snow on them to make the process faster. The whole eye movement and seeing that woman's breath is just Hollywood.


I don't know... recently I wondered how merciful it really is. Do you know the pain from "brain freeze" when you eat too much icecream too fast?

Maybe freezing or drowning in cold water really is like that.



Freezing is very painful. I remember a camping trip i was under prepared for. It was so cold that every part of me ached. It doesn't even have to be very cold either.
Stick your arm under an ice bath for a couple minutes and imagine how it would feel as your whole body.


it's one of the most tame snuff films in either of the 2 films.

On the contrary I think it rivals BBQ, Pool Party and Family Hanging Out for the creepiest snuff film. The music and simplicity of it made it so scary. When you get to something like the crocodile snuff film it's so over the top and elaborate it just leaves you wondering why even bother?


Yeah, it may seem tame in the sense that there's no screaming, flailing, blood, gore, etc. but it's probably one of the most torturous ways that any of the families have died.

Think about how long that kid must've been burying them, and none of them had their heads covered like in a bunch of the other films. So the 4 of them were laying there in those holes helpless while their child or sibling tossed shovelful after shovelful of snow onto them until they were buried up to their heads.

The moment of death wouldn't be terrible because they would already have lost consciousness, but every second leading up to loss of consciousness would be horrifying.




I think if I had a sensitive disposition (which I don't lol) I'd say this one is the most disturbing, maybe as its set at Christmas. Hope they didn't burn the turkey. Think because its a nasty way to go as well and that one of the characters was still alive by the end of it and really suffered. As it was the scariest (to me) it was my favourite

'I like the way you made the movies longer. They're better that way.' Sinister


I was really expecting a snow plow.


I was expecting a snow blower.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I thought it was creepy, but something about the bodies looked very fake. Whether or not it was even real people there with a bunch of makeup and such, I'm uncertain. Granted, I don't know what frozen people really look like, but they looked a bit too plastic or something weird.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


I thought it was the most sinister one.

Dennis Alexis
