MovieChat Forums > Devil's Due (2014) Discussion > The movie never claims the footage was f...

The movie never claims the footage was found so why get mad?

This movie is more like Chronicle than Paranormal Activity. Chronicle also never claims the footage was found and I like that and this movie more than when they lie to you. I thought this movie was pretty good but more creepy than scary. The couple was believable and likeable. It's just a different kind of movie but so many people are mad about not understanding who put together the footage. But the movie never claims the the footage was found and magically assembled so why don't a lot of people understand that? My guess is the editor of the movie put it together. If it said that the tapes were found like Blair Witch of Paranormal Activity then I'd get it why people are confused but this movie doesn't say that so why should you demand that it be explained?



That's not right at all, you didn't watch closely. I've seen it twice now because I took my brother too and there isn't anything that doesn't make sense. The floating cam you're talking about is probably the lapel cam the husband uses on the honeymoon and in the scary house, the "visible around" cameras are the ones the bad guys put in the house to keep an eye on the couple that are installed after the second doctor visit. So instead of getting mad because they don't hit you over the head with it pay closer attention.



LOL! Sorry! I just had the same argument with my friend because she said the same thing. Sorry I took it out on you. But it's true, I was impressed with how they made the cameras make sense but didn't hit you over the head with it like Chornicle. But maybe they should have made it more obvious LOL



Same here the first time, I actually sort of wrote it off but I enjoyed it a little and then when I went the second time I realized I had missed a lot of stuff and i liked it a whole lot more. A lot more. It was sort of cool really.



like most movies for me, i take days to "digest" it. im still digesting this one, and i find there is nothing there to think about! unless i DID miss something. so, what did you miss that you found on your second viewing?



and it's oh so convenient that, in these movies they NEVER look at what they film after filming on the camera, you know, like "let's see what we'v got so far" or "hey, i spend so many hours filming like an obsessed guy and now i want to see what i got today or yesterday, or the week after" that they dont even see the KEY scenes that could absolutetly change they behaviour, like for example the baby moving like an alien-like creature LOL. I don't know, get tottaly freaked out and maybe show it to family like we would all do as a really important thing, Damn, what a set of ignorant-catching-traps these "movies" are. found footage or NOT :D



If you have a problem with found footage simply don't go and watch them, problem solved Bro.

Actually dialed into this one not knowing it was found footage and had a good time. Sure paranormal activity meets rosemary's baby via chronicle but kept me entertained through out.

Seems no one has picked up on the one truly glaring plot hole, the Police procedure makes zero sense. The dude films everything, there's no tapes apparently, so what happened to nine months worth of tape? - horror's last colonial outpost.


Thanks Dude!

Finally someone that has the same problem with this as I do:
The thing with the police procedure was the main thing bothering me.

Why do they do that?
Yes, okay, he has some blood on his hands...but he can explain that...

On the other hand, he has NO MOTIVE whatsoever!
So if - as my wife thinks - the group responsible for the whole mess really made ALL recordings disappear (good job! they should come clean my apartment!), the police still has no reason to interrogate him over and over again.

+ isn't the whole point of a "found footage" movie that the footage has been...well...found?!

This was the final thing that totally spoiled the movie for me...but it wasn't that great anyway:
Many questions, not one single answer + an ending that doesn't make any sense = Bummer!

Nobody lives forever - but we all shine on!
(Stephen King's "Riding The Bullet")


The house is a complete disaster including cracked walls and doors torn off. So the police think a regular human can do this huh? I mean video or not don't they have brains in their head?

Women and cats do as they please. Men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.


Humans can crack walls & tear doors off.
But I do know what you mean. The sheer violence & TOTAL destruction of the house was so extreme I too wondered why the police accepted things so easily.

But police, in film or in real life, are more than likely going to look for the 'real' explanation.
Such as partygoers on PCP who felt like trashing a house.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


It's just CHEAp to film. Even if they don't claim it's a found footage it still has that home movie vibe.
