Please explain abandoned house
The cops at the end say that the house had been abandoned for years...did they mean their house or the neighbours house that was for sale? And what is the significance of that?
shareThe cops at the end say that the house had been abandoned for years...did they mean their house or the neighbours house that was for sale? And what is the significance of that?
shareThey meant the neighbor's house (the Anderson house). The one that in the beginning of the movie someone mentioned had a sold sign out front.
The significance of that is, he had just been in that house and all the people and stuff were there, and they obviously packed it all up and bolted once they got the baby. Hence, it looked abandoned again.
Remember in the near beginning the couple's friends mentioned the house had a sold sign on it, and they said something about maybe the new owners would make it or the yard look better. Later Zach was walking the dog and noticed it wasn't being worked on, and he saw that car. Toward the end he saw the car driving away from his house the night the ashes were scattered, and he recognized the car as being from the abandoned house. That's how he knew to go to the abandoned house and break in, and thereby finding the CCTV and stuff.
shareI thought this was a plot flaw in still a lousy movie.
The main characters and the neighbor couple discussed that the "Anderson House" had been sold. It seemed far fetched that, after the husband's story, the cops would simply discount it with the "Anderson House has been empty for years."
Without knowing more details, the cops' response seemed sloppy at best.
If the house had been sold, there would be a recorded deed for that sale. Did anyone bother to check? Wouldn't the cops bother to investigate that? Who bought it and why, after sitting empty for such a long time?
If the house had been empty for years, what was up with it having electricity? It had to have power from somewhere to run all of those video monitors. Wouldn't the cops be slightly curious about that?
The people were watching the house all the time. Also, there is a visible car sitting in the driveway to the Anderson house. Clearly, over the months that the wife was pregnant and they were constantly watching her, wouldn't another neighbor notice at some point someone coming out of an adjacent house that had been empty for a long time? Wouldn't another neighbor notice the car? Wouldn't a neighbor ever notice a strange man watching the wife's house? I could discount this for one week of monitoring but this lasted months. Surely, the neighbor couple or another neighbor noticed some type of activity at a house that previously had been empty for years! Did the cops talk to the neighbors.
The husband's story would seem crazy to the cops. However, a little research into what he was telling would have uncovered some extrinsic fact suggesting that the house recently had been occupied or visited by someone!
I didn't like this movie but I thought that, without further explanation from the cops, this was a huge flaw in the ending.
Just seeing this film the other day I thought that was a major plot hole! Unless what we saw in the film were the cops just starting to question him and had not fully investigated the house. Heck even his own house he had with his wife was pretty banged up much more that one man could cause. But then the way the cops were talking it seemed like they really believed he caused all this. Yep I am usually forgiving of some plot holes but even this one bugged me.
shareWhat if the cops were in on the cult just like the doctor? They denied any proof of the house being inhabited to cover their tracks & make Zach look crazy. The cop that came to his house earlier kinda brushed him off too.
If the cops weren't in on it, the cult could've had people on the inside that could've covered up the sale of the house & destroyed records. Or they put up a fake sale sign & were squatting. A lot of effort to go through to squat, but if neighbors saw anyone going in or out they wouldn't question it. As for the neighbors, we never see anyone else throughout the movie - you'd think you'd see at least 1 other neighbor when Zach walked the dog - so seems like a street where everyone keeps to themselves & doesn't get involved.
Plus it's just the creepy horror trope where there is no trace of anything that happened afterward making the survivor look crazy "that's been shut down for years" "they never found a body" yknow that ish.