I don't get it.. I mean these aren't a bunch of people they got off the street but are fairly decent established actors... some of it was so cringe worthy... especially by the guy who was playing josh.. was it meant to be intentionally hammy like that?
There's a couple of scenes as well by hayden panitierre (however you spell it :p)where shes meant to be frightened and scared and shes just randomly smiling... what was going on lol ?
It's because their not voice actors. There's a huge difference between acting and voice acting.
Although I disagree with Josh; Rami Malek did a great job at showing how crazy Josh is. Brett Dalton does a good job as Mike and Hayden Panetierre smiling isn't to do with the voice acting but the motion capture, which is admittedly off at times. Matt's voice actor is good too, as is Jessica's. The only ones not that great were Ashley's and Emily's and Hannah/Beth imo.
Wow, I actually thought Emily's was great. She nailed Prissy 80s horror bitch. And, while Ash's shrillness could get annoying, I thought the actress gave a good fear portrayal. Really, everyone was solid except Hannah/Beth (who's pretty flat and lifeless)
I'd probably rank them: 1. Peter Stormare 2. Rami Malek 3. Brett Dalton (wide range of emotions and deliveries, hits them all really well. Not to mention has the funniest line in the game) 4. Meaghan Martin (great acting when broken up during her monologue, also able to make lines that should kinda suck really funny) 5. Noah Fleiss (I was tempted to put him above Meaghan, but I think her monologue kinda crushes all his scenes. Really good at being a funny nice guy and mostly good with fear, but he has his off moments) 6. Nicole Bloom (kills it as the uber-bitch. Unfortunately, kinda all she gets to play) 7. Galadriel Steel (able to sell cute and likeable at first, and REALLY able to sell totally scared out of her wits. I feel like she should probably be higher) 8. Hayden Panettiere (sells the final girl role well, just... not all that many standout scenes. And she has one of the only memorably bad bits of voice acting in the game) 9. Jordan Fischer (still good, just doesn't really have a standout scene)
Everyone from Meaghan to Galadriel is pretty close.
Yeah I'm probably being harsh on Emily. I think it's just that she's mainly a bitch for the game and a lot of her lines irritate me. On replays you actually begin to like her a lot more. Ashley I still wasn't really a big fan of but I didn't like her lines in general (OMGOMGOMGOMG Emily's bitten! OMGOMGOMG). She does seem the most genuinely terrified though. Rami Malek was the standout for me. He was amazing. Brett was amazing too, and Meaghan was really good and funny for a small role.
That's kinda why I think she did a good job. She sells unlikeable bitch really well. Also agreed on Ashley being shrill, but the actress does sell it pretty well (which is arguably why it gets so annoying for some people)
Rami and Brett were easily the best teens. And yeah, Meaghan made a lot out of that role. It's telling that she has less screentime than even Matt but stands out like a trillion times more than he does. Especially since it's SO frontloaded
I agree. I think she even makes her kind of likeable to an extent too, which is good considering what she's given. I remember seeing her on Shameless too and hated the character so that's probably another reason. She's a good actress though.
Definitely. Rami was at his best when Josh went all psycho. His scenes where Mike and Chris tie him up are both hilarious and sad. Yep, and it's a shame too because Jessica would have easily been my favourite girl character if she just had a bigger role. Matt was nice but completely forgettable.
Rami was at his best when Josh went all psycho. His scenes where Mike and Chris tie him up are both hilarious and sad.
I guess its just me then :/.... those scenes where hes going psycho are the ones I really don't like.. where he starts talking like yogi bear.. it just seems so hammed up.. maybe that was intentional and if so fair enough..
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I think the hamming up was intentional. He did have some off moments, but I remember being really impressed with him in the cave when he was having a full fledged breakdown and hallucinating about his sisters
I guess youre probably right... it was the same with Emily in the radio tower.. I thought her freaking out was bad acting too... but I guess it was also intentionally hammed up.
I don't have problems with most of them, but the one that played Matt was just awful. All the random different faces he makes like he's not sure how to work with the motion sensors and his acting was just terrible.