This is not a game

This is an interactive animated movie. The only way to "lose" is getting an ending you tried to avoid.

"Need" is just a fiction. As is "shoåuld", "must", "value" and "importance".


Which is why I didn't buy it. Although I absolutely love the story. I binge watched a walkthrough of it and couldn't stop, but I feel like it'd be boring to play. It would've made a good 10 episode Netflix show.


You "binge watched" a walkthrough of it, but think it would be boring to play? Really?!? When you play it, you're actually involved and getting scared, etc. Not sitting there like a nerd watching it on Twitch or YouTube.


I agree, I wish twitch and let's play went away. Sorry, watching someone else play a game(no matter the genre)is not the same as playing it yourself. I grew up on 8-bit Nintendo, can't imagine watching someone else play Super Mario Brothers.


too bad you missed out on one of the best games ever, and an amazing experience.


Did OP miss out out on The Last of Us and The Walking Dead? What about Life is Strange? Does all OP play is multiplayer BF, Halo, and COD? Do you even play the campaigns?


Technically, it's still a game. You're still controlling the characters and choosing what to do. It's an interactive game, like Heavy Rain and Beyond.



Sounds about right yes, its still cool though.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


It's an interactive horrorfilm. I love it.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


OP has obviously never played Kings Quest or DeJa Vu or Maniac Mansion or Day of the Tentacle...

or Zork.


There are a lot of different genres in games, this is one of them, deal with it.
