1.) i was just wondering who survived in the game that you played. Mine was sam, Emily, and Ashley. Mike almost survived and I wanted him too but he was blown up with the creatures. 2) If this was a movie and not a game how well do you think it would have done?? Who would direct it??
Everyone but Sam. I donmt know how the *beep* she died!!! I swear I didnt move the controller. I screamed for the rest of the the remaining gameplay. I replayed the whole game and actually let everyone survive hahaha
1. During my playthrough, I only saved Sam, Matt and Ashley. Emily and Mike died in the explosion, Josh had his head squeezed, Jessica died in the mine shaft and Chris had his head cut off.
During my first play through I was too late to save Jess. Didn't give the Flare Gun to Matt and he got owned. Shot Ashley after she begged me too and she let Chris die the bloody bitch. I tried not to move and failed and Sam got a fist through her gut. Mike blew himself up. Emily and Ashley and Josh survived.
Second Play through I failed yet again. Everyone lived except for Mike. I panicked too quickly instead of hiding and ran for the light. It cost Mike his life the poor nathan drake wannabe. Had to play the last chapter again to correct my mistake.
Started replaying from Chapter 7 again to get the remaining trophies. Got Emily crashed in half in the meat girder. I let Chris get caught lol. Ashley opened the trapdoor. Didn't find the clues at the end and got Josh killed. Didn't barricade the door. Goodbye poor Doggy. Got Matt and Jess killed in the tunnels. And moved and got Sam killed again and Mike flamed on.
Love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred. Then you can know pain - Pain