WRONG….about the whole Matt thing.
I finished a second play through where at the end both Matt and Emily lived and Emily asked about Matt and how she was very bitchy to him but wanted to see him.
You have to do the following.
1) Stand up to Mike after he pranks you at the beginning.
2) Agree with Emily to go on ahead to the lodge.
(Doesn't really matter whether you see the scene if she cheats or not. If you do just threatened Mike or be cool with him but don't turn against Emily. For now.)
3) Stand against Jessica and provoke her, pretty much agreeing with Emily.
4) At the Cable Cart Station your choice here will determine whether Matt shoots the flare gun at the gun tower or keeps the ammo to defend himself later on. You have to NOT agree with Emily and say you wanna head back to the Lodge.
5) Don't kill the Deer for christ sake.
6) Find the Flare Gun and give it to Matt.
7) As Emily shouts for help you HAVE to argue with her. (If she cheated on Mike, pick the first choices and make her admit it. If you didn't see it and instead get the options to say what you think pick those. By the end Emily is forced to apologise.)
8) Save her sorry ass…twice.
9) And you've kept your relationship with Emily working. Well Done. Now keep both of them alive till the end.
Love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred. Then you can know pain - Pain