MovieChat Forums > Until Dawn (2015) Discussion > Are Josh, Hannah & Beth Egyptian?

Are Josh, Hannah & Beth Egyptian?

This is very minor but are the three characters (and their parents) meant to be be of Egyptian decent? I know Rami Malek is mostly Egyptian with 1/8 Greek but I'm not sure about the actress who plays the twins (Ella Lentini).



Researched and got my answer. It's not specified but Hannah, Beth, and Josh are presumed to be mixed. Egyptian isn't specified but we can assume so.



I always thought they were Native American to fit in with the theme of the game. Their family's lodge is full of Native American artifacts, totems are Native American symbols, and Wendigos are Native American myths.


I agree with you. I assumed they were Native American from the start just by the dreamcatcher in the opening credits.


Yep, same here. I figure they're Native American...or Native Canadian as it takes place in Canada. Or at very least, their father is.

Though hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's impossible to win an argument with an idiot


I always thought they were Native American to fit in with the theme of the game. Their family's lodge is full of Native American artifacts, totems are Native American symbols, and Wendigos are Native American myths.

Ooh, I never thought of that!! That too makes sense. I mean, a character doesn't necessarily NEED to fit the race of the actor portraying them if it's believable enough.



The names Joshua and Hannah and the fact that their dad is a famous movie director make me think they are Jew.
