MovieChat Forums > The Musketeers (2014) Discussion > Oh, now that was just mean. (Spoiler!)

Oh, now that was just mean. (Spoiler!)

The only reason the writers wrote that bit about the adorable doctor having such a sweet crush on Constance was so that we would find him adorable and sweet and be horrified when they executed him. Nice going, writers! Thanks a lot! (Seriously, though. Nice going, writers.) I'm gonna miss that doctor...


Constance also has a shelf life. I can imagine the writers killing her off and driving a wedge between Aramis and Darty.


Plaese don't refer to d'Artagnan as Darty. Makes him sound like a 8 year girl.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


I'll call D'Artagnan whatever I please. I actually know someone called D'Artagnan in real life and his nickname is Darty. Plus, D'Artagnan has the emotional maturity of an 8 year old girl so Darty fits him perfectly.


D'Artagnan takes after Athos in his strong attachment to one woman but whereas d'Artagnan gets verbally frustrated, Athos turns to drink.. :)

Like mentor, like pupil.. :)



I hope they don't kill Constance. She's such a great character. And has arguably the best accent on the show. :) Plus, it's so hard to find strong, gutsy women characters on TV these days. There certainly aren't many on American TV. Hmpf.


I hope they don't kill Constance.


I hope the same. I personally don't care if they don't faithfully adhere to the fates of some of the characters from the Dumas novels in this series. (ie; Constance & Milady de Winter)


Plus, it's so hard to find strong, gutsy women characters on TV these days.

Are you sure? I can name several....Even if they're not from shows you watch regularly.
Scandal- Olivia Pope, Mellie Fitzgerald
Greys Anatomy- all of the women with the exception of maybe 3
Glee- Rachel, Santana, Mercedes, Kitty, Sue
Pretty Little Liars- Alison, Spencer, Hanna
Game of Thrones- Khaleesi, Cersi, Aarya
The Newsroom- Leona Lansing
The Good Wife-Diane Lockheart, Alicia
Mad Men-Joan Halloway
Homeland- Carrie
Revenge- Emily, Victoria
Downtown Abbey- Violet Crawley
Big Bang Theory- Amy, Penny, Bernadette
How to get away..- Annalise

This is just a handful of some of my favorite characters. I agree that Constance is "refreshing woman" (as the doctor puts it lol) but she is one of many in this Golden Age of television!


Heh. I stand corrected, Laseia. :) Most of those are indeed from shows I don't watch. Though many of them I started watching, but gave up on for some reason. Maybe I should go back and check some of them out again. Except for "Mad Men." "Mad Men," as good as it is, I fled after only a handful of episodes because it gave me too many flashbacks to my 60s childhood when, contrary to popular mythology, it was NOT a good time to be a child. Woo. I do love how they didn't romanticize the period AT ALL. It was just a little TOO good. :D

And I'm with you, Tuppance76! Even the English major in me is fine with the liberties the writers are taking. There's so much more to characters than what we read in the books, and - in the right hands - those characters can live much broader lives than what's between the pages.


Dont forget Kate from Castle


Constance is far less stereotypical, and far more independent than most of the ones you named here, though.

From the series I watch, at least...

Game of Thrones is interesting because it does have a lot of female characters, but they are still heavily influenced by stereotypes, and written from a male point of view (and you can tell). Daenerys (not Khaleesi) may be a strong character, but she's also written as a male sexual fantasy... Cersei is a misogynistic cliché in many ways. Arya is the opposite cliché (she is "cool" because she behaves like a boy, basically). There is no female character in GoT that is as complex as Tyrion can be, for example. And the show reinforces all these stereotypes (in the books, Cersei is still a paranoid, hateful person, but she is more complex).

Joan Holloway is strong and gutsy, but in many ways she's also defined by the men around her. She is also definitely a male sexual fantasy. Joan is a very interesting, well-written character, but she's very constrained by gender roles and she struggles with this. Peggy Olson is far more empowered.

In Downton Abbey, I would probably accept Violet Crawley... Even though she clearly derives her assurance from being an aristocrat. I think Isobel is an even stronger character, though I really love them both.

What is very refreshing about Constance, though, is that she's not stereotypical. She is pretty, but not in a conventional, "male fantasy" way.
She's brave, and she can even fight, but she's no tomboy (unlike Arya). She's clever, but without being the stereotypical "sly" woman.
She wishes to be more independent but she's also very realistic. Her explanations to d'Artagnan about why she cannot simply run away with him and risk losing everything are sensible. In many ways, she's a feminist character, but she's not a stereotype and she is still aware of her social condition and the constraints that come with it.


I don't see the writers killing off Constance. This ain't game of thrones, and I'm glad it is not, Constance is awesome.

There is always hope! Aragorn
She was the sun...never to rise againSpartacus


Actually nowadays the "strong, gutsy women" on TV are more numerous than ever.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


I'll miss the doctor 😭 he was sweet. Constance on the other hand bores me to tears, so I certainly won't be shedding any if she kicks the bucket. A bit of angst never hurt anyone's character and at the moment D'artagnan has all the appeal of a dirty dish cloth.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory


I would've felt that way even without the Constance thing. He was a sweet, loyal and dutiful man. Remember when he essentially saved her life when the Delphin was sick and she took him? He was such a refreshing character :(

Loathing is my life blood, rage my royal jelly, fear is my bacon bits


I believe its Dofa not Delphin, but im not a french speaker


It was sad to see him go. I thought they were going to do something with Lemay and Constance after how impressed she when she saved the Dauphin's life. I really thought something was going to happen to spare him since he'd shown to be a good friend to the Musketeers.
