MovieChat Forums > The Musketeers (2014) Discussion > Season 3 will be the last

Season 3 will be the last

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." ~Albert Einstein


just heard about it came on to see if anyone else had too


I am sad and shocked.

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." ~Albert Einstein


Aww bummer. I knew it couldn't continue indefinitely but was hoping for at least 4-5 series instead of just three.

Have been on pins & needles waiting the return of this show. Hopefully it really will be back in May for its final run.


Shame it was the only thing I watched on BBC


Thank goodness! I've watched all of it so far - forced to by my wife, partly so I can explain some of the trickier bits of English to her - and the one thing that really struck me was how bad an actor the young person playing "Luc" was in the first episode of Season 3. He's young though, so he may well improve, but his performance was truly Oscar-worthy when compared to the wooden, amateurish and simply ridiculous efforts of the rest of the "seasoned" cast.

Does the BBC really has so much tax-payer money to burn that it can pay people who can't act large sums of money for nothing? Tongue in cheek is one thing but you can't seriously laugh WITH these clowns, only AT them.....


Calm your boobs. Apparently you take yourself way too seriously in your attempt at a "biting" critique of this show.

Wearing my 'fro as high as it will go


Don't worry - my moobs are always at rest!

I can't imagine producing a "biting critique" of this rag-tag bunch of hopeless actors and less than amateur writers; at least I only have to suffer a few more episodes of lost life watching this dreck before the merciful coup de grâce puts the world out of its misery.

Why does the Beeb produce this trash when it used to be capable of so much more? 😢


Hmmm, most critics agree that the acting of the main cast ranges from OK to very good, so your opinion isn't a common one - thankfully..

The show has its faults but bad acting isn't one of them, the cast is one of the show's strongest aspects.


I agree: the cast is probably one of the program's strongest points - which is a pretty damning verdict on the whole shooting-match. The fact remains that they either can't act or feel that pantomime caricature is all their roles are worth...unless you're seriously suggesting that that is what constitutes "acting" these days?

Isn't it strange how many people feel that critics are always wrong, until they happen to praise something that they themselves like? At that point, of course, critics' verdicts are suddenly important. My own opinion is just that - my opinion; if a lot of people like this kind of stuff then that's just fine with me. The views of the majority have never really concerned me much and this just strengthens my views/prejudices (whichever you feel appropriate) that critical faculties have been in decline for many years.


Most versions of 'The Musketeers' have been a bit caricature - including Dumas's original novel - so I hope you weren't expecting high drama?

As for your view of their acting

""bad acting is a pretty vague and subjective term I think… often people call one’s acting “bad”, “wooden” or “overdone” for a simple reason: they are not interested in the show or the character and his development / plotline. And sometimes you know it’s even simpler: people don’t like one’s face, or nose, or accent and here we are – “what an awful performance! LOL""


Season 3 will be the last

It is a shame. It is one of the few programs that I watch in the "off season."

Well, let's hope they go out with a GREAT storyline.
