Scurrulous nasty messages

Sadly, there is a mentally disturbed person posting nasty and defamatory messages about Star Trek Continues and the people involved in this web series. I am the wife of one of the lead actors in this series. Everyone attached to the project is totally professional, talented and couldn't be nicer to each other. We have formed a close bond with the group and are all very proud of the product that has emerged!!! Everything this jealous (or certainly sounds as if he is) person has posted is a lie! Everything!!! Please watch the show and judge its merits for yourself. Thanks very much.


Hi Diana!

Don't worry, I think everyone here is aware of the mentally disturbed "person" going around the IMDB boards with his personal vendetta. No one takes him seriously, as it should be.

I think the premiere episode was fantastic, and it definitely captured the spirit and essence of TOS - I was especially happy to see that Roddenberry's original vision was alive and well and not subject to some of the more recent (and dubious) re-interpretations.

Fantastic work by all concerned!

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


Someone once said that if you can't handle the truth, you will often act with hostility just to plausibly deny it or sweep it under a rug. The late Richard Nixon tried that with Watergate and the results thereafter backfired on him and his administration in a major way.

This might interest you to know that my postings are NOT of the mentally disturbed kind. They are also NOT the postings of a scurrulous, nasty, and defamatory nature.

They are also NOT, I repeat NOT, an act of jealousy, whatsoever.

Whether you choose to believe that or not is of your own choosing. Same goes for whether or not you take this information seriously. I am not in the habit of worrying or concerning myself with what other people think.

They are also NOT a lie. It is the presentation of factual information that has been provided, shared, and revealed by others who have been the victim of Vic Mignogna's toxic narciccism and other mentally unbalanced acts.

Acts that have involved Vic's unsuccessful attempted takeover of the Star Trek-Phase 2 production. His acts which had set back another Star Trek production(Starship Ajax)by a year, his unauthorized release of the Phase 2 episode 'Kitumba' in violation of a C and D order, and various other questionable and controversial acts that can be found at the following links:​showthread.php?t=133657&pag​e=53

If the more recent(and dubious as michelle31 described)re-interpretations of Star Trek are just that, then it is better to be classified in that category instead of one that involves being made out of personal spite and petty vindictiveness toward a production that an individual failed to take over, and a group of professionals that he failed to replace. All in the name of personal jealousy and trying to pervert Gene Roddenberry's original vision into a rather unpleasant, distasteful, and demented vision.

Star Trek Continues is, sadly, just such a perversion.

As far as the Farragut Films staff being professional are concerned, there is such a thing as 'acting'. There have been those who have done that sort of thing just to hide their actual intentions.


You know the more you post the more you make a fool out of yourself. By now you look like a demented, obsessive-compulsive buffoon, but that's evidently part of your MO. Just go right on floating in your homemade cloud of self-denial.

God, you're pathetic. And yet it's hard to pity you because all you ever contribute are clouds of negativity. You must be a very, very miserable little man....

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


Actually, I am someone who tells it like it is. I speak my mind, I don't suffer fools lightly, I don't give a *beep* what people think, and I certainly don't beat around the bush, either.

As for you, my dear, you are without a doubt, someone who feels threatened by those who speak the truth. You are certainly not the first that I've come across in regards to this subject and obviously not the last.

Either way, if your intention is to intimidate by insults, such a useless experiment on your part will only prove to be quite unsuccessful and unfruitful.

Obviously, you are one of Vic Mignogna's fangirls.

The more you respond to my posts in such a negative manner, the more you look like a psychopath. By now, you obviously look like a demented, obsessive-compulsive type. If anybody is floating in a cloud of self-denial, it's obviously you. Evidently, that is part of your modis operandi.

And if that is not pathetic, then I don't know what is.


You're a sicko.

You speak about truth? YOU'RE the one standing on the soapbox endlessly repeating the same filth in the desperate hopes that someone, somewhere, will listen to you. Haven't had much success with that, have we?

And Mignogna's fangirl? Ha! I never knew who he was until you went and started your demented, endless diatribe about him. There's one thing for sure, he's ten times the man you'll ever be.


IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)



No, I don't think so - I think the veritable worm in this exercise is you. Go ahead, post a picture of yourself and we'll judge who is the REAL man :)

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


Sentinel, just wanted to let you know, on an account I haven't used in... well, a long time... that your crusade has not been without merit. Sir, you have indeed changed the world. You've convinced me to become a Vic Mignogna fanboy. He's in STC, then I'm a fan of that. He's voicing a character in an anime, I'll watch it. He's voicing in a video game, I'll be there to add it to my collection. Where-so-ever he goes, I shall follow, and make sure he gets what money I can afford to contribute to his efforts.

Now, mind you, I knew about the fella before. As a gamer and anime nerd, I'd be hard-pressed not to. But I never paid him any mind until I saw your months-long crusade against him and anyone associated with him. And I thought to myself, self, anyone this crazy and this against something... do the opposite of what he's doing, and you'll find new successes in life.

So, chin up, Sentinel! You have caused something to start in this world with your incredible diplomatic skills and literary prose. You are truly a modern-day real-world Kahless, leading the people to a better future. Just keep standing where you are, so we know not to go there.


You'll forgive me if I ignore your sarcasm.

If you want to follow someone who has such a controversial reputation that is your decision. Freedom of choice applies to everybody, be it good or bad.

But just remember the old phrase "guilty by association". The people at Farragut Films made that foolish error in judgement. They are in bed with a skunk and the stink is going to stick with them.

I just hope that you have plenty of deoderant and clinical soap with you when you make your decision.


"They are in bed with a skunk and the stick is going to stick with them."

Well, that bit of rhetorical brilliance has won me over. I'm with Nexuscitadel and am joining the Vic Mignogna fan club!! Also, I know the guy who plays Spock, and I can verify that he DOES NOT smell like a skunk. LIES!!


Sentijerk is quite the bit of work, isn't he? I wonder what HE smells like, lol

I wonder if he even has time to bathe in between his constant anti-Vic ranting...he probably smells like a Sasquatch! :D

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


LOL! I've heard better comebacks from a bowl of rice crispies than that! Well, you are what you eat. :)

However, just to satiate your burning curiosity, I do take a shower every day.


Yes, you the master of witty retorts - not!

Apparently you use Eau de Moufette Bubble Bath :D

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


I can't say that I have, because i am not familiar with that brand.


Does Sentinal have vested interest in these shows? He's definitely odd. almost every Star Trek board I visit, no matter when. He has always been there within a couple days prior. Hammering away at this Vic M. The same shpeel over and over and over again. To be quite honest, I could care less what Vic M. has done. Like most people on these board, we don't know Vic M. personally, and don't give a damn about his alleged beef with the people at Phase II. But Sentinal's mantra is getting tiresome and annoying.

I noticed something odd in his user profile. For years up until March 2012 he randomly commented on anything and everything. Varied movies and actors, usual comments. A typical profile, like any of us. THen he disappeared for exactly one year, until march 2013. Since then it's know, with out ANY variation. He hasn't made not one single comment that wasn't related to Vic M. or STC. Not even some random post on another movie board because he forgot, or was too lazy to log on as a different user.

Very, VERY weird.


He's a psycho, not worth devoting any further time to. Happily I now can't see any of his posts but I'd wager he's still desperately trying to get in the last word lol

I have a small list of about half a dozen users that I've put on ignore over the years; they have to be monumentally idiotic for me to put them on that list, but this dweeb qualifies in spades - and so he is invisible to me :)

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


Yeah. I've had arguements and issues with people on various forums in the past. I rarely hit the ignore button though. Trolls, and their half breed cousins, the idiots can be pretty entertaining sometimes. I have a nasty habit of feeding them too. But Sentinel is just getting boring and old. And his arguement is too narrowly focused and personal to be of any ongoing entertainment value to me. So I wish he would just die off (Well, at least his username anyway).


And vice versa, rp69. Vice versa.


Mind yer business, no one was talking to you.


Well, you were talking about me, so don't be surprised if you do get a response. And a very negative one at that.


Still out there hammering away at this guy?

Would you please PM me, and fill me in on what this guy supposedly did that was so awful? This way maybe I could see your point of view, and not continue to think you're a weird internet loser with a mysterious five year old grudge.


Just put the nut on ignore, it will make your experience so much more enjoyable, believe me. Asking for a PM from him is just asking for it - from his endless rambling manifestos, I can pretty much guarantee there's nothing you haven't seen by now. Don't feed the trolls, as they say. Or in this case, the deranged obsessed loser.

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


Still the primitive type, Michelle_31?


As far as the term psycho is concerned, my dear, you are most certainly calling the kettle black.




This trolling of yours is pointless. Unless you have a legitimate problem to bring up and wish to share with the world (such as why is Lando wearing Han's clothing at the end of ESB?) I suggest you go that corner of the internet which remembers you're utopian time period that never existed. Randomly shouting out insults with no context other than your own self amusement is just a waste of your time.

Don't get me wrong, legitimate criticism is something I welcome. For instance check out the star wars rebels board. There's a user on that who is considered by many to be a troll but he makes legitimate points that get a lot of people thinking about ways that show can improve. I think from some of his posts he does like it somewhat but just feels it could be so much more. You on the other hand prefer to randomly slag off any fan made things you find on the internet. I can't change your mind but I can give you a legitimate criticism.

That looks totally awesome! I designed it and I want 4 of them.



Thanks, AngelicMTitan.

I hope for their sake they get the message before they wind up learning the hard way.

I too laughed at that comment. Some people just don't realize how bad Vic is.



You're not alone. Vic almost had me suckered in, too. Only the issue concerned Star Trek. Luckily, I caught onto his BS before it was too late.

Because of that, I'm doing whatever it takes to warn others about his toxic narcicissm and other illegal issues. Hopefully, this will help in bringing him down and bringing him down hard.

He's hurt a lot of people and he needs to be held accountable for it. I mean, literally answer for it. Hopefully, others will come forward with other forms of evidence so that the legal system will do what needs to be done.

Something that should have been done a long time back.



This may come as a surprise to you, but I did NOT fabricate such a fiction.

This may also come as a surprise to you, but there are some who share in the same opinions and sentiments that I have regarding Vic's toxic BS(something that you obviously get off on by defending him).

As to the IP address issue, that's news to me. Either somebody copied it(it wouldn't surprise me if you were the one that did), or you are just fabricating that just to look good.

Either way, I don't create sock puppets and fake supporters to back up my claims. I speak for myself.

If people want to support me(and some have - the real deal), then more power to them. If they don't that is of their own decision.

I don't resort to such low tactics. Tactics that Vic Mignogna and his friends have been known to pull.

And while I am thinking about it, I will make a report to the IMDB about your constant hounding of my posts. Your counterarguments have not only become unproductive, they have become quite disturbing.




That's what I tried to tell Michelle_31. I don't know why she thought you were me. Obviously she is one of vic's fans and just as twisted as he is.

I've already reported Michelle_31's actions to the IMDB. They will handle it.



Considering the fact that Michelle_31 hasn't been heard from in awhile, I would say that she won't be making any remarks(bogus or otherwise)ever again.

Or at least for a long time.

She put a whole shore store in her mouth by making such a false accusation, and now she has to endure the bitter aftertaste of 'verbal shoeleather' as a consequence.

I don't know whether to feel sorry for her or shame her.


What's with all the hating? If you don't like it or the people involved, fine! But stop complaining about someone or somebody that you just can't stand!!! That's just not what normal people do.



Well, I think you answered your own question there with that last :)

You might want to put that poster on ignore - I did and it totally transforms the IMDB experience into a positive one :)

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


The guy you call mentally disturbed are probably more sane then you.

I am 46 years old, and I have Star Trek in my blod.
Everytime they realese something Ill almost jump up and down, and cant wait
to see it..

But this ... this sorry attempt to reproduce something that already was kind of crappy (since it was made in 69) - is just a VERY VERY BAD JOKE.

The acting is poor.
The effects is not there.

This is waisting of time and money
(I guess ... not so much money thou...)

It REALLY dos not matter that you are the wife of one of the actors....
That alone, DOES NOT make it better.

I wonder if you ever have seen "real Star Trek"

But... I dont want to hurt you..
- I feel sorry for you... - and hope that your husband
will do some other acting... - Something that you can
tell everybody about. - and be proud about.

This is so sad :( :( :( :( :(



Sheesh, typo city! Oh well, just another sockpuppet to add to my ignore list :)

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


Well said, netboooking. Well said. :)


I met Vic Mignogna today and he was lovely. A really guenuine guy who works insanely hard. ^_^


I'm sure that Sentinel69 is merely a jilted lover of Vic's and now he is seeking revenge by discrediting him.

For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. -Shakespeare


I'm afraid you are incorrect in your analysis of information. Unlike Vic, I do not swing that way.

Descrediting is one thing. Bringing him to justice for exposing him for the fraud that he really is, as well as the other illegal acts he has committed over the years, is the paramount issue.

And it is TheSentinel68. Not 69 as you described.


LoL, that would explain a lot, actually :)

I prefer to keep him on my ignore list, that way he literally doesn't exist to me, which I think is the best way to go :)

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


I could say the same for you and your atypical, inexplicit, and illogical behavior.


people are attacking you for posting the resources you quote, ignoring the resources themselves. if i were you, i'd stop wasting my time on these people, because you will never convince them.

btw, shatner was just as bad.


Are you serious? Can you site where they have received world wide acclaim? It’s had two episodes, the acting is shabby, even for a fan film and their last episode was so paint by the numbers that I knew what was going to happen before the first ten minutes. Add to that the attention that the counselor takes away from the rest of the Enterprise crew and all the TNG references, there’s no way that Continues equals Phase II in anyway way. And Vic doesn’t do a good Captain Kirk. He does William Shatner, the man not the character. There is a difference. There
wouldn’t even be a Continues without Phase II.

- Halliwell

Yeah, but STC got thier start on Star Trek New Voyages / Phase 2. They were the originals (over 10 years ago). STC just picked up thier ball and ran with it.

- Christopher J. Russo

I'm surprised that no one else has attacked these individuals for their entirely negative views on STC.

Not impressed with Continues as they are building off the Phase II success.
Continues is very similar and I fear they compete a bit too much for the good of the fan base. Star Trek Continues will only attract the die hard fans. It will suffer low ratings and will be cancelled in short order. It’s appeal to the die hards (Being true to TOS) is also it’s downfall to the viewing audience as a whole.

No one will take a show that looks like it comes out of the 60s seriously, regardless how well written it is.

Vic comes off like a Shatner parody.


can you please learn to reply correctly pls. this message was not for me.


Judging by the controversy surrounding Vic, his background, and his past activities, insanity would most certainly be an accurate description of his mental state.


If you think the guy is such a criminal go to the cops about it and they can take a statement from you about it, if you just wanted the part of Kirk in this or if you were told to sod off by the staff making this recreation I advise you do the same just so they can have a good laugh at you.

Loved this episode tho having watched all of the original series I was amazed at how they managed to emulate but not mock the styles and relationships between the characters, would definitely watch more of this.


You can tell he's a passionate Trekkie too, which is a bonus :)

IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)


seems like the other guys are the only ones with a grudge.... while STC is just continuing to make Trek.

People want to talk about petty, but it sounds like the other guys delaying an episode indefinately just to refilm Vic's scenes sounds way more petty and childish.


Don't take it to heart, there is always this one idiot who has such an empty life that they fill their time by putting crass messages on boards. They aren't worth the time spent getting upset about it. There are a lot more people loving this show, can't wait for it to come to the UK.

I am a four eyed evil genius.


let me start by saying i thoroughly enjoyed STC and think it is a wonderfully crafted fan series. i have watched TOS, TNG, DS9, voyager, & enterprise, and feel STC is a perfect tribute and addition to the original star trek universe. also, i am extremely excited about watching the rest of this.

now, as far as sentinell68 is concerned, i thought at first he was just trying to post up some ramblings and false information about vic and proceeded to ignore his postings. that was until i decided to actually read some of his links. this in particular :

long story short - "apparently" vic lent some money to another star trek fan series called ajax, and paid to help fund the building of the set pieces for starship ajax as well as help with rent for the warehouse that stored all the set pieces (bridge, corridors, sickbay, holodeck, etc). the deal was for both series to be able to use them for each of the shows (STC, & starship ajax). right as the sets were completed, vic turns around and takes everything and stops payment on rent forcing the ajax team to take a huge hit AND backed out of letting them use the set pieces ajax built from the ground up. this was a huge project that took alot of blood sweat and tears to bring into fruition and because this guy alec peters (from the ajax team) upset michael bednar at faragut (the guy who helped fund the construction for ajax's set pieces) vic and executive producer michael bednar have cut ties with the entire team at ajax and left them high and dry.

that said, i agree this message board, along with any other public forum is the last place to air this dirty laundry, but that is what sentinell68 is upset about and i can see how he would be upset. i also think that sentinell68 is either alec peters or doc john, but thats just my assumption from what ive read. i couldnt see a random person becoming so involved in this unless he was a part of the ajax team, tbh.

if theres a lesson to be learned here its to get a contract with EVERYTHING written out and signed for. no matter who it is, if theres money involved, get a contract! period.


Thank you, ecuadoriantheogen for your post.

vincentobrien - The ONLY people who play Jim Kirk are the following: Bill Shatner, Christopher Pine, James Cawley, and Brian J. Gross. I have no interest in filling those shoes. Hopefully, what I and ecuadoriantheogen have posted has clarified what I have been trying to say all this time.

joomba-whatever you call yourself - You would be better off watching something professional than something made by those who thnk they are above the law. Theft is theft. There is no gray area.

I'm not Doc John, and I am certainly NOT Alec Peters(someone who is one step away from becoming a clone of Vic Mignogna, himself - but that's another story).

However, I do know some of the people on the Ajax production and have some friends on the Phase 2 production.

And believe me, there are quite a few like myself, who absolutely hate Vic's guts and those at farragut films, for their dishonesty, unprofessionalism, disrespect, and other criminal and illegal activities.


Here here DianaHale79. I've been a trekkie since the early-mid '70's and this is as it's name suggests, a continuation and a very good one at that. Don't be too concerned with the brat. Hats off to using some established stars for the episodes, Lou F. couldn't have been cheap!! It is great to see some Trek post Abrams.


I might have to watch this - I've never seen voice actors in live-action yet and this is getting me interested. XD It's funny how the most famous trio is all Funimation VAs.

...I kind of wish these guys did an original parody similar to the Finnish "Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning". Now that film was famous - it got 1,5 million legal downloads within two weeks (3 million within two months).

lurk lurkedy lurk kaboom
