Star trek Phase 2 vs STC
cant find too much info would very very happy if some one could fill me in, I thought only crawly had original sets and designs, how is STC pit against ST new voyages/phase 2??
sharecant find too much info would very very happy if some one could fill me in, I thought only crawly had original sets and designs, how is STC pit against ST new voyages/phase 2??
shareSTC has there own sets in Georgia. For me, Phase2 does not hold a candle to STC. STC is FAR superior.
I agree. While Phase 2 is better than most, STC just takes it to another level - it captures the TOS' spirit better than any fan-made product I've ever seen :)
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Both productions seem to be guilty of trying to write stories involving original series actors, leading to some weird explanation of their age. I'd just as soon go with completely original stories.
That said, STC seemed to feel a bit more like TOS to me than STP2. We'll see how this goes, now that Cawley has allowed himself to be replaced as Kirk.
"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"
I actually kinda liked the way they incorporated Michael Forrest's age into the storyline - it worked pretty seamlessly, but I doubt they can keep finding creative ways of explaining away 40+ years :)
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When it comes to Vic Mignogna and his reputation, there are no creative ways to be found. And that is a fact.
shareSorry, but it isn't a fact. It's a deranged lunatic's personal opinion. And THAT is a fact.
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
The negativity about Vic Mignogna is a fact, my dear. One that is shared by many.
Are they deranged lunatics as you would so colorfully describe them?
I think not.
Randomly inserting myself to say:
They're nuts.
Few people aren't.
And belief in your absolute sanity is typically a sign of not just madness, but worse, self-delusion and an illogical belief in one's own superiority. You find it often in fanatics of every stripe; the sincere belief in having access to secret knowledge that elevates one's self above the 'common rabble', or that one has absolute mastery of the situation.
Everyone has something messed up about them. Bad genes, bad upbringing, being stalked by a giant turtle in one's youth... to embrace it and overcome it is strength. To ignore it or prevent one's own recognition by projecting one's own flaws onto others is a downward spiral that ends with...
...well, spending months of your life trying to convince strangers online that a person most of them have never/will never meet is a jerk.
Yes, he definitely does have issues, doesn't he? He just keeps harping on and on about someone he can't possibly affect TO people he can't possibly affect - Freud would enjoy putting HIM on a couch, methinks ;)
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
I believe Sigmund Freud would find both you and nexuscitadel interesting patients for study. Given both your interests in the postings that I have made and your clear dislike of them, one would think that the following course of action would be taken on your end of the spectrum.
That being if you don't care for what has been posted and the evidence provided by such postings, then you can choose the option of not reading them.
Hey, you don't have to read anyone's postings here, but you obviously are suffering from a rather acute case of Lastworditis :)
What a dweeb!
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
You started this debate by your loose responses and vindictive cross-examinations. I'm just finishing it by equalization.
This debate has certainly become non-productive. I had anticipated some negative responses, but none such as yours.
Nevertheless, my editorials and commentary regarding Vic Mignogna and his business partners(especially those concerning whatever material they release)will continue to be voiced by yours truly.
Voiced under the rights of the Second Amendment.
Freedom Of Speech, baby. Freedom Of Speech.
2nd Amendment refers to GOVERNMENT censorship, you deranged stalker nutjob.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Most illogical and undignified.
shareAre you talking to the resident troll? Save yourself the aggravation and just ban him into the ether, lol
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
No, that would be the 1st Amendment. (How is it possible not to know this?) The 2nd Amendment deals with the right to serve in a state militia.
I saw "Pilgrim of Eternity". Good job of replicating the look of TOS, and something of the spirit -- but I'd like to see original stories, not sequels or variations on old episodes. Now I'll check out Phase 2 for comparison.
"The truth 24 times a second."
get a room
shareLook explain the beef you have with this series or STFU already. You just keep bashing this show over some behind the scenes drama which i would love to know about but your to busy being a troll to explain anything and only provided some links that either said nothing negative or doesn't explain anything clearly.
Star Trek Continues is really good. It captures TOS really well and im really excited for it. Star Trek Phase 2 was the first fan made Trek i saw and i hated it. Let me say that again...I HATED IT. Whatever the behind the scenes problems are im glad they happened because now we have Star Trek continues which is vastly superior to Phase 2.
The only thing STC is vastly superior at is being a reflection of Vic Mignogna's twisted, perverted, egotistical, toxic, and narcicisstic mentality and personal, vindictive, spite against STP2.
As to what beef I have with the series, the links and commentary that I provided in my posts should have explained it all to you.
Sorry to put this to you, but Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase 2 is much more superior than the piece of horse droppings that is STC and SF.
ST-NV/P2 came first and will always be number one.
I've seen both and you're retarded if you think that.
shareI'll say that while I liked Phase 2, it didn't really strike me as the exceptional work STC is - the two have similarities, but Continues takes it to another level as far as I'm concerned.
I can't wait to see the next episode, which is apparently due out very soon now!
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
good, i'm really looking forward to it. i can only rewatch the first episode so many times!
is there any chance that the vignette's mccoy is coming back? he seemed much superior to me. had the vocal inflections down perfectly.
there are some moments in the pilot episode that vic looks so much like shatner, i have to triple look. and chris.... its a beautiful thing. :D
I'll say that while I liked Phase 2, it didn't really strike me as the exceptional work STC is - the two have similarities, but Continues takes it to another level as far as I'm concerned.
Very true. Phase II was a great effort for a fan series and they are to be applauded. That they were the first to build such amazing replica sets of the original series is also to be commended. But it never felt professional. It always felt like a fan effort. The audio never sounded professional. It always had a "there is a mic somewhere in this room" kind of sound. And James Cawley always made for a terrible captain Kirk. When I first saw the first episode, I was unaware that Cawley was an Elvis impersonator but I said to my then-wife, "This guy doesn't look like Kirk. He looks like Elvis.". On top of that, Phase II always suffered from amateurish acting.
Continues raised the bar. The acting is vastly superior and it doesn't suffer from the audio problems that Phase II had.
I will say this, though: THe guy who just replaced Cawley as Kirk on Phase II is much, much better in the role than Cawley was!
Having said all that, I do respect Cawley for what he accomplished. But sadly the ugliness and bitterness that his camp has flung at Continues has made them appear quite bitter.
I think Phase II has better scripts but Continues is beating them on every other level. The production quality and acting on Continues just blows Phase II away.
Also, since Continues started the Phase II people have come off very poorly. The Phase II people have been attaching Continues and Vic on multiple message boards. It comes off as so petty. The ugliness of it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth towards Phase II.
There's something I would like for you all to read. Something that makes Star Trek-Phase 2 wayyyyyyyy much cooler and awesome than Vic Mignogna's and Farragut Film's bastardization.
This is from one of the SFX people who work on Phase 2 and this says a lot about the integrity, honesty, quality, and class(I word I do not often use - but in this case I will make an exception)that Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase 2 continues to clearly and honorably demonstrate.
"I have been pretty quiet about the turmoils of P2 as you have (or have NOT) seen.
But here's what I do have to say:...
In 2006 I was dying of AIDS. The docs gave me three months unless I got on the cocktail, which I did. The drugs helped my body, but honestly, at that point in my life, I felt I had little left to give and nothing to look forward to. By 2007, the camper I was living in, on the streets, caught fire, burning me badly and killing my dog and two cats. Suddenly I was, LITERALLY, on the streets....
My friend Ed allowed me to stay in his converted garage while I got my life sorted out.
It was then I discovered STAR TREK NEW VOYAGES during a web search for something else.
I watched the first two episodes, and was hooked. I saw the talent, raw though it was, and I wanted to help somehow. When they put out a call for recruitment on BAF, I sent them a Transporter test, and they snapped me up!
To date I have become one of two VFX Supervisors on the show, Tobias Richter being the other. Suddenly, I'm swamped with TREK work, and by now I've created DOZENS, if not more, shots for P2, and even found myself in front of the camera as an actor!
James and everyone else at P2 have become such good friends, I can't imagine life without them now! And my association with P2 has brought me into the realms of David Gerrold, Doug Drexler, Mike Okuda, and many others form the TV shows. I've even done the occasional payed job because of my P2 effects! David has personally asked me to do work for him on his P2 efforts!!!
All because of this web series, STAR TREK PHASE 2. Something we do for fun.
But P2 is, literally, the only reason I'm alive today. AIDS can bring you down hard and fast. AIDS combined with tuberculosis, pnuemonia, and a lot of pain, is a seriously deadly combination.
Had it not been for P2, for James, and the other folks there who have given me such love and support, I would simply not be here today.
So, if somebody out there goes on a bitch-rant against P2, of James, or any of us, remember my friends... your show saved a life. Mine. And because of you, I have a LOT more to give!
My deepest thanks. I'll try to earn it!"
Pony Horton
Pony, you took the words right out of my mouth. As Hawkeye Pierce of M*A*S*H would say: "I don't think I can top that." Well said, sir. Well said.
What Pony posted really says a lot. About how cool Phase 2 is and how cool of a character James Cawley is, as well as the rest of the P2 staff.
I don't see anything as cool, noble, and honorable as that coming from Star Trek Continues, Starship Farragut, and the rest of the thieving magpies who run Farragut Films. Do you?
I certainly DO NOT!
So, to those of you who badmouth Phase 2, think twice about it and think about what Mr. Horton had posted. You might be surprised as well as enlightened.
Why would we care more about one show over the other only based on the fact a guy had aids? That's the same as having a better sob story for Xfactor. If people watch both shows and like one over the other, let it go. They are choosing what matters, the story, production and actors, not which producer has a better sob story. Literally no-one cares about that but you.
shareWell, we certainly know where your compassion is. If not misplaced.
shareDo I think that it's terrible that he got aids? Yes I do, it must be a horrific thing to go through for anyone. But do I magically think one show is better now, no. There is a difference between blind compassion and taste.
shareThere's also a difference between supporting what is right and what is wrong.
The real reason and purpose behind Star Trek Continues is wrong. It is only Vic Mignogna's petty attempt at personal spite and revenge against the Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase II staff. Vic made an unsuccessful attempt at taking over the P2 production, and as a result, was thrown off the P2 set and banned from it, indefinately.
After that, he has made just about every attempt to make the lives of the P2 staff a living hell. That's one of many criminal acts that he has pulled.
All the more reason why the sick sociopath needs to be stopped and stopped hard for all the harm that he has caused and all the harm that he is continuing to inflict on others.
Nuff said!
"Nuff said!" Oh good, maybe now you'll shut the fvcking fvck up. I'm sorry that Pony Horton has AIDS and I'm glad he found a reason to go on by being involved in P2. I have nothing against P2 or Horton and I wish them continued success. However, I do think STC has blasted way past P2 in capturing the look and feel of my beloved Trek and I'm excitedly looking forward to their next episode. Mignona does an excellent job of capturing Kirk's essence and personality, without having to resort to an outright imitation of Shatner. Mr Cawley doesn't hold a sputtering candle to him in that regard. STC is Star Trek TOS as it should be done and no fan film to date, including P2 has hit the nail on the head the way STC has. To Vic Mignona I say, well done sir!
TheSentinel68, I think you are a manipulative and unscrupulous jack a$$. To use the suffering of another human being in an attempt to poison people against STC is repulsive, despicable, filthy and downright creepy. What a "person" of low and immoral character you are. I feel sorry for anyone who has the misfortune to know you because if you are capable of this kind of despicable manipulation, who knows what other reprehensible behavior you engage in? One thing is for sure. Despite your disgusting and obsessive behavior, STC is getting rave reviews. They have met and exceeded their Kickstarter goal, which tells you that people want more of Mignona's Trek and there is ***nothing*** you can do about it. For you, this is a losing battle and it pleases me to no end to know that a low life, manipulative and creepy little toad like you did not get your way. Guess what? I'm off to watch "Pilgrim of Eternity" again so that I can marvel at what an amazing recreation of Star Trek TOS Vic Mignona has achieved. Regarding your screw loose and stalker-ish mutterings, I leave you with this. NO. ONE. FVCKING. CARES.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
LOL! I'd expect a better string of profanity and insults than that. Obviously, I was quite mistaken. However, given your 'colorful metaphors' you have just proven that you are just as much of a sick low-life as Vic Mignogna and the rest of his partners at STC and FF really are. By foolishly siding with them, you have proven quite clearly that the human race has not improved for the better. A shame...
Oh, and James Cawley is a much better Jim Kirk than Mignogna is.
Vic Mignogna's performance can certainly be equivalent to that of someone passing methane gas and relieving themselves after consuming spicy Italian food.
"you have just proven that you are just as much of a sick low-life" says the deranged scumbag who uses another person's suffering to further his cause. That's ok, looney tunes. Anyone with intelligence can see that Mignona is a much better actor than Cawley. That clearly excludes you.
Oh look! Here's a glowing review of STC:
Here's a quote from that review: "Have you seen some of those fan-made, web-based episodes that left you snickering, even if only a bit? Well, get ready for Star Trek Continues because this one is a top notch, fan-made continuation of the Kirk/Spock era Trek that is well worth your time."
Here's a quote about Mignona as Kirk: "...on the screen Mignogna does a very nice rendition of Shatner’s Captain Kirk without devolving into parody. Mignogna evokes some of Shatner’s mannerisms just subtly enough that you feel comfortable identifying him as Captain Kirk. Mignogna even has got that Capt. Kirk walk down pat. Shatner always gave Kirk a particular walk, sort of a stiff-backed swagger that reminds one of a bit less developed John Wayne gait. Mignogna does this 'Kirk walk' motion quite well."
Read that last quote again and again until it penetrates the cloud of stupidity that engulfs your brain. While I admire Cawley's dedication to Trek, he is a rank amateur compared to Mignona and everyone knows this. That you think otherwise just proves that you haven't got a clue about the acting craft and what separates a decent actor from a poor one.
Oh look! Here's another positive review of STC:
Here's a quote: "Overall, I really felt like I was watching a solid episode of Star Trek. The sets were perfect, the costumes were perfect, and the script was very good. This episode totally could have passed muster back in 1969."
Look! Another great review:
A quote about Mignona: "Though his face isn't an exact duplicate of veteran actor extraordinaire, William Shatner, Mignogna really has almost every aspect of the role down to a nearly perfect James T. From Kirk's trademark swagger, to his middle aged stature and hunky physique, to just the right facial expressions and vocal nuisances. Make no mistake about it, Vic Mignogna IS Jim Kirk."
And one more great review to ram it down your idiot psychopath throat:
Selected quotes: "So is it any good? It’s as if Zeus himself willed into existence an extra, hidden episode from the original Star Trek’s second season. Almost everything about this production is terrific."
"There are moments that look like they literally could have come from the original show."
"Vic Mignogna is now easily my favorite non-Shatner Kirk. The man captures the personality and gravitas of Kirk without becoming a parody. His Kirk is charming and likable, yet slips into unquestioned authority with ease."
I love this! You've lost this fight quite embarrassingly, yet you still keep ranting madly, like one of those street loonies screaming about government mind control rays while wearing a tin foil hat. You're a fvcking psychopath and no one cares about your idiotic little odyssey.
Even the Ajax people have *****clarified***** that Mignona didn't steal anything, a fact that you willfully ignore. Ajax also wants this whole thing dropped, have wished STC well and just want everyone to get along. All of that was on that little thread that you so conveniently referred everyone to. Thanks for that. Nothing quite like watching an idiot hand someone the pie which gets shoved in his own face!
So you lose, nutcase. You lose big. You don't have a single supporter here (excluding your fake accounts, of course). People ***love*** STC and will continue watching. Their Kickstarter was a rousing success, so it looks like they will be making more episodes! YAY!!! Fans want more STC!!
As for you, go get some professional help before you become a danger to others. We don't need another mass shooting, you lunatic psychopath nutjob. Screw off.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
We know where yours is too, you cretinous little worm. You'll use a sick person to manipulate others.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Boy, with a rant like that, you certainly qualify for a place of residence in the local nuthouse. Or worse. You certainly have proven your true colors by sticking an entire chain of shoe stores in your mouth. Hope the mass consumption of shoe leather was worth that kiniption fit.
Just to clarify things, I don't use people(sick or otherwise). I DO NOT manipulate others. You can pin that blame on both Vic Mignogna and Michele Specht. And I might also add, the Starship farragut proudction staff as well.
All I did was refer to what this gentleman had to say regarding how cool the P2 people really are and how dedicated they are to their craft. Most of all, how they are willing to help other people. More importantly, how he too is fed up with the mudslinging and uncooth remarks directed toward the P2 production staff. Vic Mignogna has been causing many problems toward P2 and its staff since his dismissal from that production, as well as causing problems toward those that he feels are in his way of his sick obsession known as Star Trek Continues.
As far as Ajax denying the incident, here is a statemnt from one of the Ajax production staff who confirms what happened, concerning the hijacking of the sets and Farragut Films involvement in that incident.
Out of respect to that production member(who happens to be a friend of mine), his name is being withheld.
“Ok…here’s the whole STARSHIP AJAX story….We had just aquired the bridge set from another production; “Starship Exeter”, and had moved it to an airplane hangar to begin restoration. It had sat in a polebarn for several years, exposed to the weather, so it was in pretty rough shape. Vic had attempted to get his hands on it, but showed up 2 weeks late, so the owner, Jimm Johnson gave it to us.. When Vic heard that it was about to slip through his fingers, he hustled to Texas to get it. (You see, he wanted it to make his production, “Star Trek Continues”) Jimm told him, “Sorry pal, you never showed up. You snooze, you lose!” Vic was furious and threw a hissy fit…offered thousands of dollars for it…but Jimm’s mind was made up; the bridge was ours to keep. Vic then set about badgering us to get it…rent it…borrow it…He waved around his checkbook and that got the attention of the AJAX team. I wasn’t there for any of this, but I was getting constant calls from the guys to keep me in the loop. I’ve worked with types like Vic before, so I tried to warn the guys…told them to steer clear of this guy…he was just a bad news Hollywood type who will tell you what you want to hear, but screw you in the end. Finally, a deal was worked out that Vic would rent the hangar next to ours, help with our rent and send a crew to help us build all the other sets (Conference room, captain’s quarters, curved corridor, transporter room, sickbay) and an exchange would be made…Vic would get to shoot on our bridge, and we would get to shoot on the new sets. Now, keep in mind, restoration stopped on our bridge to do this and rent was still being paid for the space while our bridge just sat there. For a month or so, the work on the sets progressed and things were looking great. We were so stoked that we would actually have all the original Star Trek sets at our disposal…and THAT was when Vic yanked the rug right out from under us. He showed up late one night with a crew, packed up all his sets and left. He probably would have taken the bridge too if he’d had a key to our hangar. At this point, we had used up all of our building materials, our budget was shot, and to make matters worse, he stuck us for the rent. His final words? “Payback is a bitch.” His B.S. set us back over a year as we crawled out of the hole that Vic dug for us. He brought the whole mess to the folks who make “Starship Farragut”, making the same promise to them. You see, he got free labor and materials out of us and basically ruined us…all because we beat him to the bridge that he wanted. Do I HATE this vindictive a**hole? Yep….”
Furthur information about this incident can be also found at the following website links. Plus the information on Vic’s illegal release of Star Trek – Phase 2 ‘Kitumba’ about a year past. The latter incident being a violation of a C and D order from what was revealed. Hopefully, they are still available for access.
It seems to me that the only cretinous little worm involved is Vic Mignogna and his partners.
And if you want furthur proof of Vic's and Farragut Films's deceptive, toxic, and manipulative tendecies, here is a quote from a former P2 production member who had the misfortune of dealing with Vic's BS narciccism.
For those who have been wondering about the incident concerning Vic’s attempted coup of Phase 2, a production member on that fan film also revealed and confirmed this. As with the Starship Ajax production member, the name of this person, who was a line producer, is being respectfully withheld.
“So here is a “minor” tale from the Phase II side. For the episode being shot June 2011, James was set to play Captain Kirk’s father – as Kirk himself barely appeared in the episode. Vic begged and begged to have the part, and offered a friend to play another key role “Guy #1″ and James turned it over to him. Two weeks before filming was to begin, the actor for “Guy #1″ got a paying gig and bowed out. Therefore, we switched it back to James playing Daddy Kirk and put Vic playing “Guy #1″.
Vic called me. Sobbing. And I mean SOBBING. And BEGGING to play Daddy Kirk, saying it was his “only chance, ever, to play a Kirk”. When I told him we had no choice, he asked if HE could find someone to play the “Guy #1″ role. James told me to tell him he could try, but at this point in time we couldn’t help with transportation, lodging, or anything else a “real actor” might want. He called us later (not sure how many days) and had roped Colin Cunningham into it. Vic said Colin was available the entire two weeks and that Vic would pay the salary, food, lodging and transportation Colin wanted for working. James told Vic that if he was willing to do all that then, of course, he could play Daddy Kirk and we’d love to have Colin for the other role…as long as Vic understood we were not paying for ANYTHING.
So I call Colin to set up his lodging. It is then I find out that he is available for two days at the beginning of the shoot and two days in the middle, but had to go to Canada in the middle and at the end. NOT the entire shoot. (As he was a main character, and other stuff had to be scheduled in, we could not schedule around that.) I tell James and then call Vic to report the problem. Vic then yells at me for 10 minutes that it’s completely unnecessary for Colin to be there the entire time and I am causing trouble by having told James that because “he doesn’t need to be bothered with those kinds of details”. Vic then calls James and tells him I am lying and Colin is available the entire shoot. Vic then calls me back and yells some more about me telling James to begin with. (In case you guys don’t know, James is the creator and Senior Exec of our production…or HIS production LOL) I tell Vic I can’t schedule the guy for 4 days and we’ll just have to go back to James playing Daddy Kirk and Vic playing the other guy, and we need to thank Colin for his willingness to try to work with us.
O.M.G. Vic melts down completely. First yelling at me that “James can barely handle Captain Kirk, there’s no way in hell he could handle the other Kirk”. Then he sobs and begs some more. Then he goes back to saying James can’t act his way out of a paper bag. Vic insists we can film a heck of a lot more in 4 days than we are able to. Vic accusses me of causing trouble by telling James the truth and “upsetting him with a truth he doesn’t need to know. It’s better if James is ignorant of the details of his production.” Vic then calls James and tells him that yes, Colin is available the entire shoot and he doesn’t know why I am causing trouble and telling James otherwise. In fact, he says James should get rid of me for causing such trouble.
These calls to James and I, back to back, go on for about 45 minutes.
Oh. I forgot to mention…..while he is calling James saying one thing, and then calling me yelling cause I told him the truth…..wait for it…
James and I are sitting next to each other at a restaurant. It would have been funny as hell if it wasn’t so infuriating.
Long story short… Colin comes. Vic does pay his expenses. He is not available the middle days and expects us to provide transportation to Canada and back for him. When he finds out we don’t have the money or driver to do so, he stays in his room, refusing to come to the set during those days because Vic only is paying him for the 4 days. (Colin was an absolute professional and a joy to work with, btw. I am just pointing out Vic did not pay him for the entire shoot, as he agreed to do.) Vic and his business partner who attended made this shoot sheer hell – which is ENTIRELY different from our “fun summer camp” we are used to. Not surprisingly, we did not get all the footage we need to finish this episode. (We’re still working on pickups)
But here is the kicker- to this very day, Vic claims that James “stole” his money and “owes” Vic the money he paid Colin and for Colin’s requirements.
Folks, I was involved every step of the way with these arrangements, even listening in on speaker phone when Vic was talking to James, and I can ASSURE YOU that Vic absolutely agreed to pay everything needed and understood absolutely that there was no way in hell that WE or James could ever pay it, nor would we. But Vic states this as his #1 reason for “hating” James and trying to bring the production down.
And, that, folks, is just the tip of the iceberg…..
When James finally started screaming “hang the **** up on him! Hang up! HANG UP!” and then did it for me….I finally texted Vic “speaker phones suck, huh?” LOL and, yeah, this was the issue that Vic used to try to get his edit seen…”
This is not an exaggeration. From what I have heard there is SO much more. However, I have not been privy to the rest of the information concerning this. Suffice to say, Vic brings a path of destruction with everything he “works” on…"
Loosely translated, he is known as The Doomsday Machine of Star Trek fan films.
And I thought Joseph McCarthy had nearly ruined lives in his foolish Communist with hunts.
You were saying something about pies in the face, psychopathic nutjobs, and screwing off?
"You were saying something about pies in the face, psychopathic nutjobs, and screwing off?"
Yup and I meant it. How interesting that these "people" that you quote very conveniently remain unnamed. I wouldn't put it past you to have made these quotes up and then spread them around, you unhinged lunatic. After all, if you're willing to use Pony Horton's illness to try and turn people against Mignona, who knows what other unethical, manipulative and reprehensible behavior you'll engage in? You have some sort of personal grudge against Mignona, which you hide with this whole "he tried to ruin P2" smokescreen and you seem to want to go to any lengths to hurt him. In looking into this whole mess around the web, I've seen one constant. You. I've seen you on other forums, disguised as several different accounts, doing the same thing you're doing here. I'm very good at observing people and I recognize you by the way you write, using nonsense like that methane gas crap you keep repeating and other written idiosyncrasies. You're doing this everywhere. That is the mark of an unhinged person. There is something wrong with you and if I were Vic, I'd seriously be looking at what charges could be brought against you for spreading your filthy garbage all over the net. I wonder if he knows about your nutty little odyssey? Maybe I'll drop him a note.
In any event, how'd you like all those great reviews of STC and Vic's performance as Kirk? Oh I know that you're trying desperately to ignore them, but that's ok. They are out there for everyone to see and Trek fans are responding accordingly. Contrary to your little screw loose mutterings, people seem to think that Mignona has done a fantastic job as Captain Kirk and that both he and STC have captured the essence, look and feel of classic Trek like *no* *other* *fan* *film* *has*. Try as I might, I couldn't find one negative review of Mignona's portrayal of Kirk. Except for yours, of course. That should tell you something right there. You're all alone on this and you've lost the fight. The people have spoken and they want STC. STC has exceeded their Kickstarter goal by almost sixteen thousand dollars and they still have two days to go before their campaign closes. Hell, I'm not surprised that Cawley stepped down as Kirk. He saw STC on the horizon and he knew, just *knew* that he had to up P2's game. I'm grateful that he's helped keep classic Trek alive and he has achieved quite a lot with P2 but frankly, his Kirk was cringe-worthy to watch at times. That's the way it is and too bad if you don't like it.
Poor little you. Tilting at windmills, with not even a Sancho Panza to try and talk sense into you. I very much and most sincerely hope that all of this sticks in your craw and stays there to bother you and drive you looney tunes. Oops, I forgot! You're already there!!
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
I take it you're conversing with our resident troll :)
Just a word of advice, he's not worth it - everyone just rolls their eyes at his manifestos and poorly-devised sockpuppet posts. Months ago I just added him to my ignore list and concentrated on the positives that people bring to this forum, which is infinitely more rewarding than trying to rationalize a troll's postings. I literally can't see anything he writes, so he's a complete non-entity to me - as it should be for every Star Trek lover on here :)
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
Thank you! When I tire of poking him with a stick, I may take your advice. :)
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
I think you know what you can do with that stick of yours raspail. Or should I say rasberry? You seem to blow a lot of them in your twsited manifestos.
I've dealt with arrogant and close-minded people before who can't face or handle the truth(even when presented with evidence), but your demented posts certainly give new meaning to such distastefulness.
Look, I have my reasons for keeping the other two names with held. Whether you believe it or not(and I really don't care), these statements were not made up by yours truly. These were quotes made by people that I know and people who have had very unpleasant experiences with Vic Mignogna, Michelle Specht, and various others at Farragut Films.
Toxic BS that certainly gives Star Trek a bad name and would make both Gene Roddenberry and Majel Barrett seriously roll in there graves.
If you want furthur proof, you could always speak with Patty Wright at P2 or anybody else who has had the misfortune to work with Vic and deal with his toxic BS.
And if that doesn't prove the point, then that is your problem, not mine.
You don't present any truth. You present hearsay. You use a person's illness to manipulate others. You make up quotes and attribute them to unnamed (non-existent) people. Name them, or the quotes are not true, liar. You are everywhere on the web, pushing your sick bvllshyt on everyone. You do all of this compulsive, obsessive crap and still no one's listening. STC is a great success and they are getting great reviews, especially Mignona as Kirk. Reviews which, by the way, I have provided links to and which you are very desperately trying to ignore. No matter. STC's next episode is highly anticipated, despite all your looney diatribes and there is nothing you can do about it. Read this again. All your crazy shyt has been for naught. STC has a decent fan base, Mignona's Kirk has gotten great reviews and people are looking forward to more episodes. You have lost your ridiculous and stupid fight. Deal with it, nutcase.
shareBy the way, what makes it ok for you to use someone's illness to further your ridiculous ends? You posted Pony Horton's story right here in an attempt to manipulate people against Vic Mignona. That is the behavior of a sick and selfish person. Mr. Horton is ill and to you that illness is nothing more than a means to an end, ammunition for you to use against Mignona. How utterly despicable and cruel you are, how utterly selfish. What a small little person you are, to build yourself up by attempting to destroy one person and using another person's illness in that attempt. What a cretin and a coward you are. If your cause is so righteous, why don't you reveal who you are? Why hide behind a screen name? So you can snipe in what you think is relative safety? So you can spread your hearsay without fear of being found out? Newsflash, coward. No one's buying your poisonous fruit. ***No*** ***one***. Your hearsay is falling on deaf ears. I can't wait to see more STC! A lot of people feel this way. Too bad for you.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
im just gonna go ahead and repost this here because i dont feel like re-typing my entire response i already made about STC and vic. i did really enjoy STC but the frequency of sentinel68's posts made me investigate his banter. i dont agree with how hes presenting this dispute, but i can defintiely see how if he was involved with starship ajax in any way; everyone on that team is not a 'happy camper'
let me start by saying i thoroughly enjoyed STC and think it is a wonderfully crafted fan series. i have watched TOS, TNG, DS9, voyager, & enterprise, and feel STC is a perfect tribute and addition to the original star trek universe. also, i am Extremely excited about watching the rest of this.
now, as far as sentinell68 is concerned, i thought at first he was just trying to post up some ramblings and false information about vic and proceeded to ignore his postings. that was until i decided to actually read some of his links. this in particular :
long story short - "apparently" vic lent some money to another star trek fan series called ajax, and paid to help fund the building of the set pieces for starship ajax as well as help with rent for the warehouse that stored all the set pieces (bridge, corridors, sickbay, holodeck, etc). the deal was for both series to be able to use them for each of the shows (STC, & starship ajax). right as the sets were completed, vic turns around and takes everything and stops payment on rent forcing the ajax team to take a huge hit AND backed out of letting them use the set pieces ajax built from the ground up. this was a huge project that took alot of blood sweat and tears to bring into fruition and because this guy alec peters (from the ajax team) upset michael bednar at faragut (the guy who helped fund the construction for ajax's set pieces) vic and executive producer michael bednar have cut ties with the entire team at ajax and left them high and dry.
that said, i agree this message board, along with any other public forum is the last place to air this dirty laundry, but that is what sentinell68 is upset about and i can see how he would be upset. i also think that sentinell68 is either alec peters or doc john, but thats just my assumption from what ive read. i couldnt see a random person becoming so involved in this unless he was a part of the ajax team, tbh.
if theres a lesson to be learned here its to get a contract with EVERYTHING written out and signed for. no matter who it is, if theres money involved, get a contract! period.
Interesting that you have a possible ID for our resident troll - he's still best ignored though :)
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
Michelle-31, if anybody is best ignored, it is Vic Mignogna and STC.
Remember the writer of the classic Star Trek episode 'The Trouble With Tribbles'? Here is what David Gerrold had to say about Vic and his BS on the Trek BBS. It is a sentiment that is strongly shared by many.
"I will never work with Vic Mignogna again in any capacity, nor would I recommend him to any other producer. Vic Mignogna's actions, both on the set and off, are the primary reason why we will have to junk everything we shot on the Origins episode. The script is a good one, we got an astonishing performance from Matthew Ewald, and it's a story we want to tell. We should have been able to finish it and have it out by now, but much of Vic's work was unusable and Vic has so alienated the production crew that none of us want to invest any energy into finishing an episode with him in it."
Care to comment?
Despicable and cruel. Utterly selfish. Small little person. Coward and cretin.
Yep, you certainly described Vic Mignogna, his personality, and all of his qualities. Bad qualities I might add. Self-absorbed narcicisst would also be on that list describing him, too.
And you honestly like this guy?
Yeah, you are certifiable.
All that aside, I would like to clarify the following. In various old school news publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and various others(publications that report the facts and nothing but the facts - NOT the yellow tabloid journalistic BS that seems to be poisoning and polluting the world these days), reporters are often asked by their sources not to reveal the source names for reasons that are confidential and respectful. If you studied Journalism in college, you would know that such things happen very often.
That is how I approached this when I revealed that information from those unidentified sources. Remember 'Deep Throat' when Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein obtained that information concerning the Watergate Scandal? Sometimes sources don't want to have their identities revealed. Out of respect to those sources, I did not reveal their names.
What I revealed is NOT hearsay and unfactual, less than truthful information. If you want such compulsive lying, you need not look any furthur than Michael Bednar, Mignogna, Specht, and the other people at Farragut Films.
What I revealed is the truth. Something for which that your colorful, ranted postings clearly indicate that you can't handle.
And to think that Hitler was nuts.
Yes, I am aware that some people like STC. That's their own decision. Truthfully, I think it is a foolish decision on their parts to support the work of a toxic narciccist, a liar, a thief, and a crook, just to name a few of his negative titles.
Ask yourself this. Is it logical to support the work of such a madman? I don't think it is.
And as I stated before, I REFERENCED what Pony Horton had quoted to those who have badmouthed Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase II. A quote he made public on the Trek BBS. That is NOT using something or someone to furthur a cause. It is something to make the badmouthers(such as yourself)to realize that you are being ignorant in your statements regarding P2 and its professional staff.
Loosely translated: being loose with your accusations, drawing conclusions without the facts, and just for the hell of it, being vindictive with your cross-examinations.
And before you say something negative, inept, fatous, and inane, I have based my accusations on the facts by such accurate and factual sources. Where are your sources, aside from the 'positive reviews'?
Like I said, whether you choose to believe that or not is your own decision. You take it or leave it on that basis.
"Despicable and cruel. Utterly selfish. Small little person. Coward and cretin.
Yep, you certainly described Vic Mignogna"
Nope, I'm describing you.
"...reporters are often asked by their sources not to reveal the source names for reasons that are confidential and respectful."
"Out of respect to those sources, I did not reveal their names."
You are not a reporter so stop with your ridiculous posturing. You engage in what you yourself called "yellow tabloid journalistic BS". You are a slimy little worm who engages in mud slinging and smearing. Everyone involved in this little war (I'm talking about the ones who matter, not the unimportant little slugs like you) has asked for an end to all the accusations and hostilities. This comes from both the P2 and Ajax people. They want it to stop. But you keep throwing your shyt, because you're a compulsive unhinged jackass. On thing you are not is a reporter so name your sources or it's all hearsay.
"What I revealed is the truth"
Nope, just hearsay. Filthy hearsay because you have an axe to grind, even though others want this behavior to stop.
"Yes, I am aware that some people like STC."
No. Not some. A LOT. You are engaging in dishonesty. A LOT of people like STC.
So many that they had no problem shooting past their $100,000.00 Kickstarter goal by an additional $26,000.00. That is not "some", you filthy liar. That is a LOT.
"Truthfully, I think it is a foolish decision on their parts to support the work of a toxic narciccist, a liar, a thief, and a crook..."
That's what YOU say he is. You and your supposed "unnamed" sources.
"And as I stated before, I REFERENCED what Pony Horton had quoted to those who have badmouthed Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase II."
No, you used his illness to try and manipulate people to hate Mignogna. Why? Because you are an unscrupulous bastard and another human being's suffering is merely a means to an end for you. What does Pony Horton's illness have to do with the STC/P2 conflict (a conflict that YOU are perpetuating)? Absolutely nothing. I feel for the guy and am glad that he's found a group of people who make him feel comfortable and happy, but his illness has no bearing here. You used his illness in a disgusting and manipulative move to try and influence people against STC and Mignogna. You are disgusting and apparently no behavior is too low for you to engage in.
"A quote he made public on the Trek BBS." That's right on the ***Trek BBS***. Not here. You quoted it here for reasons I've already stated. And for the record, I have never badmouthed P2 in any way. You are a filthy piece of lying garbage.
"I have based my accusations on the facts by such accurate and factual sources"
Nope, you have engaged in hearsay and dirt throwing. Name your bullshyt sources or it's just lies and hearsay.
"Where are your sources, aside from the 'positive reviews'?"
I don't need "sources" because I am not the one engaging in a smear job against another person. I care about the positive reviews because truth be told, this behind the scenes backstabbing garbage that you relish engaging in means nothing to me. You may get some kind of sick pleasure from fueling this little fire (even after both the Ajax and P2 productions have asked for peace among the Trek shows) but all I want is to enjoy some great Trek. Right now, STC is the best Trek production out there and review after positive review bears this out. No amount of shyt throwing from deranged nuts like you is going to make STC go away.
"There have been many fan-produced remakes of "Star Trek," but few can rise to the level of faithfulness to the original that "Star Trek Continues" has shown. The idea is to continue the adventures of the Enterprise crew during its five-year mission."
"If they were going for authenticity, they hit the nail on the head. I love Phase II but this IS Star Trek"
"I have to say, this is the finest ‘fan’ film I’ve seen yet. It’s so true to the original series. The sets are beautiful, the cast pretty darned good, the lighting, pacing, editing, and story are all quite polished. Bravo, bravo, bravo."
"I thought this was very good. Definitely the best fan project to date. I got a little teary eyed at the end as it really brought back the feeling of TOS. I hope that there will be a new series continuing the classic canon."
ROTFLMAO! Boy, you really are demented! You can't even finish a paragraph without hurling something profane in my direction. Let alone spell *beep* and *beep* correctly.
Well, I guess that describes your character and mentality. Another sign that the human race still has a very long way to go.
Disgusting and apparently no behavior is too low to engage in? Unhinged jackass?
You certainly described Vic Mignogna's character to a hilt. That's what got him banned from many conventions for life. Let alone why many refuse to work with him. Something that David Gerrold pointed out.
That's why many have posted anti-Vic Mignogna websites on FB.
Obviously you are afraid of the truth about Vic. But, that's your choice. Not mine.
If I hurl profanity at you, it's because you deserve it and more and if I purposely "misspell" that profanity, it's because I want to make sure you know what I'm calling you and not have IMDB censor it. You deserve to be called every foul word ever invented by mankind for being a deceitful, lying, smearing, hearsay spreading, filthy turd. I'm just doing my part.
I love how you go out of your way to ignore all those great reviews about STC and Mignogna that I keep quoting for you. I just love it. You plug your ears and go "LALALALALALA" and then come back here with lame complaints about my "misspelling" of words. A definite sign of a lost argument. Your smearing, lying filth has not gained you a thing, you turd. STC is a success and Mignogna is getting great reviews for his portrayal of Kirk. You didn't influence a damn thing with your lunatic mutterings. Not a damn thing.
By the way, I went looking on Facebook for those so called "anti-Vic Mignogna" pages. Know what I found? Quite a lot of pro-Vic pages and exactly ***2*** that were anti-Vic. Wanna know how active those pages were? One was last updated 2 years ago and the other 3 years ago. So much for that.
You. Are. A. Loser.
"What can I say? Vic IS Kirk. He's a fine actor who portrays Kirk's mannerisms without sinking into a Shatner parody. That Elvis/Kirk actor from the competing TOS crew doesn't even come close."
"STC is the BEST TOS show available right now! I love P2 and appreciate Jim Cawley's contributions, but STC is the go to TOS show now. Looking forward to their next episode!"
"Star Trek Continues! YES!!"
Smearing lying filth? Deceitful, lying, smearing, hearsay spreading, filthy turd? Loser?
ROTFLMAO!!!! Yeah, you know Vic Mignogna personally, alright. LOL!
Truth be told, he deserves to be called every foul word ever invented by mankind for what you have just described above. As to him being a fine actor? I hate to break this to you, but the only acting he is good at is at fooling and lying to others. Something that I have posted before. Looks like you've been brainwashed by him and his toxic, narcicisstic charisma.
The Elvis/Kirk actor from the competing TOS crew doesn't even come close in Kirk's mannerisms in your opinion, and yet you love P2 and appreciate James Cawley's contributions. Interesting contradiction, if not oxymoron(if that is the right word)that you have displayed.
Didn't influence a damn thing? Well....actually I have. Quite a few people have been made aware of Vic's BS through yours truly and others who have had the misfortune of dealing with him. I can honestly say that there are many in the industry who, for lack of a better description, hate Vic's guts and his shenanigans. Many refuse to work with him. Especially in light of what got him banned from fan conventions.
Sticking my fingers and going LALALALA? LOL! The only person I know of who has done that is Dennis Bailey(who is associated with Farragut Films no less).
LOL! Seriously, you are certifiable. And misguided.
This thread (and board, for that matter) remind me of the ENT episode titled "Chosen Realm", where religious fanatics engage in a death struggle over whether the "gods" created the spheres in 9 days or 10.
So, what's the point? Why can't these two incarnations of TOS (and their respective supporters) co-exist peacefully? Combatants, what are your individual and personal stakes in this war?
OK, let's assume Vic's a rat. Shatner was exposed by his TOS co-stars as not being the highest quality human. For that matter, Christian Bale, the undisputed uber-god (at least according to his fan-tweens) is about as disgusting a human imaginable (in my opinion). So what?
Sentinel, you seem to be reasonably intelligent and expressive, yet there's a hint of desperation in your well-formed attacks. And his opponents should stop wasting time in this un-winnable contest. Again in my opinion, which is decidedly neither humble or otherwise.
Of course they can co exist peacefully. For most of the world, they do. For the production teams involved, they do.... and to the viewers that watch... they do.
Please don't confuse constructive criticism on P2 as lack of peaceful coexistance. They are so close... but unfortunately its not horse shoes or hand grenades.
The troll Christopher Brent has literally gone to every single board, site and article that references Continues to spew his lies, hearsay and slander. He has pushed this imbd board to the point where it is, and while i'm sure i get some type of petty amusement out of it, it was definitely provoked, and well earned backlash at his own behavior.
LoL Raspail, don't hold back, tell us what you really think! :D
Seriously though, I put that miserable little twat on ignore months ago - the perfect solution as it turns out! This is a much brighter and friendlier place once you take the poison out of it :)
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
LOL! Still primitive as always.
shareI just did the same thing. Got tired of poking his unhinged self with a stick.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
I love Phase 2 and have no complaints about STC either. Both do something great. Give us new Trek. Thats a GOOD thing. I do think its fair to say there would have never been a STC WITHOUT a Phase 2 or a James Cawley.
Its pretty obvious that both arguing parties are NOT fans, but members of both of these groups arguing their points in public. After reading the whole thing, i went back to the original post and have to say the original "nasty comments" came from Michelle, who likes to repeat how she blocked whats his names comments. Its also clear the story of the guy with AIDS wasn't used to make Vic look bad, but to make Phase 2 look good.
That said, BOTH sides are being extremely childish and need to drop it.
I love Phase 2 and have no complaints about STC either. Both do something great. Give us new Trek. Thats a GOOD thing. I do think its fair to say there would have never been a STC WITHOUT a Phase 2 or a James Cawley.
Its pretty obvious that both arguing parties are NOT fans, but members of both of these groups arguing their points in public. After reading the whole thing, i went back to the original post and have to say the original "nasty comments" came from Michelle, who likes to repeat how she blocked whats his names comments. Its also clear the story of the guy with AIDS wasn't used to make Vic look bad, but to make Phase 2 look good.
That said, BOTH sides are being extremely childish and need to drop it.
I love Phase 2 and have no complaints about STC either. Both do something great. Give us new Trek. Thats a GOOD thing. I do think its fair to say there would have never been a STC WITHOUT a Phase 2 or a James Cawley.
Its pretty obvious that both arguing parties are NOT fans, but members of both of these groups arguing their points in public. After reading the whole thing, i went back to the original post and have to say the original "nasty comments" came from Michelle, who likes to repeat how she blocked whats his names comments. Its also clear the story of the guy with AIDS wasn't used to make Vic look bad, but to make Phase 2 look good.
That said, BOTH sides are being extremely childish and need to drop it.
If anything is unhinged, it is your rantings. You certainly showed your true colors. And those colors are anything but pretty.
shareAll that aside, I would like to clarify the following. In various old school news publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and various others
I don't read the New York Slimes or the Washington Compost. Nothing but liberal trash.
I don't read the New York Slimes or the Washington Compost. Nothing but liberal trash.Can't be sure, but this reeks of "dittohead" i.e., pathetic lack of originality in so-called humor.
Pony, you took the words right out of my mouth. As Hawkeye Pierce of M*A*S*H would say: "I don't think I can top that." Well said, sir. Well said.
What Pony posted really says a lot. About how cool Phase 2 is and how cool of a character James Cawley is, as well as the rest of the P2 staff.
I don't see anything as cool, noble, and honorable as that coming from Star Trek Continues, Starship Farragut, and the rest of the thieving magpies who run Farragut Films. Do you?
I certainly DO NOT!
So, to those of you who badmouth Phase 2, think twice about it and think about what Mr. Horton had posted. You might be surprised as well as enlightened.
What the Eff?
Geeze, where to starts on this?
#1, who is bad mouthing Phase II? No one. All the bad mouthing is coming FROM Phase II towards Continues and it's coming off as both ugly and petty. I've read interviews with the Continues crew (I even interviewed Chris Doohan myself about six months back) and they never bad mouth or trash Phase II. This is a one-sided fued and it just makes Phase II look bad.
#2, A guy was sick with AIDS, so Phase II is better? Really? That's your argument? That is beyond ridiculous.
No competition - this has the actual actor who played Apollo in the original series! And Marina Sirtis as the computer voice! I especially liked this, as Majel Barrett used to do the old voice, she also played Troi's mother. Cool or what?
Never argue with a fool - they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
More like NOT cool. Vic Mignogna and Michele Specht have screwed over so many fellow artists, it is not even funny. They even dubbed over the actors who played Janice Lester and Dr. Coleman in their first viginette.
Talk about being the Napoleon and Josephine of fan film projects.
I'd love to see Marina play an on-screen role (not as Troi obviously) in the next episode - she's an enthusiastic Trekkie and I'd best would be up for it in a heartbeat :)
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
Yeah that'd be awesome. TBH any of the old cast would be great!
Never argue with a fool - they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
I would love to see Shatner do a cameo, and watch him and Vic try to out-"Shatnerize" each other :)
I guess we would only see that in a "Trouble With Tribbles" type episode though!
IMDB's "ignore user" button = priceless :)
The quality of acting in Star Trek Continues is much poorer, and none of the episodes so far have even a modicum of Star Trek or good science fiction in them. It seems that Farragut Films and its staff have restored nothing with this. In fact they would ruin Star Trek if this garbage became official Star Trek.
All the more reason why Vic Mignogna's and Farragut Films' petty and vindictive farce should be avoided like the digital Black Plague it really is.
Thank you for archiving everything in one place, with clear quotes, from all sources, with the hopes that this will be resolved. It obviously isn't, but at least anyone with a brain can now read the truth for themselves. Apparently for some people, facts aren't good enough. Thanks for the time and hard work. Either way, I am looking forward to the next episode immensely. :)
shareHere is some more proof that confirms Vic’s controversial nature.
This is a quote from Jim Bray, a member of the Starship Ajax production, who explained in detail what happened, and how Vic set that production behind by a year. This was posted on the site on line # 630. Originally, his name was with held out of respect. This also explains in detail Vic's and Farragut Films' involvement in the setback of Starship Ajax.
“Ok…here’s the whole STARSHIP AJAX story….We had just aquired the bridge set from another production; “Starship Exeter”, and had moved it to an airplane hangar to begin restoration. It had sat in a polebarn for several years, exposed to the weather, so it was in pretty rough shape. Vic had attempted to get his hands on it, but showed up 2 weeks late, so the owner, Jimm Johnson gave it to us.. When Vic heard that it was about to slip through his fingers, he hustled to Texas to get it. (You see, he wanted it to make his production, “Star Trek Continues”) Jimm told him, “Sorry pal, you never showed up. You snooze, you lose!” Vic was furious and threw a hissy fit…offered thousands of dollars for it…but Jimm’s mind was made up; the bridge was ours to keep. Vic then set about badgering us to get it…rent it…borrow it…He waved around his checkbook and that got the attention of the AJAX team. I wasn’t there for any of this, but I was getting constant calls from the guys to keep me in the loop. I’ve worked with types like Vic before, so I tried to warn the guys…told them to steer clear of this guy…he was just a bad news Hollywood type who will tell you what you want to hear, but screw you in the end. Finally, a deal was worked out that Vic would rent the hangar next to ours, help with our rent and send a crew to help us build all the other sets (Conference room, captain’s quarters, curved corridor, transporter room, sickbay) and an exchange would be made…Vic would get to shoot on our bridge, and we would get to shoot on the new sets. Now, keep in mind, restoration stopped on our bridge to do this and rent was still being paid for the space while our bridge just sat there. For a month or so, the work on the sets progressed and things were looking great. We were so stoked that we would actually have all the original Star Trek sets at our disposal…and THAT was when Vic yanked the rug right out from under us. He showed up late one night with a crew, packed up all his sets and left. He probably would have taken the bridge too if he’d had a key to our hangar. At this point, we had used up all of our building materials, our budget was shot, and to make matters worse, he stuck us for the rent. His final words? “Payback is a bitch.” His B.S. set us back over a year as we crawled out of the hole that Vic dug for us. He brought the whole mess to the folks who make “Starship Farragut”, making the same promise to them. You see, he got free labor and materials out of us and basically ruined us…all because we beat him to the bridge that he wanted. Do I HATE this vindictive *beep*? Yep….”
And here is another confirmation of Vic's nature. For those who have been wondering about the incident concerning Vic’s attempted coup of Phase 2, this was also revealed and confirmed by Patty Wright of P2.
“So here is a “minor” tale from the Phase II side. For the episode being shot June 2011, James was set to play Captain Kirk’s father – as Kirk himself barely appeared in the episode. Vic begged and begged to have the part, and offered a friend to play another key role “Guy #1″ and James turned it over to him. Two weeks before filming was to begin, the actor for “Guy #1″ got a paying gig and bowed out. Therefore, we switched it back to James playing Daddy Kirk and put Vic playing “Guy #1″.
Vic called me. Sobbing. And I mean SOBBING. And BEGGING to play Daddy Kirk, saying it was his “only chance, ever, to play a Kirk”. When I told him we had no choice, he asked if HE could find someone to play the “Guy #1″ role. James told me to tell him he could try, but at this point in time we couldn’t help with transportation, lodging, or anything else a “real actor” might want. He called us later (not sure how many days) and had roped Colin Cunningham into it. Vic said Colin was available the entire two weeks and that Vic would pay the salary, food, lodging and transportation Colin wanted for working. James told Vic that if he was willing to do all that then, of course, he could play Daddy Kirk and we’d love to have Colin for the other role…as long as Vic understood we were not paying for ANYTHING.
So I call Colin to set up his lodging. It is then I find out that he is available for two days at the beginning of the shoot and two days in the middle, but had to go to Canada in the middle and at the end. NOT the entire shoot. (As he was a main character, and other stuff had to be scheduled in, we could not schedule around that.) I tell James and then call Vic to report the problem. Vic then yells at me for 10 minutes that it’s completely unnecessary for Colin to be there the entire time and I am causing trouble by having told James that because “he doesn’t need to be bothered with those kinds of details”. Vic then calls James and tells him I am lying and Colin is available the entire shoot. Vic then calls me back and yells some more about me telling James to begin with. (In case you guys don’t know, James is the creator and Senior Exec of our production…or HIS production LOL) I tell Vic I can’t schedule the guy for 4 days and we’ll just have to go back to James playing Daddy Kirk and Vic playing the other guy, and we need to thank Colin for his willingness to try to work with us.
O.M.G. Vic melts down completely. First yelling at me that “James can barely handle Captain Kirk, there’s no way in hell he could handle the other Kirk”. Then he sobs and begs some more. Then he goes back to saying James can’t act his way out of a paper bag. Vic insists we can film a heck of a lot more in 4 days than we are able to. Vic accusses me of causing trouble by telling James the truth and “upsetting him with a truth he doesn’t need to know. It’s better if James is ignorant of the details of his production.” Vic then calls James and tells him that yes, Colin is available the entire shoot and he doesn’t know why I am causing trouble and telling James otherwise. In fact, he says James should get rid of me for causing such trouble.
These calls to James and I, back to back, go on for about 45 minutes.
Oh. I forgot to mention…..while he is calling James saying one thing, and then calling me yelling cause I told him the truth…..wait for it…
James and I are sitting next to each other at a restaurant. It would have been funny as hell if it wasn’t so infuriating.
Long story short… Colin comes. Vic does pay his expenses. He is not available the middle days and expects us to provide transportation to Canada and back for him. When he finds out we don’t have the money or driver to do so, he stays in his room, refusing to come to the set during those days because Vic only is paying him for the 4 days. (Colin was an absolute professional and a joy to work with, btw. I am just pointing out Vic did not pay him for the entire shoot, as he agreed to do.) Vic and his business partner who attended made this shoot sheer hell – which is ENTIRELY different from our “fun summer camp” we are used to. Not surprisingly, we did not get all the footage we need to finish this episode. (We’re still working on pickups)
But here is the kicker- to this very day, Vic claims that James “stole” his money and “owes” Vic the money he paid Colin and for Colin’s requirements.
Folks, I was involved every step of the way with these arrangements, even listening in on speaker phone when Vic was talking to James, and I can ASSURE YOU that Vic absolutely agreed to pay everything needed and understood absolutely that there was no way in hell that WE or James could ever pay it, nor would we. But Vic states this as his #1 reason for “hating” James and trying to bring the production down.
And, that, folks, is just the tip of the iceberg…..
When James finally started screaming “hang the **** up on him! Hang up! HANG UP!” and then did it for me….I finally texted Vic “speaker phones suck, huh?” LOL and, yeah, this was the issue that Vic used to try to get his edit seen…”
This is not an exaggeration. From what I have heard there is SO much more. However, I have not been privy to the rest of the information concerning this. Suffice to say, Vic brings a path of destruction with everything he “works” on…"
Even David Gerrold had this to say about Vic's behavior(this was posted on the Trek BBS).
"I will never work with Vic Mignogna again in any capacity, nor would I recommend him to any other producer. Vic Mignogna's actions, both on the set and off, are the primary reason why we will have to junk everything we shot on the Origins episode. The script is a good one, we got an astonishing performance from Matthew Ewald, and it's a story we want to tell. We should have been able to finish it and have it out by now, but much of Vic's work was unusable and Vic has so alienated the production crew that none of us want to invest any energy into finishing an episode with him in it."
As one posted stated who used to be entrenched in the anime industry (worked for numerous conventions, was a con-chair, headed up the largest Anime club in the state of TX, and interned at ADV which was one of the biggest anime companies out there RIP.), this is the just the tip of the iceberg with Vic Mignona and like that one poster, I can’t, in good conscious, stand by as he sullies something that means so much to us. Ego is one thing, but outright unethical business dealings, contempt for fans, extorting con staff for a plane ticket, sexual harassment, ect is another thing. The worst part of all this, he’s an ex police officer, puts out Christian albums, and was the song leader at First Baptist Church in Houston. With all that, he still does what he does. But people here still like him for his second rate impression of William Shatner? No sir, we can’t have this.
The most ironic part is that he puts out a panel to “dispel rumors about him” at conventions. Attempt and trying to get better PR much?
Unfortunately, people will still defend him and he’ll still continue to go on doing what he does because he was Edward Elric in Full Metal Alchemist and the fangirls like “getting a squeeze” from him.
The thing is, the base of most of these claims are very factually supported, and a lot of the facts are public knowledge.
As to why some deny these...Maybe they just don't want to deal with it. Maybe it is because the truth hurts and it hits close to home. Maybe its because they feel threatened by honesty. Certainly Michael Bednar of Farragut is, judging by his statements. Maybe its for other reasons. Who knows?
Nevertheless, these are the facts.
As far as my being Razorburn are concerned, I am not that person.
Unfortunately, in the column about STC's first episode, many of the same comments were copied by others, with other identities.
Chances are that it is one or many of those individuals(i.e. Jovius the Romulan and whoever else that have made those remarks). I can't say that I blame them for their negative remarks. I concurr with them 110%.
Here is also a quote from both Alec Peters(LOKEN)and Robert Simmons - Simmons is a former producer of Ajax - confirming Vic's and farragut films's malicious acts. It can be found at the Trek BBS addresses below.
Peters - Alec Peters here. I am part of the formerly 3 person group called "Starfleet Missions" that was renting the other hanger. I run Propworx and am the Star Trek Archivist for CBS.
The group included John Muenchrath (Dr. McCoy from New Voayges) and Vic Mignogna. We were set to do two different projects, a TOS one and a one shot called "Axanar".
We have been building sets on the hanger we rented next to Ajax, and the plan was to all use all the sets. Vic was supposed to pay the rent for October and November, and Doc John even gave him the money. (Being a business person I had an excel spreadsheet showing what each person contributed and was owed since it was a partnership). Vic failed to pay the rent in October and November and thus we lost the hanger.
Vic probably did it on purpose because he wanted to leave the partnership because he (being the total narcissist he is) felt HE was doing all the work, and Doc and I were doing nothing. That didn't go over with John who is writing the script. Vic even suggested that Doc and I fly to OKC to paint the sets, but he was too busy to go. He also only wanted to work on his TOS project so he could be Kirk and hated that we were going to do Axanar since it wasn't about him. Vic is working with Farragut now. His third production, having burned the previous two now.
Vic doesn't care about anyone but himself as anyone who has dealt with him will tell you. He is the single most toxic person I have met in my life. He only cares for himself, thinks he never does anything wrong, takes all the credit and none of the blame. And so he screwed Ajax and Doc John and I.
It should be pointed out that everyone at New Voayage/Phase II hates Vic. His bad behavior is now legendary. Word from Farragut is that John Broughton is already tired of Vic (note John's Facebook posts about dealing with manipulative people - he was specifically talking about Vic).
We were set to use the Farragut sets, but Vic bitched and moaned about me to them and so they went back on an agreement we had agreed to a few days earlier. I blame Mike Bednar, John's partner, for that. He is in Vic's pocket and even shared a private email I sent to them (with my references since I knew Vic was talking *beep* with Vic. Vic then went out and bitched at the people who I used at references, one being his former assistant, who has now quit.
OK, so there it is. I don't usually air my dirty laundry in public, but since this affects Ajax, I thought the story should come out. And I can give you a dozen people who will back up my insights on Vic, and another dozen who will tell you I am a pro and treat people right.
Yes, we should all work together. We should all get along. Heck, James Cawley opened up his sets to us so we could shoot "Axanar" there next Fall after Vic screwed us and Farragut backed out on their agreement with us. But some people are selfish bastards who only care about themselves.
I am available by email at [email protected]
Simmons - Thanks Alec. I was not happy how this was all playing out and one of the major reasons I quit. This whole process has been backwards from what I had well in place before the Exeter bridge and the other group came into the picture. I had to shelve the entire development process to give attention to the sets which I wanted to deal with later. But that was John's call since Jimm and Josh said come get them or forget them. Little choice on the matter. Act or loose. John chose to act which I knew would introduce a host of problems I was not prepared at that time to deal with. I knew John was in the process of being hurt and I refused to be part of it since I was powerless to stop it after I came back. I warned him to not let the others pay for the materials going into the second hangar or they would walk off with them. Despite all the overtures of mutual benefit and co-operation, All I saw was everything was set up for them to own the sets and to be in a position to walk away with them outright. For me real intent is not voiced, but what position you put people in and that is what i was militantly waving the warning flag to John over begging him to not let them pay for the sets. I found out they did pay for them virtually the same time I quit for a host of other reasons I mention later in this post. And when I pointed out to John the time table for their November planned shoot and how when they were done they were going to walk off with the sets, John went into panic and began to press Vic in phone calls to let us to be able to at least be able to film on them before walking off with them. This was a huge eye opener for John in that they were not wanting to hang around after they finished their shoot to let us use them which would have required them to pay more rent on the second hangar long after they were done with them. ( that is why we upon realizing this all of us suspended work on the second hangar since it became painfully clear to all we were working on sets we would never be allowed to use despite no matter how many hoops we jumped through to meet the voiced desires of the other party...) My hands were tied form day one on all of this and I wanted no part of it, but John insisted to do this and I was overridden on this despite my vehemiant objections blowing my stack over this. I also knew to not trust this venture form the beginning since i had it communicated to me via the grape vine that a particular individual was outright griping about us securing the Exeter bridge and badmouthing us. So I was outright against even doing business with this venture form the outset knowing what had been said about us behind our backs. ( Those are our sets, we're professionals and at least we know what to do with them, yadda, yadda, yadda...which I found arrogant and beyond insulting....) As well in time I found out from one on one contact in the process of the build that Vic didn't know anything about what he was talking about. All B.S. and bluster... which for me was VERY TELLING about the caibre of individual I was dealing with and having told me second hand by those he was in communication with during the 2nd hangar build.
John Hughes and I discussed at length as to what to do when this finally blew up and John had made the decision to not say anything and just let people peaceably go their separate ways to prevent conflict. but since this has come out and you and Jim Bray have brought this public, this makes this whole post event process easier for the Ajax crew, John and I. I was not happy about how things seemed to be playing out as things were going down, and although I have been one of New Voyages / Phase II's harshest critics I had to take James Cawley and Patti Wright's side in this conflict ( I never thought I would ever hear myself say that..)....since at least they asked the original authors to do "Mindsifter" which more than legitimizes the production in my eyes. Vic's voiced desires to do with him as Kirk I felt was outright backstabbing and I HEAVILY pretty much wanted to avoid that whole mess altogether.
Alec you did me and John as favor my mentioning all this here. I was frustrated from day one when we entered into the partnership cause I wanted to as much photo and video documentation and updates to post for those wanting to follow the progress of the production. I was miffed when we had to avoid posting stuff so to keep Vic's project out of the public eye. ( We were beginning to feel like the fat ugly girlfriend not wanting to be seen with publically in the relationship which for me was an instant sign things were not exactly being above board.... ) From the descriptions form richard and Scott who were present at the first hangar when the second hangar was cleared it was the core Farrugut team who broke down and removed the sets form the second hangar. I'm now pressing those present to see if any pictures were taken as requested by me so they can be posted as proof here. I've been pretty hacked and feeling stabbed in the back by the Farragut group over this in the wake of our mutual voices desires to work together ( like my telling Bednar on the phone how to do the viewscreen in response to his query on the matter...), and I now consider myself in a state of war with them as a result. Broughton and Bednar and crew are royally at the top of my major *beep* list now, and they are offically DOGMEAT in my eyes as far as integrity and honesty goes in how they deal with others. The final straw for me is discovering that I was blocked by John Broughton when I got an update on our Facebook page that said he comment on one of the 2nd hangar photos I posted but I could not see his comments. That for me was a royal major SLAP IN THE FACE that was the injurious last straw that made me decide to quit the second time, cause that for me was proof that Vic was talking crap about me behind my back to the Farragut group. That majorly did not sit well with me since I was in essence in the process of building what was evidently HIS SETS which I had just found out he had paid for. ( So I was told at the time by John hughes...) MY attitude on that was "OH HELL No! ...and I walked off the production the second time. ) Otherwise why would a guy I hardly know and had never fought with just outright block me? I found that in if it self VERY TELLING in light of everything going down simultaniously.
EDIT: Oh by the way....even though Vic paid John $1000 in cash for the wood he borrowed from the first hangar out of Johns' personal paid materials, The total hit to John in delays come to to nearly 10 months. ( Some have been saying 6 months behind the scenes. Since March when the plans veered to a 2 hangar plans to meet their demands. We can quibble over one month rent if any wish to take issue with it...) For those of you in Rio Lynda that $5500 in rent alone John has lost due to the delays on this when they insisted on having a second hangar and that what we were doing in the first hangar was not good enough for them. So in addition to the $5500 in lost rent John is owed he also has the cost of time, travel expenses devoted almost exclusively to the 2nd hangar at the expense of work in the first hangar.John has been feeling burned and I have been royally pissed over this in light of being told repeatedly "We are eagerly looking forward to working together with you." So depsite the $1000 Vic paid John for the wood so he couldn't be accused of stealing, the total bill John is owed is around the $7000 mark after all is said and done. All talk. Sorry I expect people to pony up the cash first or no game. Sorry folks....I'm cocked and loaded eager for a fight on all of this. And Vic calling to both John Hughes out over little things is BEYOND APPALLING! I am more than eager to have this conversation with him since the last time I blew up at him over the phone to mind his own business.
Peters: Understand, my intent was ALWAYS to stay at the OKC facility through 2012. "Axanar" is planned for a Fall 2012 shoot. I even was planning on absorbing the entire cost of the hanger and sets myself when Vic screwed us.
But when he didn't pay the rent I was screwed. We all were. We didn't have the option to stay.
Also, everyone on my team was SHOCKED by the total mis-management of the set build Vic was in charge of. He got an estimate 6 months ago and never shared it with us. We finally took that responsibility away from him, but too late.
PS, John Broughton is a good guy. Never had a problem with him. I think Mike Bednar is the one allied with Vic.
*As far as John Broughton being a good guy is concerned, that is a claim that I must differ with.
Frankly, I don't care whether you take this as a grain of salt or not. That is entirely your decision.
Here is the evidence that backs up what David Gerrold stated. Plus a little more.
As to what Patty and Jim revealed, you will have to visit the following site on facebook.
Anti-Vic Mignogna Group 2.
Does that clarify things for you? Obviously not.
Oh, here is my review of the latest STC episode. #99.
grow up.
The really sad part is that we have screens of text dedicated to Blue Thunder (yeah, i noticed it at trekbbs last night...) yet we don't have very much discussion at all about the actual *episode in question* - the longer we spend indulging the troll, the more he wins, because the focus is now on him, instead of the fantastic new episode of Trek that we just received.
The only flaw I can find is the use of McKenna in an Uhura role... but I, unlike others, can't hate on Vic for it; it is one of the perks of being boss / owner / Captain - and I know GR did the same.
So, is it confirmed that Blue Thunder/Christopher Brent is also TheSentinel68/razorburn? I had noticed a similarity in writing style, though not as overt as between TheSentinel68 and razorburn.
So now my question is, who is Christopher Brent and what is his stake in this matter? According to Robert Mauro, Brent is not welcome to be a part of the P2 production now or ever, so clearly they have issues with him too. So this makes him even creepier since he has no dog in this fight, yet he compulsively continues in his one man hatred campaign.
At one point, TheSentinel68 was willing to unscrupulously use Pony Horton's illness in an attempt to poison people against Vic. Mind you, TheSentinel68 doesn't actually care about Horton or his illness. They are just ammunition in his one man crazy war. Nothing more than a tool to further his own selfish ends.
I noticed that in the above Christopher Brent quotes, Brent also seems to be willing to use the death of his parents to gain sympathy for himself. Let's look at those quotes:
"Not that it is any of your business, but I am happily married and have my own home and career."
Irrelevant, but I do wonder if his wife or his boss, if they exist, know about his mental instability.
"My parents died fifteen years past(my father from lung cancer and my mother, from a broken heart at losing her husband)."
This statement seems designed to do one thing and one thing only and that is to deflect further criticism by making people feel sorry for the filthy bastard. Brent is perfectly willing to use his parents' deaths for his own selfish ends.
Their deaths are nothing more than ammunition for him to lob at whoever criticizes him. Disgusting.
"So on that note, I would be quite a bit more respectful before opening your alligator mouth and letting your it overload your jaybird behind."
This sentence backs up what I said above. He used his parents' death to try and get people to be more respectful toward him.
So it appears that Christopher Brent is willing to use the death of loved ones for his own selfish purposes much like TheSentinel68 used Pony Horton's illness to try and turn people against Vic. Now if that doesn't indicate narcissism...
Therefore, in my mind at least, TheSentinel68, razorburn, Blue Thunder and Christopher Brent are all one and the same. The same sick, deranged, twisted, lying maggot who will go to any lengths in his lunatic odyssey to try and destroy a man who probably doesn't even know he exists.
I guess now the question is, who exactly is Christopher Brent?
Kudos to you, chipwolfe, on an *excellent* takedown! Your photon torpedoes hit dead on!
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Sir(and use that term rather loosely), I am not a liar and I have posted the truth. I can't control what information has been made available and what has been erased. Nor can I control what you think. The evidence is there and I have presented it. How you look and interpret it is of your own decision.
Some people are just blind to it or they just choose not to look at it because they know that what has been presented is well known and based on documented facts. You can also blame those postings on Alec Peters. I'm surprised that you haven't gone after him.
Unless I am told personally by James Cawley, himself, I will continue to voice my opinions.
Judging by some of the negative reactions, I'd say that the truth has hit home and they just don't want to admit being called on the carpet for it.
Obviously, they are Vic fan boys, as you obviously appear to be.
Your a thick skulled moron. It doesn't have to come from Cawley himself, HIS OWN TEAM AND PRODUCTIONS HAVE DISAVOWED YOU COMPLETELY. I know stubborn; I *AM* stubborn. You're on the borderline of a psychosis here.
The only truth that "they" don't want to admit, is "you" admitting that STC is a high quality, well acted production, and that Vic makes an *excellent* Captain Kirk.
Its no more of a ripoff then P2 is a ripoff; You both have the same source material. You, sir, are a hypocrite. You have blatantly said in the past that Uhura was better on P2 (same actress) and are angry that she jumped ship. You have blatantly said that the guest stars and scripts would be better on, on Phase 2. Your only problem with this entire production is Vic, and that is a personal beef of yours, apparently. Yet I am a fan boy??? So because P2 did it first, and worked hard, it means no one else can do the same? By that logic, Star Trek should have ended in 1969.
You obviously don't care what others think, since every time you type a sentence, you make yourself look more close minded, ignorant and hateful. You have no concept of reality or real life, so forgive me for not taking your "people like what i say! really, they do! i promise!" bit seriously.
"Some have actually loved what I have posted."
Who exactly? Name names or it isn't true, you fvcking liar.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
That idiot lies to himself about the quality of STC. I have shown him review after review, all glowing, and he just conveniently ignores them. He mostly lies to himself, since no one here takes him seriously.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
"Sir(and use that term rather loosely), I am not a liar and I have posted the truth."
Nope, you're a low life liar. Chipwolfe has pretty much dismantled your entire argument with documented quotes. So yes, you are a liar. It is now proven fact on record, Christopher Brent.
"I can't control what information has been made available and what has been erased."
How very convenient. David Gerrold's **entire** post still exists, but you chose to only quote the parts of his post that furthered your filthy agenda. Chipwolfe proceeded to then post the entirety of Gerrold's comments, which pretty much derailed your attempt to use Gerrold (as you use others) for your own selfish ends.
"The evidence is there and I have presented it."
No, what you have presented is your own spin on the events in question, all of it self serving and in furtherance of your obsessive and unhealthy hatred of Vic Mignogna. About as far from the truth as you are from sanity.
"...what has been presented is well known and based on documented facts."
Well, what you presented as facts until chipwolfe showed everyone the unedited versions of what you posted, such as the aforementioned David Gerrold quotes. Funny how your argument collapses when everyone is shown the full and complete comments which you tried to hide. I especially loved the part where you kept quoting Jim Bray's comments from 2011 over and over until Chipwolfe showed everyone Bray's more recent comments where he now understands Vic's point of view and has *****moved on***** from the situation. You tried and failed to cover that part up. Chipwolfe has done an excellent job of exposing you for the filthy, toxic narcissist that you are.
"Unless I am told personally by James Cawley, himself, I will continue to voice my opinions."
That statement shows the little regard and respect that you have for James Cawley. You are using him and the P2 production to further your own selfish hatred of Vic, just as you used Pony Horton and your own parents when it suited you, azzhole. Cawley **has** pretty much told you and the other hatemongers to drop it. So has Robert Mauro. Their comments were addressed to **everyone**, including you, who was still fanning the flames of this situation. What an arrogant, selfish, narcissistic prick you are to demand that Cawley cater to you personally. It's already been made quite clear that you are not welcome to be a part of their production, not now, not ever and this is clearly the reason why. You are poisonous and insane and they don't want you near them.
"Judging by some of the negative reactions, I'd say that the truth has hit home and they just don't want to admit being called on the carpet for it."
Wrong, the negative reactions to your narcissistic bullshyt are due to you fanning the flames on a situation that everyone else wants to die, including the staff of P2 and Ajax. No one but you cares about the behind the scenes garbage anymore. We want quality Trek and both P2 and STC (as well as other productions) provide that. That is all that matters here. No one but you claims that STC is a crap production. I have shown you glowing review after glowing review of STC's quality and of Vic's performance as Kirk and you conveniently ignore those and continue to lie (to yourself, mostly) and say it's no good. No one thinks this but you. *No one*. Yours is a failed argument and a lost cause. In the end, your deranged, stalker-ish vendetta has not gained you one fvcking thing. STC is a rousing success, Vic gets stellar reviews for his performance as Kirk and all your insane little mutterings won't change that fact.
"Obviously, they are Vic fan boys..."
I am no one's fanboy, you lunatic fvck. I want quality Trek and STC provides that.
*****That is all I care about*****.
Take your behind the scenes hatred and drama and shove it up your azz.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
You're absolutely right, chipwolfe. That part had slipped my mind when I wrote my reply to Christopher Brent. Thanks for the correction and thanks again for your almost surgical dismantling of Brent's idiotic and dishonest vendetta. I also have to wonder if he has some unhealthy fixation on Vic. Cheers!
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
even tom hanks has taken notice of Continues, and thinks its awesome. that's one heck of an endorsement right there.
shareWow, really? Very cool! Where'd you see that?
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Poll asking which series should be "picked up officially" - obviously its just a poll for fun, but STC needs your support! go vote!!
didn't mean you in particular, i just picked a random place in the thread to respond from. I always view in "thread" mode.
shareCool. It is a worthy continuation indeed.
sharePhase 2 is more of a worthy continuation, since they are the ones that came first.
no one cares what you think.
shareNope, and though I know you have no respect for Rod Roddenberry and would use him in a heartbeat if it furthered your cause, it seems that The Great Bird of the Galaxy's son has given Star Trek Continues very high praise and an official blessing. HAHAHAHA, suck it down you creep! Your bitter tears are delicious!!!!
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Star Trek Continues will only attract the die hard fans. It will suffer less viewings and will be cancelled in short order. It’s appeal to the purist die hards (Being true to TOS) is also it’s downfall to the viewing audience as a whole.
No one will take a show that looks like it comes out of the 60s seriously, regardless how well written it is. Which in this case, it isn't.
What's most interesting is that the people at STC have deleted all the negative comments and commenters. Honestly, they’ve banned more people than they have fans…and NOT detractors either. Just people who make constructive comments that aren’t kiss ass “you’re awesome, wonderful and perfect!”.
That's a good way to lose their fan-base before having one.
As a fellow fan accurately pointed out: STC certainly “ripped off” the ball and is nothing more than a phallometric measure against P2's successes.
Oh, and Raspail - that decision is up to James Cawley. He makes the final decision in such matters since he is the senior executive producer. You might want to do your research as far as the chain of command and upper echelons are concerned.
One thing I've noticed about Christopher Brent is that when pinned to the wall, he just up and disappears from the message board thread that he is fouling with his stench. Over at Slice of Sci-Fi, Jackson hammered old nutjob with demands for legal documents to back his asinine claims. Christopher tried hard to change the subject and deflect by lashing out at his detractors, but Jackson wouldn't let up. So what did whacko do? He vanished, disappeared, became a ghost. He ran away because he knows that he can't back up his lies with real documentation. I guess his twisted MO is to show up at some Star Trek board, start pissing his particularly vile urine into the water and then run away when the other forum members start demanding actual proof from him. Then he just chills for a bit, peeks his head out to see if the coast is clear and starts his crap all over again, foolishly thinking that people aren't on to him and his narcissistic vendetta. It's a twisted cycle with this clown, but at least it's entertaining for the rest of us.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Since this seems to have turned into the resident troll thread, I just thought I'd laugh here over the fact that trekmovie's Lolani thread thinks that I'm someone else's troll account. Its pretty hilarious. They don't like that I choose the unpopular opinion so that automatically makes me their target's alterego. Heh.
Well done once again, chipwolfe and very interesting and enlightening reading. We haven't seen that loser Brent around much lately. I'd like to think it was our combined efforts to not let him get away with his lies, petty slander and stalking behavior. But just like black mold, I'm sure he'll turn up again. That's ok, I don't mind fumigating him every time he pops up.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
That's James Cawley.
shareBoth are compared in this article:
And there's also a poll. You can vote which one you find better.
The winner for me is Star Trek Continues.
Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase II will always the winner in my book. They came first in the internet fan film field.
As far as Star Trek Continues is concerned, like Galactica 1980, its an abomination and a nightmare. One that should NOT even exist.
Loosely translated, if there were any biological infestations that were in dire need of sterilization(i.e. Nomad's altered prime functions in TOS second season episode 'The Changeling'), it would certainly be Star Trek Continues.
If only that reporter knew about STC's real purpose.
The real purpose, that you fabricated in your head and tell yourself every day?
Go continue to live in fantasy land, troll.
If you want an abomination, I suggest you check out Jay Jay Abram's "Star Dreck".
Star Trek Continues' real purpose is exactly what its name says: to continue Star Trek (precisely, the Original Series' 5 year mission).
More like continue it into the ground with Vic Mignogna, John Broughton, Michael Bednar, and the rest of Farragut Films at the helm.
Nope. Star Trek Continues just wrapped shooting of what will probably be their critically acclaimed 3rd episode. I love it, but it tastes extra good knowing that it sticks in your craw, you whack job. You can't stop Star Trek Continues from succeeding. Nothing you've said or done has made a difference *at all*. What do you think of that? I know you'll claim that a few (imaginary?) people will back you up, but who gives a shyt? A couple of nut jobs can't even put a dent in Star Trek Continues' shields because STC sure looks to become the gold standard by which all other fan productions are compared, ***including*** Phase 2. Did you notice how it was Jim Cawley who replaced himself with a better actor for Kirk? Vic did nothing but put out his version of Trek and suddenly others are scrambling to improve their own shows. I just love the idea that this must bother you to no end.
I. Love. It.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
I just take it as proof that the troll is stalking Cawley in the most private of places, and the most private of moments; It just adds to the disgust factor here.
shareChipwolfe (and others), I suspect that our beloved Christopher Brent is a man of multiple unhealthy obsessions. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he's been served with a restraining order (or several) at some point in his life and I have to wonder if he's made the folks at Phase 2 uncomfortable to the point where they felt the need to issue a formal statement distancing their production from him. Those statements were pretty adamant about him not being welcome on Phase 2. They weren't just general "Nah, he doesn't work here" type of statements. They were very specific in stating that Brent was and is not part of the crew and is not ever welcome to be. That tells me that he's made himself an unhinged nuisance to them and while he may have created some material for them, they either didn't accept it or they did accept it before they realized just how much of a deranged little troll Brent is. I can't say for sure, but I doubt that he and Cawley are friends.
But as you said, Brent's selfish, ridiculous behavior just leaves a black eye on Cawley and Phase 2. I doubt Brent cares about that. It's his loony little cause to try and destroy Vic and STC at all costs and he just doesn't care about who else gets hurt from the fallout. If he has to burn Phase 2 to the ground to "get Vic", well I guess that's the price to be paid.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
I was just googling for anything new concerning the new episode, and instead, ran into this article concerning the *first* episode. Its a little old, but lo and behold, in the comments section, is an entire RANT by Mr. Brent, posted with his real name. Its hilarious, and I just had to add it to the list here. :D
Just noticed the sociopath even attacked Kim Stinger directly on her imbd page, and got a response FROM HER... she had no idea what she was dealing with, sadly.
Absolutely. Thats why I documented it here.... he's not going to escape this one. The truth will be archived here for him, waiting for the day the epiphany of life hits him. He is everything he hates, no wonder he's so relentless. He can't escape. And now i'm thinking of Khan's monologue from Moby Dick.... heh.
share"Star Trek-New Voyages/Phase II will always the winner in my book. They came first in the internet fan film field."
This means squat. They came first, so what? By **overwhelmingly** positive reviews, Star Trek Continues is the better production.
"As far as Star Trek Continues is concerned, like Galactica 1980, its an abomination and a nightmare. One that should NOT even exist."
Nope. Again, by overwhelmingly positive reviews, Star Trek Continues has quickly shot to the forefront in terms of recreating the feel and look of Star Trek. Positive review after positive review confirms this. That you are so mind numbingly stupid as to lie to yourself (because you are the only one that believes your bullshyt at this point) doesn't change the facts. Star Trek Continues is a quality production. If you can't deal with that, that's your issue and one to take up with a therapist.
Your opinion means jack shyt here, because you have a creepy and unhealthy vendetta against Vic Mignogna. A vendetta, I might add, that you and every other nutjob have been asked to put aside by just about every top official at Phase 2. But since you have no respect for James Cawley and only use him and Phase 2 to further your weird obsession with Vic Mignogna, you're just going to keep creeping people out with your unhealthy and potentially dangerous behavior.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Well said.
sharechipwolfe said recently that there is a lot of drama going on with Phase 2, and that it attracts drama. The reason why such drama has been erupting is that Vic is continuing to destroy the P2 production, as well as Farragut, from within. By causing such dissent, it gives him and his partners a chance to hijack whatever materials both fan films have, and set up shop on the West Coast(i.e. STC).
Alec Peters and David Gerrold obviously have a hand in this disruptive act, too.
If anything, these acts of drama instigated by Vic, Alec, and David(to some extent)are nothing more than a smokescreen to cover their true intentions. That being - take out two competitors by any means available, and set up STC's new shop on the West Coast.
I see. Now you're turning on David Gerrold too. You were happy to use his words when you thought they would hurt Vic Mignogna. Now that he is of no further use to you, you can toss him under the bus too right? You are nothing but a disgusting low life turd, a user of people and a s h i t stirrer. That's what you are. You love to go around stirring up s h i t and then you have the gall to accuse others of the same behavior. Phase 2 attracts lunatics like you and truth be told, I'm starting to believe that Cawley just sits back and lets unhinged nuts like you do his dirty work for him by letting you take shots at STC while he plays innocent. This is what you are doing, idiot. You are harming Phase 2 with your whacko behavior. You are doing this. Not Migogna, you.
Now you come here with your paranoid fantasies about how everyone is teaming up to destroy Phase 2. Get real. Phase 2 is fast becoming a 2nd rate operation because that's really all it was to begin with. Save for World Enough and Time and maybe To Serve All My Days, all of their episodes are ham handed in their delivery and with tons of boring exposition. Let's not even discuss all the things wrong with Kitumba. While I do think it was unethical for Vic to just take the Kitumba footage and release his own edit, after seeing his editing work on Continues, I have no doubt that his Kitumba edit would have been vastly superior to what Cawley gave us. It was simply a matter of Vic taking the material out of the hands of amateurs for the sake of the art.
That Phase 2 is a bunch of second raters running a second rate operation is no one's fault but their own. Of course, they have idiots like you, helping them right into the dustbin. Tell me, why did Gil Gerard say that incompetence sank Cawley's Buck Rogers project? Why are Cawley's actors jumping ship? Why is that, Christopher Brent? The actors that Cawley is getting to replace the ones who have deserted him look awful. At the beginning, Cawley had some decent people playing the iconic roles. Jeff Quinn, Kim Stinger, Andy Bray and John Lim. Where are they, hmm? Hell, even Bobby Rice and the guy that was to play Finnegan in Origins have bailed. Now it seems that Cawley is scraping the bottom of the barrel and offering the roles to anyone who sort of fits the part. Cawley just can't seem to hang on to people. I wonder why. Is it due to drama behind the scenes and further drama cause by unhinged idiots like you? I'd say yes.
On the other hand, all three episodes that Star Trek Continues has released have been met with rave reviews. You can't lie about this either, loser. The reviews are all over the net. Accolades for a very accurate portrayal of Star Trek and very high praise for Mignogna as Kirk. Saying that their episodes are duds just because you hate Vic, does not make it so. Everyone sees right through your dishonesty, loser. You have no reason other than hatred of Vic to say that Star Trek Continues is no good. Chipwolfe has challenged you to give a truly honest review of STC based on it's merits alone and you are incapable of doing so because you are a pathetic, compulsive liar with nothing but blind hatred in your heart. Too bad for you. All your efforts have been wasted and you lose anyway. What a sad and crappy way to go through life, having to be Christopher Brent.
"Star Trek Continues: The BEST and only the BEST in Star Trek fan films!"
It definitely looks like STC has lit a fire over at Phase II....
everything in this article makes me think they are trying to be like STC now. All the parts about lighting, especially... or bragging they will have THE most complete sets ANYWHERE now that they've gotten to build the whole sprawl like STC did.
They recast their doctor... a lot of people really liked the first guy. New Uhura looks iffy and I've hated their Sulu for awhile now.
Still, its worth a read.
I agree chip. And I think you meant Starship Farragut, not Exeter twice? It just seems like they are trying to be Vic and Company now... the kickstarter... the set sprawl... the emphasis on lighting.... and I'm sure it still won't be in the same league! The wait time is getting ridiculous, a delay from February to October? How bad WAS the first cut?? :D
Should I start obsessively trolling P2 pages, going on about how they are stealing ideas, ripping off from STC, and what a clueless ass Cawley is? :D
The role reversal just amuses me to no end.
I would imagine the wait time is due to Phase 2 trying to up their game in all areas, since Star Trek Continues is looking more and more like the big boy on the block. Sorry, but Phase 2 started looking less attractive to me when they made it clear that they would be introducing elements from the aborted "Phase 2" series. Now they're also tossing in a character from TAS? Turtle headed Klingons? No thank you. The reason I love Star Trek Continues is because Vic and crew truly seem to love TOS and it shows in their loyalty to the source material. Star Trek is my favorite show and anyone who can give me new stories and maintain the integrity and look of TOS the way STC has is ok in my book. So if Star Trek is my all time favorite, then Star Trek continues is now my 2nd all time favorite. James clearly only pays lip service to the idea that he just loves TOS, while changing it all around to suit his whims. On the other hand, Vic also says that he loves TOS, only Vic's the real deal and it shows with each episode they release.
I saw an interview where he was talking about calling Shatner on the phone, and did a little half parody of him, it was pretty funny.
I meant to post this in the Vic/Shat thread.
Really? Shatner formally approves of Vic? Time for Sentinel to throw him under the bus. It's quite an exercise watching (reading) you guys eviscerate him so, but it's well deserved.
STP2 has become Exeter-ish in their release of episodes. I've seen all of them but "The Child" - I just couldn't finish that one. I had been looking forward to "Kitumba" but was profoundly disappointed. I do hope the next ones are better.
I wish I could watch the fanedit of Kitumba that Phase II already had pulled from the internet.... either that, or the Vic original directors cut from last year. I'm sure both would be improved. The fanedit, from what I hear, greatly improves pacing.
shareI saw that there was at least one other version; I imagine some careful editing could make it a more engaging, comprehensible story.
In what parallel universe is Georgia on the West Coast?
shareWho knows? The guy's brain wiring is missing a few connections
"Star Trek Continues: The BEST and only the BEST in Star Trek fan films!"
To get back on track with Star Trek Continues, do you think Jesus (who gained power thru sacrifice) may have been one of Apollo's people? Perhaps one that learned the trick was sacrifice over worship at some point after Apollo left for deep space....
Wrath of Khan is set 15 years after TOS, which is reflected both in Khan's dialogue and Kirk's approaching 50th birthday, from what I remember. There is no way David was conceived during the 5YM. For once, credit must be given to JJ Abrams for getting it right. They met exactly when they were supposed to, although they should have all been in the Academy, not on the Enterprise. Still, the actual time period is correct, for their proper ages and what not.
Right on point chipwolfe. I have a lot of respect for Cawley for what he has done to bring TOS back into the spotlight, but I have to say that from the moment I saw him walk on to the bridge with that big ass Elvis hair, my heart sank. I know he has a successful career as an Elvis impersonator, but please. Either do Trek right or don't do it at all. That 1st episode was absolutely horrible, but I gave the show a chance anyway. Then there were the cartoonish ship FX of "In Harm's Way". What the hell were they thinking? I was ready to cash out after that, but the episodes did get better somewhat, so I have continued watching.
All in all, it was great to see TOS portrayed again, but Phase 2 never grabbed me the way STC has. For me, Phase 2 never seems to feel like anything more than a fanboy production. STC is on a whole different level. It looks and feels like TOS all over again. Sure, some of the acting on STC leaves a bit to be desired, but Vic as Kirk is solid gold compared to James Cawley and his habit of delivering almost every line with a sneer on his face. Vic pulls off Kirk with subtlety, delivering just enough without being an outright parody. James Cawley's Kirk is an unintentional joke and any truly objective person can see this. I think Cawley knows this, which is why he is allowing a real actor to replace him. We'll see if Brian Gross can deliver.
For me, the biggest complaint about Phase 2, aside from Mr. Cawley's lack of acting skill, is the way they are shoehorning the originally planned Phase 2 aesthetics into a show that never would have had them had TOS gone for 5 seasons. Cawley has gone on record numerous times talking about his deep love for TOS Trek, how he was hooked as a kid and how it was a dream of his to one day finish the 5 year mission. Sure sure, he loves it so much that he's changing it all around. If we follow a real world timeline, TOS' 5 year mission would have been completed in 1971 had NBC not cancelled it. Talk about resurrecting the show as Phase 2 didn't start until 76-77 (thereabouts) and TMP came out in 79. There is no reason for Cawley to start throwing all this Phase 2 stuff into his show, if he is serious about completing the the last 2 seasons of TOS. To me, this has kind of turned me off to Cawley's Phase 2. Now they are throwing in that three armed character from TAS, a show that has never been considered canon. I could be wrong, but I believe even Roddenberry disavowed TAS as canon. I do like TAS quite a bit, but please. No three armed guy on my bridge, thank you.
TOS Trek is TOS Trek. Complete the 5 year mission, *then* start talking about Phase 2. Either that, or create a separate show that deals only with Phase 2 Trek. There are a hell of a lot of Trek fans who are willing to overlook all of this, some obsessively so. We all know who I'm referring to. I myself can't overlook it. TOS Trek means a lot to me and I want to see it done justice, done right. Star Trek Continues has pulled this off with their very first episode and their second was even better. STC is how TOS should be done and I applaud Vic for pulling it off. End of rant, soapbox going back into storage.
Yeah, those ship FX from "In Harm's Way" irked me so much that I wrote to New Voyages (as it was then known) asking why they had chosen to make the ships look like something out of a Looney Toons cartoon. Some senior production person, I don't remember who, wrote back and said that it was Matt Jefferies' original intention that the ships flit around and be overall more maneuverable but because of technical limitations of the time, the Trek special fx people would not have been able to pull it off. I have never heard this anywhere and I do not believe for one second that Roddenberry would have allowed such a ridiculous and cartoonish representation of his ship. I also have trouble believing that Jefferies wanted to depict them as ridiculously as they were in "In Harm's Way". There were several shots of the Enterprise actually *rearing back* before taking off. Jefferies wanted to show this?? Get real.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Didn't know quite where to post this, but its vaguely Phase II related, so I picked here.
Just found out that the Buck Rogers project from Cawley was scrapped and according to Gil Gerard, was a victim of "incompetance." Just another knock on the unprofessionalism that their outfit can bring. On the Phase II official site, there are a lot of comments from upset fans that had donated, and heard nothing useful about the delay in their newest episode. Just thought I'd make note...
I had kind if thought that taking on another series might be too much for Cawley's bunch. Surprising that Gil Gerard would be so brutally honest about it. Oh well, I cringe anytime I see Bobby Rice trying to "act", so it's all for the best I suppose.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
I might have enjoyed some retro Buck Rogers (with someone else in the lead), but you're right about there being a limited fan base. It's quite telling that Gil Gerard himself said that the production was incompetent. Makes you wonder why it was that Kim Stinger jumped ship to Vic's show.
As for Trek, I think some people could also say that Vic should do something original, although at least Vic really does get it and doesn't seem to be trying to shoehorn the kitchen sink into his show the way James Cawley is over at P2. With "Kitumba", Cawley has shoved at us the movie Klingons and aspects of Klingon culture that did not exist in TOS. This is a man who claims to just love love love TOS Trek. Yeah sure, he loves it so much he that he creates his own TOS series and immediately starts changing everything around. I think I may be nearly done watching Phase 2 as it really irks me the way Cawley is introducing aspects of the original and aborted Phase 2 show way before they would have occurred in the real life of the franchise. All that flashy crap does not make for a quality TOS series, in my opinion. I think I'll be sticking with Vic Trek and Starship Farragut. Too bad that Starship Exeter is done. I'd watch them too. They really put together an excellent non-Kirk/Spock Trek. Now it looks like Cutty will never get himself that elusive cup of coffee.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
I was pretty impresesd with the first two episodes of Secret Voyages, and even though I don't watch them, I see Potemkin is still churning out new material.
Kind of sad, that "New Voyages" (which so impressed me at first glance way back in '06 or '07) is now the least exciting of the bunch. The last vignette was boring, the Child was a waste, they still use way too much exposition, and haven't learned "show don't tell" while using CGI so advanced its almost distracting with the low quality acting. Now they're getting more and more behind schedule, while begging for more kickstarter money, and relocating themselves while doubling their bills. Just doesn't make any sense to me, anymore....
Yeah feenix. It just looks to me like Cawley and crew really don't understand TOS at all, save for the key aesthetics. TOS ship? Check. Guy with pointed ears? Check. Kinda disappointing to me too, as I also was quite impressed when I saw that someone had pulled off their very own Trek show, bad as those first episodes were.
I don't have anything personal against Cawley and I do admire what he has achieved. I just happen to think that in his zeal to throw a butt load of fan service at the audience, his show is losing something in the process.
"Spock is the shiz-nit!"
Right; When they first started, it was just amazing that someone was even capable of it; like omg, look at the sets! hear the sound effects! OMG those effects are awesome! and it was really easy to look over the cheesy scripts and acting, because it was so damn technically proficient. But, that was 8 years ago (for me.) To waste TWO episodes on "Blood and Fire" and an entire wasted episode for "The Child", and then all the times they've scrapped things to start "refilming," and the constant turnover in actors (they had one of the worst Sulu's i've ever seen, fairly recently), the in your face demographics; I don't think i realized how bad it was until there was something better to compare to, honestly. They showed what was possible, but it doesn't seem they have the time, money or commitment level to continue to operate at a high level. Their pinnacle was 3, 4 episodes in, and its been dipping ever since.
another testament to Phase II incompetence.
Another bookmark for Phase II's underhandedness.
nevermind, i guess it got resolved, I read to the end of the thread. Still worth a read.
Thats why I edited it and said it was resolved, but the fact that she automatically jumps to the conclusion that something shady is going on and was that quick to get defensive and jump into drama, implies that it is normal and/or expected.
After I read through all the pages, though, i did edit my post, but felt it was still worth the read.
Kinda makes you wonder about the professionalism (or lack thereof) of the Phase 2 camp. Drama, infighting, actors jumping ship and being replaced, footage being trashed and re-shot. Meanwhile, Star Trek Continues keeps chugging along, pumping out one episode after another. Three whole episodes in a year's time? For a fan production, that's impressive.
"Star Trek Continues: The BEST and only the BEST in Star Trek fan films!"
Whats your take on this? More Phase II/Cawley drama.
quoted from cawley's facebook, apparently.
I will clarify my earlier post, I will not be involved in helping or making any other Star Trek fan films, except my own.
I have been doing this for far longer than ANY of the current crop of others out there. Unlike others, it is not my desire to sell my show to CBS, and be the next big thing in their franchise. I do this for fun, not financial gain, nor reward, Something many folks can't seem to grasp.
It is my desire, to work with MY FRIENDS, and celebrate our mutual love of the subject matter. My free time, energy and resources are my own and they will be directed solely at making my projects a reality. I will be far more careful moving forward in whom I place my trust and friendship.
Thank You to all who have expressed friendship and concern. I will not be on Facebook as much for awhile. I have a very full life, outside of fandom contrary to popular belief and my fall is shaping up to be a busy one.
Peace, Love and May God Bless all of you!
and a Very Special Thank You to Brandon Stacy, you are an Amazing guy and a true friend. I Love you Brando!