Candice has so much potential
Why waste it on these stale con plots? It always is a cycle of conning and getting caught for her. Candice has so much potential to be a lawyer, turn her life around, and provide for her family the right way. Candice could still do some shady stuff on the side of Jim retaliated or to help people but we are stuck with the same old plots. When will Candice accept responsibility for what she has done and try to change? Candice is always desperate and chooses conning over accepting responsibility for her actions and dealing with the consequences. I know they are trying to make it interesting but it is just getting old to me. I see inklings of Candice wanting to change it seems but she never does. Pass the bar and stop working for money on your back. Candice seems to like fast money but isn't willing to work for it. It is the life she is accustomed to do I understand her apprehension to change but after how many times Jim has screwed him over you would think she would change by now. It's like watching a sinking ship at this point. Maybe this is the life she wants to lead but It's crazy how she can get out of every situation.