Guns have always stopped the US..
..becoming a civilised and fair country.
Come on all you NRA knuckledraggers - bring it on.
'Well I've got two words for you - STFU'
..becoming a civilised and fair country.
Come on all you NRA knuckledraggers - bring it on.
'Well I've got two words for you - STFU'
Yeah, that's the problem. Guns. Man, you've really cracked the code.
shareGuns have always stopped the US ... from becoming a totalitarian state.
THere fixed it for ya.
BTW, dummy, an ellipsis has 3 dots.
"little-man-in-your-head" might sound 'Ironical', if it weren't obvious he's oh-so-earnest (in the manner of a 10-year old who doesn't know any better).
"Guns have always stopped the US ... from becoming a totalitarian state."?
Having owned guns for decades, having a Concealed Carry Permit for 15+, etc., I know about guns and gun owners. There's a special type of gun user that "little man" - and 1,000 just like him - sound like. They merely Parrot recycled cliche's and platitudes with little evidence they know what they are even talking about.
A "totalitarian state"? Really? Just how much does little man truly know about such states? This brand of shallow understanding pretending to be actual knowledge or a qualification to lecture others doesn't stop them from, well, always lecturing others. They are the same types who brag and boast that how they "cannot wait to have to use my weapon when someone breaks into my house", blah blah blah - those who actually have "had to use their weapons"?
They never brag about it; they are the silent ones who know what true violence truly is and who know that it is nothing to brag about like some pre-teen master-bating about what it will be like to be with a real woman. All 'theory'; zero experience and boy do they love to talk as if they have all the experience in the world.
They are very good at repeating what they think sounds good or have been Told To Think, while having zero understanding of the simple Reality of things, including what a "totalitarian state" truly is or what gun violence truly is - it's not as though the 'read it in a book', it's more like they 'saw pictures in a magazine' - and THAT qualifies them to lecture everyone else, they seem to believe.
AND they always, always 'wither' when simply challenged to back up their cliche' with actual knowledge - anyone who has experience with a true totalitarian state and/or 'real-life' gun violence would almost be embarrassed for these types, if they weren't too busy laughing their heads off at the sheer ignorance and innocent charm of a "little-boy" trying to sound like any kind of Man...
DID I READ TOO MUCH INTO A SHORT COMMENT? Definitely; I'm no mind-reader. If wrong about "little-man", though, I'd be surprised - having heard every inane little platitude the type Parrots over and over. It's the difference between actual Reality and life-experience and 'seeing pictures in a magazine'...
shareThe OP is like a ground hog, he pokes his head out, makes a fool of himself and goes back in his hole.
I believe in choice. No one should be forced to own a gun, if they don't want one. BTW OP, did you know that John F. Kennedy was a Life Member of the NRA? Bet you didn't.
"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
Well with such an intelligent OP and such a complicated and well argued attack towards the NRA then I am speechless!
"Knuckledraggers" wow where does one get such advanced vocabulary, please teach me and while you're at it, explain in which way guns have stopped it becoming a fair and civilised society, it seems like in the end of the movie, the good guys with the guns shoot the bad guys with the guns, or was I watching a different movie?
Knuckledraggers? Please watch your language.