Boring as fu*ck


Josh Brolin sucks


You should try Cliffhanger with Sylvester Stallone, it's probably more your cup of tea.


Really? I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. How can one stay stoic witnessing such a tragedy? It was a rather painful experience for me, but i loved it. 8/10 in my book. Very emotional somehow.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Evidently there weren't enough explosions in the film to suit them. Go figure. What is there to say? Some Americans are shallow, uneducated idiots.

Bored now.


Agreed, allthought rated it 5/10, for some good moments


Just check OP's ratings.
He rates everything either 1 or 10, that says everything about him that there is to know. People like that should be banned from Imdb, arrested and executed on the spot without trial by FEMA death-camp dentist-killer-squads.

A little too harsh?

There are already enough *beep* on this planet, we don't need them at Imdb, destroying the rating system with their stupidity.
No wonder *beep* like Bayformers receive high ratings when retards vote everything they "like" a 10. We could have remotely accurate ratings here, but nope, let's be a retarded oxygen-thief and rate it either 1 or 10.

I hate you. So much.

Addendum: I'm a live and let-live person, but some things are just... too much.


I've been around these forums on IMDB for a long time and have seen everything...The ordinary poster and the idiot posters. But the rating system used here is weighted to consider the #1 and the #10 ratings differently that others (read the semi-explantion at the rating icon). It's hard to understand but in all polls the extremes are adjusted differently so usually rating something at the extremes is usually just wasting your vote.

It's almost impossible for a film to get a very low or very high rating and why you might see a lot of 7 or 8s but even great films like, "Gone With the Wind" is only rated an 8.2.

Votes Percentage Rating
65171 29.8% 10
43251 19.8% 9
49345 22.6% 8
29111 13.3% 7
13621 6.2% 6
6653 3.0% 5
3521 1.6% 4
2340 1.1% 3
1756 0.8% 2
4014 1.8% 1

"The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Godfather" have the highest rating on IMDB at 9.2.

My favorite: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


it's not boring but it's not really all that interesting either. kind of middle-of-the-road range for me overall as it's not a movie i would see again as while it has some decent bits and pieces the movie as a whole does not hold my interest all that well.

4.5-5/10 (Thumbs Down) ; so it's kind of a weak average range movie for me.

I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. How can one stay stoic witnessing such a tragedy? It was a rather painful experience for me, but i loved it. 8/10 in my book. Very emotional somehow.

i rarely get that 'on the edge of my seat/accelerated heart rate etc' feeling anymore as after you have seen plenty of movies it's just not easy to get that feeling as it takes a lot to get it.

the last time i got that feeling was over 5 years ago (June 2010 on the last episode of Season 3 of Breaking Bad).

as far as the emotional thing... not much there for me either as the most recent movie to provoke a strong emotional response from me would be Gran Torino (2008) (primarily at the end area of the movie) and that happens to be my #1 movie of anything released in the 2007 to date time frame to as it's the only movie i gave a 10/10 to in that time frame.

with that said... i guess there are some people who would agree with you though as it seems there are people out there who really get into these types of movies.

My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =


You do realise this is based on actual events, ADHD guy?


With a baby on the way climb a mountain in an ice storm where there is no oxygen.


It reminded me of an LMN movie without the SuperWomen. It was just o-kay.
