The Prostitute

I can't recall her name but SHE was my favourite character in the film. Calm and level headed.

It was a relief that she didn't come to any harm in that private room by any of the ten upper-class nutters, in the way Lauren kinda did and the landlord most definitely did.

Does anyone know the name of the actress who played her?


Natalie Dormer


Thank you for informing me of the name of the actress. I wouldn't have known otherwise.

I can now look her up here on IMDb thanks to your reply.


so the rich guys didn't have money to hire 2 sex workers per gull, or the height of decadence in britain is to share 1 woman between 10 guys?

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


One of the club members, Harry, says that in the past members used to hire a single prostitute to service them under the table during dinner. It is his intent to restore that tradition that leads him to hire one prostitute rather than several.


how is this an answer to my question specifically?

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


Harry never considered hiring two girls because, as far as he knows, that was not the past practice.


i asked how is this an answer, as then it is not only that one of the heights of decadence in england is a 10 on 1, but it is that historically. you are just keep confirming confirming my original statement here

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


You did not make a statement. Rather, you asked a question.

It is never discussed in the film whether a 10 on 1 is the "height of decadence" in Great Britain or has been in the past, nor is the act ever described as extreme or implied to be so. Harry simply brings up the fact that a long time ago the Riot Club used to do this and later he acts to restore the practice. All we know is that he views the practice positively. Again, whether or not he considers it to be the "height of decadence" or not is never discussed. Obviously he wishes that his generation of the Riot Club were more like Jeremy's. Furthermore, Harry would like to impress other club members by securing each of them blowjobs during their dinner, but we are not told that he views the act as exceptionally debauched.


aspergers much?

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


Ah, I almost forgot that this was the internet, but your unnecessary and uncalled for insult has snapped me back to reality. Thanks for that.


no insult, just stating the suspicion

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


Your "suspicion" is insulting.



"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


You two should get a room.


I never expected the conversation to continue after I had answered the question.


I do not have Asperger's Syndrome.

Choosing to answer your question was obviously a miscalculation on my part


Most males are on the spectrum at the very least, and most of them are never diagnosed with it. How can you be so sure then?

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


This would have been much easier had you just written "I don't find your answer entirely satisfying, but thanks anyway" and just left it at that.

I am more likely to know if I have AS than you are to know if I have AS. Furthermore, your "suspicion" is more unfounded than not. In any case, the question is irrelevant to the discussion about Charlie.


It's not unfounded, because either that or you are a kind of person who hope to malignantly gain advantage in arguments by nitpicking on sentence fragments.

So I was actually giving you the benefit of doubt.

And I would know it better trust me, as I worked with people on all levels of asperger's.

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


I am tempted to simply repost the comment to which you responded, but instead I'll just wonder aloud why you have chosen to continue this utterly pointless exchange. You asked a question. I gave you an answer. The response that followed led me to believe that I had not been clear enough, so I expanded on my answer. Now you in turn would like to have a discussion about AS, perhaps with the hope that you can diagnose me over the internet. What sort of nonsense is this?


troll nonsense ;)


Ricardo78, I am not sure if more bad faith is possible. You should thanks
JFMJJ88 for his very clear and clever answers instead of acting like a spoil brat.

Go troll somewhere else ...


Being shy or awkward isn't anyone's fault particularly those diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and anyone can be intelligent even those with Asperger's. Takes a special kind of narcissistic jerk to use disabilities as a tool to put others down. Actually says quite a bit more about you.

Conceive Deceive or Leave


Try to think this over from the filmmaker's perspective. My statement is about them, and through them about the English culture.

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."


It feels like you intentionally worded that post in a manner as to make it confusing. Either that or you're just really stupid. Troll or idiot, either way you're a douche.


They didn't say it was the height of decadence in Britain.


she is pretty famous- she is in Game of thrones dude.



Thanks dude, but I've never heard of her before or seen that movie.


Its not a film- Its a TV series. But a very popular, high budget one.



Ok, thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it


She also played Anne Boleyn, the second wive of Henry VIII, in The Tudors.


She is also in the final two Hunger Games movies and had a bit part in Captain America.


and Ann Boleyn from the Tudors

Conceive Deceive or Leave


You're favorite character was a retard? Won't accept any amount of money for a few minutes work?


I can't now recall as to what reason she gave for not going ahead with it but it was her calm level headed manner when verbally replying that made me like her.


She's trying to be dignified and respectable despite being a prostitute. Rationally, you either do it for money - and if you're offered money, do it - and abandon ideals of dignity and self-respect or you don't become a prostitute. She's trying to be a prostitute and a feminist which may be quite trendy but isn't actually consistent.

I thought the response when she said that they hadn't agreed on 'extras' was spot on: they try to avoid the truth of what they're doing by speaking in so much euphemism that you can't actually understand what they're saying.

In terms of narrative and performance, she's fine. (The writer was probably struggling to come up with female characters but that's only really noticeable with the waitress.) However, in terms of character she is the most flawed of them all, in my opinion.


I believe there are varying levels of prostitution, if you were to ask the lass from the 'secret life of a call girl' books if she enjoyed eating excrement I'd wager she would say she hadn't tried it, nor ever would.

Drawing a line under something is allowed in any profession.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


I wouldn't want to deny anyone the right to refuse work, I just think it's a very arbitrary and illogical line to draw.
And it's been a while since I saw it, but I reckon the character, if not the actual author, of the Secret Life.. was up for a challenge.


I guess it's like honor among thieves, she has her "code of honor". But at the same time I was not under the impression what was requested from her was particularly degrading for a prostitute. I mean she ia blowjob is a blowjob. A little bit fancy maybe but it's not like she was gonna have sex with all of them at once ...

Anyway, I need to admit I was pretty surprised Harry did not tell the agency over the phone about his special request. That was the goof in my opinion.
