Movie about idiots.
These people are waste of space really.
shareFascinating, though, wasn't it? Those people very much exist, and have a lot more power and authority when it comes to changing the country than you or me. I thought the whole 'cover everything with money' philosophy was very interesting. They could have gone a bit further with that - there's a bit where the pub owner comes up when they are trashing the place and he sees they've smashed something in the cupboard, says 'my bowls' or the like. It would have been interesting if they'd gone a little further with that, maybe have had him identify and explain some kind of irreplaceable item that he kept for sentimental reasons but was essentially worthless (something his daughter made him, perhaps - just an idea) and then the film showed the bemused reaction of the boys, struggling to comprehend how any object could be worth more than its monetary value, clueless as to how some things cannot be replaced by throwing money at it. I suppose that was suggested, though, it might have become a bit obvious if they'd pointed it out (this is why I'm not a film maker!)
share"struggling to comprehend how any object could be worth more than its monetary value, clueless as to how some things cannot be replaced by throwing money at it."
That's a good point, though not for Miles. Alistair however was a sheer devil.
"You couldn't be much further from the truth" - several
Typical Tories. They know the price of everything and the value of nothing, and are quite happy to sell over our country's assets to the highest bidder (although in the case of the Royal Mail and RBS they couldn't even get a decent price).
shareThere is an expression in America. "Born on third base and he thinks he hit a home run."
That expression came to mind watching the characters in this film.
"Born on third base and he thinks he hit a home run."I love that expression. Unfortunately, as one can see with the adulation heaped on the far from self-made Donald Trump, sometimes the public can believe that a person born on third base has 'hit a home run'.
So is anyone who would believe that only one person damaged both the dining room and the proprietor so severely. Once that became the conclusion, plus the raging weakness of Miles that spanned from the humiliation of Lauren to his refusal to confess that all had engaged in the brutality (which was obvious to anyone beyond the movie universe anyway), this story just lost it. I guess we were supposed to feel sympathy for Miles because he called the ambulance and went to visit the proprietor, but nope. I'm just glad the film makers didn't compound the ridiculousness by having Lauren forgive him in the end.
shareI don't need everyone to be heroic, so I thought I'd like this. I like dark characters, but I found myself bored with these guys. Had a hard time caring about what happened.