A bit confused...

I enjoyed this movie more than "Left Behind", but one thing had me kind of confused.

In both "Left Behind" and this movie, God only takes the "believers" and the children. And in order to be "saved", you have to accept Him.

Well, in this movie, didn't Allison and Jack accept God? If they did, why were they killed? I mean, Jack was just baptised, for Pete's sake!

I understand that Tommy didn't accept God fast enough, and that's why he was killed...But his friends did, and they were still killed?

After awhile, near the end, I was thinking maybe they needed to turn the other way (accept Satan) to live, but then the blonde girl says she "accepts God"...???

Am I wrong? The volume was pretty low so I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but I got bits and pieces.


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect




They were saved, but also killed by the same means as the unsaved, just sooner - because the Rapture is a limited time-window to 'be saved'/'choose JC'. Tommy was not saved, and presumabley taken by the flying predators with "stingers like that, given to scorpions" just as also referred to in REVELATIONS:09: 'When the 5th angel sounded his trumpet, and opened the abyss, the sun and sky were darkened, and locusts fell upon the Earth..' - the destroyers of the remaining souls were personified as "fallen agnels", who "wanted to torment; destroy."


because the Rapture is a limited time-window to 'be saved'/'choose JC'

^^ OK, that makes sense...But what about Allison and Jack? She chose God when they were still in the hospital, and Jack had himself baptised...yet they were still killed.

And I'm wondering if any of the other survivors, esp that blonde girl who chose God, were saved...


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect


They mentioned near the end they were going after anything that involves faith. That's why he was telling them to turn down the 'Amazing Grace' song.

So as soon as the guy in the parking lot said "The power of Christ compels you" he died. Then they started coming for the pastor when he chose God. Then the girl died immediately when she chose God. Then the guy who lost his girlfriend died when he chose to hate God. Then the ones who were Baptised also died immediately. So I guess it more or less depends on when the people make their choice.


it more or less depends on when the people make their choice.

OK that helps clear things up a little. It's kind of like "Too little, too late"...


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect


"the Rapture is a limited time-window"

Do you need a coupon, too?

Silly goyim.


Not with JR Bob Dobb's Church of the Subgenius. In fact, they guarantee salvation or offer you triple your money back at the gates of hell. I'm sold!


Um, I think them "dying" was actually them being taken by God. Everytime they accepted God, they "died". Remember, those who initially "died" were supposedly taken by God. So dying is God's way of taking those he deems faithful enough.
