Shadow in Hospital

Did anyone notice these little flashes here and there? Like a man's silhouette?

I kept a close eye on the blonde girl because she literally comes from out of nowhere.

She notices the figure, but says nothing. Instead she shows them the video of Allyson accepting God and in that scene it flashes with no figure in the shot.

I think they might've wanted to do like an antichrist thing but ran out of time/budget, which could've made this better.

This isn't a perfect film. It is preachy. But I did enjoy some of it. There were some nice moments.


Are you referring to the shadow of the figure on the window behind Allyson? Yes, I did and it scared me, too. For a film of this genre, I was surprised at how scary it was. One creature that scarred me, what little of it we saw, was the winged creature that got Skylar.

The reason I think they only covered just the Rapture is, there could be a sequel in the works. It would be cool to delve further into the Apocalypse. Maybe do a trilogy.


Sam is the angel samael.

Sorry for the horrible english. I'm Swedish.
