Is Sam an angel?

I've been told twice now that Sam is a angel by two compeletly different people. They didn't watch it together but as soon as they saw her they mentioned that she was an angel. I didn't get that at all. But even at the end of the movie they were still were saying it. I Thought she was some kid that joined them, Right plAce right time type of deal.
Did anyone else get that she was suppose to be an Angel?


I don't think so. The movie made that clear with her flashback. I think it was the movie's way of giving Tommy someone at the end. The idea that my father has that your soul mate (my mother in his case) helps you get to Heaven... that sort of thing...she saved him and he saved her. But in the end, they separated as she chose God....And so did he....The Bible says we need to abandon our loved ones and choose God even over mother father child and spouse or lover...


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


Huh? He didn't save her and he didn't choose God.


I don't knod what she was but she was an oddity from her first appearance to her last. I half expected her to be something evil.


When she was first introduced, I was convinced she was going to be an angel or at least some sort of supernatural character. The way that she was an outsider to the group, seemed to be a tad omniscient in the library (knew exactly where the religion section was and easily handed Skylar the bible when everything was a wreck), and the way she attached herself to their group so arbitrarily all seemed to point to the fact that she had some mysterious larger purpose. However, I don't think the movie's conclusion matched up AT ALL with my first assumption. The video that she was watching of the surprise party confirmed that she was a real person with an actual family, and the ending made her seem just as human as any of the other characters. I don't know how anyone could have a sound argument as to how she really was an angel.


Either she was or the writing was just poor and misleading.
