An Honest Review

Preface: I am not religious. I went through an atheist phase as a teenager but since have just kind of ignored spirituality altogether. I say I'm a lazy Buddhist because I do believe in the conservation of energy and reincarnation but that's about it. So this film was not made for me. If you want to check my posting history you'll see I'm a horror movie fan specializing in Splattergore films.

I watched the Nicolas Cage Left Behind to try to mock how bad it was and only felt myself bored. Their ideas of the rapture were... kind of limited. Just having people turn into clothes? Focusing the rest of the movie on just Cage's plane and his daughter? The entire world of the movie seemed so limiting that, by the end, I just didn't care.

The Remaining is not a future horror classic. But, for what it sets out to do, I think it does so pretty well.

First off: I didn't know the Rapture was so much like a Cloverfield monster. The shaky cam, the trumpets sounding like roars, the Clover-fleas that apparently learned how to fly now...

I thought the acting was solid. I started watching the movie for Alexa VegaPena as I am a huge fan of hers since Repo The Genetic Opera. I thought her character, specifically in one scene, brought more emotion to those left behind than all the characters in Cage's movie did. Having her break down screaming that she did everything right and yet she's still there... I sensed that feeling of betrayal that didn't permeate the other film.

Was the movie preachy? It's hard to say. I'm looking at this from an outsider's point of view. What I saw was anyone accepting god after the Rapture dying a horribly death. It didn't really seem like a righteous end to one's life to me.

I see there are already claims that this movie is just Christian Propaganda but I just don't see it. To me it seemed like the movie Legion mixed with Cloverfield done in a city instead of in a tiny diner out in the desert.

The movie did the right thing, though, by having those who were raptured leave their bodies behind. Just being turned into clothes hurt Left Behind so much. But seeing a scene like a short order cook, raptured, with his now dead corpse frying on the grill? Beautiful.

For this movie to convert anyone to any religious belief, I would have to say their own beliefs would have been pretty shaky to begin with.

Even if you don't believe in God or if you think the Bible is fiction, that fiction can still inspire works of fiction in its own right. That's what I think is the case here.

Is the Remaining a great movie? No. It does feature a few cool scenes in it and it did seem to actually show the destruction of what a theoretical Rapture would look like exponentially better than left behind on what I'm sure was a shoe string budget. I would say the overall preachy scenes take up less than 5 minutes of the overall movie, so those who hate that kind of thing won't be having too much of an eye rolling work out.

Out of 5 stars, I'd give it a 3. If it ended with some kind of twist (I expected the Goth-y girl to reveal herself as the devil or something like that) instead of with a whimper, I might go higher. I don't regret the time I gave the movie like I did after watching Left Behind.

Is that faint praise? Then I guess I'm following in the footsteps of this movie's apparently attempts to preach God.


Thanks for an honest review... I have to say that I agree.

I'm a Christian in the sense that I firmly believe in God and the holy trinity. However there are unfortunately very few Christians that I actually like... for the same reasons that atheists dislike Christians (but with less hatred and assumptions). My reasons include Christians who are hypocrites, who judge others (while forgetting that judgement is reserved for God), and Christians who try to force their religions on others (nothing wrong with sharing, but there is a line and everyone is entitled to their own belief or lack thereof). And lastly I cannot stand Christians who try to tell people they are going to hell. I stopped attending church, because about 80% of the churches I've attended are filled with those types of Christians.

That being said, this film's message was for that 80%... to show them that just because they attend church and have a fish sticker on their cars doesn't mean they won't be left behind. Does anyone really think that those "Christians" from Westboro Church who have the "God hates F%&s" signs are really Christians? I sure hope not. But there are less extreme "Christians" who fall into the same category, as this film showed the two Christian girls who were "left behind". Going to church doesn't make a person a Christian.

I actually had no idea this was a religious film until it started, I just randomly chose it on digital stream. I was surprised at the higher quality, because Christian films tend to be laughably low budget. Also, the actors ranged from decent to good, rather than the usual horrible acting that is frequently found in Christian films.

This movie seems to be marketed towards the Cloverfield/thriller/horror type movies. After all, Christians like these genres too. I didn't find it horribly preachy, which is good.

I think the people who cry about this being religious propaganda are being silly. That is like saying that the Transformers is GM car propaganda to influence you to buy one. Everyone is entitled to their own belief system.
Some Christians only watch religious themed films, so all of those religious movies are made FOR them. And if a non-believer chooses to watch it, then they should do what you did, and just take it for what it is.

If I can watch a movie about a man from Krypton without thinking it is interplanetary propaganda and suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy the film, then non-Christians should be able to suspend their disbelief with this film because for once this is actually a decent Christian film.... it isn't a requirement that the viewer be Christian to think it is a decent film. Thank you for being an open minded former atheist/lazy Buddhist ;)


The girls being Left Behind were the only thing that I really questioned.

Towards the end, every one kind of confessed why they weren't raptured. But Alexa VegaPena's character never got the chance.

I'm guessing her sin was marrying an adulterer? But how could she have known. Or was her sin not getting married in a church? I only question her non-rapture because she seemed to be the only character left behind in the group of main characters who truly seemed like a good person with a strong link to God.


For some reason I have forgotten what happened to Alexa's character... she die from her wounds shortly after being injured

If this film is attempting to have some truth to it from a Christian perspective, there's no way that she was left behind because she married an adulterer... that was her husband's sin and not hers. I think the reason the other women were "raptured" and she wasn't was because the other women repented after the rapture. They confessed their sins and stated their belief in God, honestly and from the heart. The difference with Alexa's character was that even as she was nearing death she didn't do the same (if I recall correctly, please correct me if I'm wrong)even though she was aware of the rapture having taken place.

When you think about it, like the pastor said, a person can go to church every week and even preach while still not being a true Christian. Which I think is the message of the film.... possibly a wake up call to Christians who are far from being actually Christian. I think the other girls got that point and repented from the heart, but Alexa's character didn't, even though she did have the chance to do so because she was one of the first characters to realize it was the rapture.

Good question, hopefully my answer is helpful.


These are my opinions, reached after much debate with my fiancé.

I think they constructed the foundation for her flaws from the beginning. When the documetarian said "the good, the bad and the ugly," Allison's reply was "did you just use the word ugly, at Skylar's wedding?" which, illustrates her vanity/pride.

Her pursuit of an "absolutely perfect" wedding and "Skylar always gets what she wants" as attested to by Tommy and Skylar's parents, illustrates her selfishness.

When the hip-hop music cut in at the reception and Skylar started dancing appropriately(style wise) to it, that was also a symptom of her failure. 95% of rap/hip hop is an affront to Christianity and it's obvious that she's well versed in that style music.

When the crap started to hit the fan, Skylar found a Bible and started reading, then she said "I shouldn't be here! I went to church, I did everything right!" Do we need more instances of her flawed character?

When the group discusses where Allison is, Skylar is opposed to leaving the safety of the library, they're in, to find her. Another illustration of Skylar's selfishness.

That doesn't sound like the attitude of a humble, selfless, generous, caring Christian, does it?

It was amusing that one of the main group suggested "maybe it was aliens" as the cause of this phenomena. Willing to accept that explanation quicker than in an act of God. Why is that? Think about it.

Being a Christian isn't promised to be an easy path as there are temptations of all kinds daily.

We want anyone who would happen to be reading this, to know that we're not "holier then thou" and are sinners that are a work in progress. Thank You 😉

We Are Lost People...


he said that she went to church every week but that she never really believed. that was her sin.


Yes, I forgot that part! She was just like the Pastor.


Good review, though I'm sorry you didn't like "Left Behind"; I did very much. But you should know, it's just the beginning of a big story.


Good, useful review. I would say it was helpful if it were with the other reviews.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


Best review I've read on this film so far. Word for word (except for our differing faiths) I don't think I could agree more in fact.

If the intent was to convert non-believers it's likely going to fail miserably. But if the main goal was above all else to entertain lovers of horror then at least some limited success is possible.

5 out of 10 stars for me on this one, based solely on it's merits as a horror film.

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! THIS IS THE WAR ROOM!


The only redeeming quality in this movie is Italia Ricci who happens to one of the three most beautiful women on this planet.

I wonder if she'll marry me and have my babies.


I actually thought Sam was going to be revealed to be an angel, lol. We see her walk away after declaring her choice but not really what happened next because the last guy got it and the screen went black. I thought wings were going to sprout from her back as she walked away from him.

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Great review

17 year veteran of the console game industry.
